[platal.git] / modules / fusionax.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Polytechnique.org *
4 * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 * Foundation, Inc., *
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 /**
23 * Module to merge data from AX database: this will only be used once on
24 * production site and should be removed afterwards.
25 *
26 * Module to import data from another database of alumni that had
27 * different schemas. The organization that used this db is called AX
28 * hence the name of this module.
29 *
30 * Datas are stored in an export file.
31 */
32 class FusionAxModule extends PLModule
33 {
34 function handlers()
35 {
36 if (Platal::globals()->merge->state == 'pending') {
37 return array(
38 'fusionax' => $this->make_hook('index', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
39 'fusionax/import' => $this->make_hook('import', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
40 'fusionax/view' => $this->make_hook('view', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
41 'fusionax/ids' => $this->make_hook('ids', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
42 'fusionax/deceased' => $this->make_hook('deceased', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
43 'fusionax/promo' => $this->make_hook('promo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
44 'fusionax/names' => $this->make_hook('names', AUTH_MDP, 'admin')
45 );
46 } elseif (Platal::globals()->merge->state == 'done') {
47 return array(
48 'fusionax' => $this->make_hook('index', AUTH_MDP, 'admin,edit_directory'),
49 'fusionax/issues' => $this->make_hook('issues', AUTH_MDP, 'admin,edit_directory'),
50 'fusionax/issues/deathdate' => $this->make_hook('issues_deathdate', AUTH_MDP, 'admin,edit_directory'),
51 'fusionax/issues/promo' => $this->make_hook('issues_promo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin,edit_directory'),
52 );
53 }
54 }
57 function handler_index(&$page)
58 {
59 if (Platal::globals()->merge->state == 'pending') {
60 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/index.tpl');
61 } elseif (Platal::globals()->merge->state == 'done') {
62 $issueList = array(
63 'name' => 'noms',
64 'job' => 'emplois',
65 'address' => 'adresses',
66 'promo' => 'promotions',
67 'deathdate' => 'dates de décès',
68 'phone' => 'téléphones',
69 'education' => 'formations',
70 );
71 $issues = XDB::rawFetchOneAssoc("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total,
72 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('name', issues)) DIV 1 AS name,
73 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('job', issues)) DIV 2 AS job,
74 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('address', issues)) DIV 3 AS address,
75 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('promo', issues)) DIV 4 AS promo,
76 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('deathdate', issues)) DIV 5 AS deathdate,
77 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('phone', issues)) DIV 6 AS phone,
78 SUM(FIND_IN_SET('education', issues)) DIV 7 AS education
79 FROM profile_merge_issues
80 WHERE issues IS NOT NULL OR issues != ''");
81 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/issues.tpl');
82 $page->assign('issues', $issues);
83 $page->assign('issueList', $issueList);
84 }
85 }
87 /** Import de l'annuaire de l'AX depuis l'export situé dans le home de jacou */
88 function handler_import(&$page, $action = 'index', $file = '')
89 {
90 if ($action == 'index') {
91 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/import.tpl');
92 return;
93 }
95 // toutes les actions sont faites en ajax en utilisant jquery
96 header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8');
98 // log des actions
99 $report = array();
101 $modulepath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fusionax/') . '/';
102 $spoolpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../spool/fusionax/') . '/';
104 if ($action == 'launch') {
105 if ($file == '') {
106 $report[] = 'Nom de fichier non renseigné.';
107 } elseif (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../spool/fusionax/' . $file)) {
108 $report[] = 'Le fichier ne se situe pas au bon endroit.';
109 } else {
110 // séparation de l'archive en fichiers par tables
111 $file = $spoolpath . $file;
112 // Removes master and doctorate students
113 exec('grep -v "^[A-Z]\{2\}.[0-9]\{4\}[MD][0-9]\{3\}" ' . $file . ' > ' . $file . '.tmp');
114 exec('mv -f ' . $file . '.tmp ' . $file);
115 // Split export into specialised files
116 exec('grep "^AD" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Adresses.txt');
117 exec('grep "^AN" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Anciens.txt');
118 exec('grep "^FO" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations.txt');
119 exec('grep "^AC" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Activites.txt');
120 exec('grep "^EN" ' . $file . ' > ' . $spoolpath . 'Entreprises.txt');
121 exec($modulepath . 'formation.pl');
122 exec('mv -f ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations_out.txt ' . $spoolpath . 'Formations.txt');
123 $report[] = 'Fichier parsé.';
124 $report[] = 'Import dans la base en cours...';
125 $next = 'integrateSQL';
126 }
127 } elseif ($action == 'integrateSQL') {
128 // intégration des données dans la base MySQL
129 // liste des fichiers sql à exécuter
130 $filesSQL = array(
131 0 => 'Activites.sql',
132 1 => 'Adresses.sql',
133 2 => 'Anciens.sql',
134 3 => 'Formations.sql',
135 4 => 'Entreprises.sql'
136 );
137 if ($file != '') {
138 // récupère le contenu du fichier sql
139 $queries = explode(';', file_get_contents($modulepath . $filesSQL[$file]));
140 foreach ($queries as $q) {
141 if (trim($q)) {
142 // coupe le fichier en requêtes individuelles
143 if (substr($q, 0, 2) == '--') {
144 // affiche les commentaires dans le report
145 $lines = explode("\n", $q);
146 $l = $lines[0];
147 $report[] = addslashes($l);
148 }
149 // exécute la requête
150 XDB::execute(str_replace('{?}', $spoolpath, $q));
151 }
152 }
153 // trouve le prochain fichier à exécuter
154 $nextfile = $file + 1;
155 } else {
156 $nextfile = 0;
157 }
158 if ($nextfile > 4) {
159 // tous les fichiers ont été exécutés, on passe à l'étape suivante
160 $next = 'adds1920';
161 } else {
162 // on passe au fichier suivant
163 $next = 'integrateSQL/' . $nextfile;
164 }
165 } elseif ($action == 'adds1920') {
166 // Adds promotion 1920 from AX db.
167 $report[] = 'Ajout de la promotion 1920';
168 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT prenom, Nom_complet, ax_id
169 FROM fusionax_anciens
170 WHERE promotion_etude = 1920;');
172 $nameTypes = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::NAMETYPES);
173 $nameTypes = array_flip($nameTypes);
174 $eduSchools = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS);
175 $eduSchools = array_flip($eduSchools);
176 $eduDegrees = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES);
177 $eduDegrees = array_flip($eduDegrees);
178 $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_X];
179 $entry_year = 1920;
180 $grad_year = 1923;
181 $promo = 'X1920';
182 $sex = PlUser::GENDER_MALE;
183 $xorgId = 19200000;
184 $type = 'x';
186 while (list($firstname, $lastname, $ax_id) = $res->next()) {
187 $hrid = self::getHrid($firstname, $lastname, $promo);
188 $res1 = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
189 FROM accounts
190 WHERE hruid = {?}', $hrid);
191 $res2 = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
192 FROM profiles
193 WHERE hrpid = {?}', $hrid);
194 if (is_null($hrid) || $res1->fetchOneCell() > 0 || $res2->fetchOneCell() > 0) {
195 $report[] = $ax_id . ' non ajouté';
196 }
197 $fullName = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname;
198 $directoryName = $lastname . ' ' . $firstname;
199 ++$xorgId;
201 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO profiles (hrpid, xorg_id, ax_id, sex)
202 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
203 $hrid, $xorgId, $ax_id, $sex);
204 $pid = XDB::insertId();
205 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO profile_name (pid, name, typeid)
206 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})',
207 $pid, $lastname, $nameTypes['name_ini']);
208 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO profile_name (pid, name, typeid)
209 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})',
210 $pid, $firstname, $nameTypes['firstname_ini']);
211 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO profile_display (pid, yourself, public_name, private_name,
212 directory_name, short_name, sort_name, promo)
213 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
214 $pid, $firstname, $fullName, $fullName, $directoryName, $fullName, $directoryName, $promo);
215 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO profile_education (pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, flags)
216 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
217 $pid, $eduSchools[Profile::EDU_X], $degreeid, $entry_year, $grad_year, 'primary');
218 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO accounts (hruid, type, is_admin, state, full_name, directory_name, display_name, sex)
219 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
220 $hrid, $type, 0, 'active', $fullName, $directoryName, $lastname, $sex);
221 $uid = XDB::insertId();
222 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO account_profiles (uid, pid, perms)
223 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})',
224 $uid, $pid, 'owner');
225 }
226 $report[] = 'Promo 1920 ajoutée.';
227 $next = 'view';
228 } elseif ($action == 'view') {
229 XDB::execute('CREATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=MERGE VIEW fusionax_xorg_anciens AS
230 SELECT p.pid, p.ax_id, pd.promo, pd.private_name, pd.public_name,
231 pd.sort_name, pd.short_name, pd.directory_name
232 FROM profiles AS p
233 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd USING(pid)');
234 $next = 'clean';
235 } elseif ($action == 'clean') {
236 // nettoyage du fichier temporaire
237 exec('rm -Rf ' . $spoolpath);
238 $report[] = 'Import finit.';
239 }
240 foreach($report as $t) {
241 // affiche les lignes de report
242 echo "$('#fusionax').append('" . $t . "<br/>');\n";
243 }
244 if (isset($next)) {
245 // lance le prochain script s'il y en a un
246 echo "$.getScript('fusionax/import/" . $next . "');";
247 }
248 // exit pour ne pas afficher la page template par défaut
249 exit;
250 }
252 function handler_view(&$page, $action = '')
253 {
254 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/view.tpl');
255 if ($action == 'create') {
256 XDB::execute('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS fusionax_deceased');
257 XDB::execute('CREATE VIEW fusionax_deceased AS
258 SELECT p.pid, a.ax_id, pd.private_name, pd.promo, p.deathdate AS deces_xorg, a.Date_deces AS deces_ax
259 FROM profiles AS p
260 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid)
261 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS a ON (a.ax_id = p.ax_id)
262 WHERE p.deathdate != a.Date_deces');
263 XDB::execute('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS fusionax_promo');
264 XDB::execute('CREATE VIEW fusionax_promo AS
265 SELECT p.pid, p.ax_id, pd.private_name, pd.promo, pe.entry_year AS promo_etude_xorg,
266 f.promotion_etude AS promo_etude_ax, pe.grad_year AS promo_sortie_xorg
267 FROM profiles AS p
268 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid)
269 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (p.pid = pe.pid)
270 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
271 WHERE pd.promo != CONCAT(\'X\', f.promotion_etude)
272 AND !(f.promotion_etude = pe.entry_year + 1 AND pe.grad_year = pe.entry_year + 4)');
273 $page->trigSuccess('Les VIEW ont bien été créées.');
274 }
275 }
277 /* Mets à NULL le matricule_ax de ces camarades pour marquer le fait qu'ils ne figurent pas dans l'annuaire de l'AX */
278 private static function clear_wrong_in_xorg($pid)
279 {
280 $res = XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_xorg_anciens
281 SET ax_id = NULL
282 WHERE pid = {?}', $pid);
283 if (!$res) {
284 return 0;
285 }
286 return XDB::affectedRows() / 2;
287 }
289 /* Cherche les les anciens présents dans Xorg avec un matricule_ax ne correspondant à rien dans la base de l'AX
290 * (mises à part les promo 1921 et 1923 qui ne figurent pas dans les données de l'AX)*/
291 private static function find_wrong_in_xorg($limit = 10)
292 {
293 return XDB::iterator('SELECT u.promo, u.pid, u.private_name
294 FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
296 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
297 WHERE f.ax_id = u.ax_id)
298 AND u.ax_id IS NOT NULL AND promo != \'X1921\' AND promo != \'X1923\'');
299 }
301 /** Lier les identifiants d'un ancien dans les deux annuaires
302 * @param user_id identifiant dans l'annuaire X.org
303 * @param matricule_ax identifiant dans l'annuaire de l'AX
304 * @return 0 si la liaison a échoué, 1 sinon
305 */
306 private static function link_by_ids($pid, $ax_id)
307 {
308 $res = XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_import AS i
309 INNER JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
310 SET u.ax_id = i.ax_id,
311 i.pid = u.pid,
312 i.date_match_id = NOW()
313 WHERE i.ax_id = {?} AND u.pid = {?}
314 AND (u.ax_id != {?} OR u.ax_id IS NULL
315 OR i.pid != {?} OR i.pid IS NULL)',
316 $ax_id, $pid, $ax_id, $pid);
317 if (!$res) {
318 return 0;
319 }
320 return XDB::affectedRows() / 2;
321 }
323 /** Recherche automatique d'anciens à lier entre les deux annuaires
324 * @param limit nombre d'anciens à trouver au max
325 * @param sure si true, ne trouve que des anciens qui sont quasi sûrs
326 * @return un XOrgDBIterator sur les entrées avec display_name, promo,
327 * pid, ax_id et display_name_ax
328 */
329 private static function find_easy_to_link($limit = 10, $sure = false)
330 {
331 $easy_to_link = XDB::iterator("
332 SELECT u.private_name, u.promo, u.pid, ax.ax_id,
333 CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet, ' (X', ax.promotion_etude, ')') AS display_name_ax,
334 COUNT(*) AS nbMatches
335 FROM fusionax_anciens AS ax
336 INNER JOIN fusionax_import AS i ON (i.ax_id = ax.ax_id AND i.pid IS NULL)
337 LEFT JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u ON (u.ax_id IS NULL
338 AND u.promo = CONCAT('X', ax.promotion_etude)
339 AND (CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet) = u.private_name
340 OR CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet) = u.public_name
341 OR CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet) = u.short_name))
342 GROUP BY u.pid
343 HAVING u.pid IS NOT NULL AND nbMatches = 1" . ($limit ? (' LIMIT ' . $limit) : ''));
344 if ($easy_to_link->total() > 0 || $sure) {
345 return $easy_to_link;
346 }
347 return XDB::iterator("
348 SELECT u.private_name, u.promo, u.pid, ax.ax_id,
349 CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet, ' (X', ax.promotion_etude, ')') AS display_name_ax,
350 COUNT(*) AS nbMatches
351 FROM fusionax_anciens AS ax
352 INNER JOIN fusionax_import AS i ON (i.ax_id = ax.ax_id AND i.pid IS NULL)
353 LEFT JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u ON (u.ax_id IS NULL
354 AND (CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet) = u.private_name
355 OR CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet) = u.public_name
356 OR CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet) = u.short_name)
357 AND u.promo < CONCAT('X', ax.promotion_etude + 2)
358 AND u.promo > CONCAT('X', ax.promotion_etude - 2))
359 GROUP BY u.pid
360 HAVING u.pid IS NOT NULL AND nbMatches = 1" . ($limit ? (' LIMIT ' . $limit) : ''));
361 }
363 /** Module de mise en correspondance les ids */
364 function handler_ids(&$page, $part = 'main', $pid = null, $ax_id = null)
365 {
366 $nbToLink = 100;
367 $page->assign('xorg_title', 'Polytechnique.org - Fusion - Mise en correspondance simple');
369 if ($part == 'missingInAX') {
370 // locate all persons from this database that are not in AX's
371 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/idsMissingInAx.tpl');
372 $missingInAX = XDB::iterator('SELECT promo, pid, private_name
373 FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens
374 WHERE ax_id IS NULL');
375 $page->assign('missingInAX', $missingInAX);
376 return;
377 }
378 if ($part == 'missingInXorg') {
379 // locate all persons from AX's database that are not here
380 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/idsMissingInXorg.tpl');
381 $missingInXorg = XDB::iterator("SELECT CONCAT(a.prenom, ' ', a.Nom_usuel) AS private_name,
382 a.promotion_etude AS promo, a.ax_id
383 FROM fusionax_import
384 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS a USING (ax_id)
385 WHERE fusionax_import.pid IS NULL");
386 $page->assign('missingInXorg', $missingInXorg);
387 return;
388 }
389 if ($part == 'wrongInXorg') {
390 // locate all persons from Xorg database that have a bad AX id
391 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/idswrongInXorg.tpl');
392 $wrongInXorg = FusionAxModule::find_wrong_in_xorg($nbToLink);
393 $page->assign('wrongInXorg', $wrongInXorg);
394 return;
395 }
396 if ($part == 'cleanwronginxorg') {
397 $linksToDo = FusionAxModule::find_wrong_in_xorg($nbToLink);
398 while ($l = $linksToDo->next()) {
399 FusionAxModule::clear_wrong_in_xorg($l['pid']);
400 }
401 pl_redirect('fusionax/ids/wrongInXorg');
402 }
403 if ($part == 'lier') {
404 if (Post::has('user_id') && Post::has('matricule_ax')) {
405 FusionAxModule::link_by_ids(Post::i('pid'), Post::v('ax_id'));
406 }
407 }
408 if ($part == 'link') {
409 FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($pid, $ax_id);
410 exit;
411 }
412 if ($part == 'linknext') {
413 $linksToDo = FusionAxModule::find_easy_to_link($nbToLink);
414 while ($l = $linksToDo->next()) {
415 FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($l['pid'], $l['ax_id']);
416 }
417 pl_redirect('fusionax/ids#autolink');
418 }
419 if ($part == 'linkall') {
420 $linksToDo = FusionAxModule::find_easy_to_link(0);
421 while ($l = $linksToDo->next()) {
422 FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($l['pid'], $l['ax_id']);
423 }
424 }
425 {
426 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/ids.tpl');
427 $missingInAX = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
428 FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens
429 WHERE ax_id IS NULL');
430 if ($missingInAX) {
431 $page->assign('nbMissingInAX', $missingInAX->fetchOneCell());
432 }
433 $missingInXorg = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
434 FROM fusionax_import
435 WHERE pid IS NULL');
436 if ($missingInXorg) {
437 $page->assign('nbMissingInXorg', $missingInXorg->fetchOneCell());
438 }
439 $wrongInXorg = FusionAxModule::find_wrong_in_xorg($nbToLink);
440 if ($wrongInXorg->total() > 0) {
441 $page->assign('wrongInXorg', $wrongInXorg->total());
442 }
443 $easyToLink = FusionAxModule::find_easy_to_link($nbToLink);
444 if ($easyToLink->total() > 0) {
445 $page->assign('nbMatch', $easyToLink->total());
446 $page->assign('easyToLink', $easyToLink);
447 }
448 }
449 }
451 function handler_deceased(&$page, $action = '')
452 {
453 if ($action == 'updateXorg') {
454 XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_deceased
455 SET deces_xorg = deces_ax
456 WHERE deces_xorg = "0000-00-00"');
457 }
458 if ($action == 'updateAX') {
459 XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_deceased
460 SET deces_ax = deces_xorg
461 WHERE deces_ax = "0000-00-00"');
462 }
463 if ($action == 'update') {
464 if (Post::has('pid') && Post::has('date')) {
465 XDB::execute('UPDATE fusionax_deceased
466 SET deces_ax = {?}, deces_xorg = {?}
467 WHERE pid = {?}',
468 Post::v('date'), Post::v('date'), Post::i('pid'));
469 }
470 }
471 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/deceased.tpl');
472 // deceased
473 $deceasedErrorsSql = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fusionax_deceased');
474 $page->assign('deceasedErrors', $deceasedErrorsSql->fetchOneCell());
475 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, ax_id, promo, private_name, deces_ax
476 FROM fusionax_deceased
477 WHERE deces_xorg = "0000-00-00"
478 LIMIT 10');
479 $page->assign('nbDeceasedMissingInXorg', $res->total());
480 $page->assign('deceasedMissingInXorg', $res);
481 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, ax_id, promo, private_name, deces_xorg
482 FROM fusionax_deceased
483 WHERE deces_ax = "0000-00-00"
484 LIMIT 10');
485 $page->assign('nbDeceasedMissingInAX', $res->total());
486 $page->assign('deceasedMissingInAX', $res);
487 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, ax_id, promo, private_name, deces_xorg, deces_ax
488 FROM fusionax_deceased
489 WHERE deces_xorg != "0000-00-00" AND deces_ax != "0000-00-00"');
490 $page->assign('nbDeceasedDifferent', $res->total());
491 $page->assign('deceasedDifferent', $res);
492 }
494 function handler_promo(&$page, $action = '')
495 {
496 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/promo.tpl');
497 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, private_name, promo_etude_xorg, promo_sortie_xorg, promo_etude_ax, promo
498 FROM fusionax_promo
499 WHERE !(promo_etude_ax + 1 = promo_etude_xorg AND promo_etude_xorg + 3 = promo_sortie_xorg)
500 AND !(promo_etude_ax + 1 = promo_etude_xorg AND promo_etude_xorg + 4 = promo_sortie_xorg)
501 AND !(promo_etude_ax = promo_etude_xorg + 1)
502 ORDER BY promo_etude_xorg');
503 $nbMissmatchingPromos = $res->total();
504 $page->assign('nbMissmatchingPromos', $res->total());
505 $page->assign('missmatchingPromos', $res);
507 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, private_name, promo_etude_xorg, promo_sortie_xorg, promo_etude_ax, promo
508 FROM fusionax_promo
509 WHERE promo_etude_ax = promo_etude_xorg + 1
510 ORDER BY promo_etude_xorg');
511 $nbMissmatchingPromos += $res->total();
512 $page->assign('nbMissmatchingPromos1', $res->total());
513 $page->assign('missmatchingPromos1', $res);
515 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, private_name, promo_etude_xorg, promo_sortie_xorg, promo_etude_ax, promo
516 FROM fusionax_promo
517 WHERE promo_etude_ax + 1 = promo_etude_xorg AND promo_etude_xorg + 3 = promo_sortie_xorg
518 ORDER BY promo_etude_xorg');
519 $nbMissmatchingPromos += $res->total();
520 $page->assign('nbMissmatchingPromos2', $res->total());
521 $page->assign('missmatchingPromos2', $res);
523 $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, private_name, promo_etude_xorg, promo_sortie_xorg, promo_etude_ax, promo
524 FROM fusionax_promo
525 WHERE promo_etude_ax + 1 = promo_etude_xorg AND promo_etude_xorg + 4 = promo_sortie_xorg
526 ORDER BY promo_etude_xorg');
527 $nbMissmatchingPromos += $res->total();
528 $page->assign('nbMissmatchingPromos3', $res->total());
529 $page->assign('missmatchingPromos3', $res);
531 $page->assign('nbMissmatchingPromosTotal', $nbMissmatchingPromos);
532 }
534 function handler_names(&$page, $action = '')
535 {
536 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/names.tpl');
538 $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
539 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
540 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)');
541 $page->assign('total', $res->fetchOneCell());
543 // To be checked:
544 // | lastname | 1 |
545 // | lastname_marital | 2 |
546 // | lastname_ordinary | 3 |
547 // | firstname | 4 |
548 // | firstname_ordinary | 7 |
549 // | firstname_other | 8 |
550 // | name_other | 9 |
551 // | name_ini | 10 |
552 // | firstname_ini | 11 |
553 $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*)
554 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
555 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
556 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pnp ON (p.pid = pnp.pid AND pnp.typeid = 1)
557 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pnm ON (p.pid = pnm.pid AND pnm.typeid = 2)
558 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pno ON (p.pid = pno.pid AND pno.typeid = 3)
559 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pne ON (p.pid = pne.pid AND pne.typeid = 9)
560 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pni ON (p.pid = pni.pid AND pni.typeid = 10)
561 WHERE IF(f.partic_patro, CONCAT(f.partic_patro, CONCAT(' ', f.Nom_patronymique)), f.Nom_patronymique) NOT IN (pnp.name, pno.name, pnm.name, pne.name, pni.name)
562 OR IF(f.partic_nom, CONCAT(f.partic_nom, CONCAT(' ', f.Nom_usuel)), f.Nom_usuel) NOT IN (pnp.name, pno.name, pnm.name, pne.name, pni.name)
563 OR f.Nom_complet NOT IN (pnp.name, pno.name, pnm.name, pne.name, pni.name)");
564 $page->assign('lastnameIssues', $res->fetchOneCell());
566 $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
567 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
568 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
569 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pnf ON (p.pid = pnf.pid AND pnf.typeid = 4)
570 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pno ON (p.pid = pno.pid AND pno.typeid = 7)
571 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pne ON (p.pid = pne.pid AND pne.typeid = 8)
572 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pni ON (p.pid = pni.pid AND pni.typeid = 11)
573 WHERE f.prenom NOT IN (pnf.name, pno.name, pne.name, pni.name)');
574 $page->assign('firstnameIssues', $res->fetchOneCell());
576 }
578 function handler_issues_deathdate(&$page, $action = '')
579 {
580 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/deathdate_issues.tpl');
581 if ($action == 'edit') {
582 S::assert_xsrf_token();
584 $issues = XDB::rawIterRow('SELECT p.pid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo, pm.deathdate_ax, p.deathdate
585 FROM profile_merge_issues AS pm
586 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
587 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
588 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'deathdate\', pm.issues)
589 ORDER BY pd.directory_name');
590 while (list($pid, $name, $promo, $deathAX, $deathXorg) = $issues->next()) {
591 $choiceAX = Post::has('AX_' . $pid);
592 $choiceXorg = Post::has('XORG_' . $pid);
593 if (!($choiceAX || $choiceXorg)) {
594 continue;
595 }
597 if ($choiceAX) {
598 XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles AS p
599 INNER JOIN profile_merge_issues AS pm ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
600 SET p.deathdate = pm.deathdate_ax, p.deathdate_rec = NOW()
601 WHERE p.pid = {?}', $pid);
602 }
603 XDB::execute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues
604 SET issues = REPLACE(issues, 'deathdate', '')
605 WHERE pid = {?}", $pid());
606 $page->trigSuccess("La date de décès de $name ($promo) a bien été corrigée.");
607 }
608 }
610 $issues = XDB::rawFetchAllAssoc('SELECT p.pid, p.hrpid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo, pm.deathdate_ax, p.deathdate
611 FROM profile_merge_issues AS pm
612 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
613 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
614 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'deathdate\', pm.issues)
615 ORDER BY pd.directory_name');
616 $page->assign('issues', $issues);
617 $page->assign('total', count($issues));
618 }
620 function handler_issues_promo(&$page, $action = '')
621 {
622 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/promo_issues.tpl');
623 if ($action == 'edit') {
624 S::assert_xsrf_token();
626 $issues = XDB::rawIterRow('SELECT p.pid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo, pm.entry_year_ax, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year
627 FROM profile_merge_issues AS pm
628 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
629 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
630 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags))
631 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'promo\', pm.issues)
632 ORDER BY pd.directory_name');
633 while (list($pid, $name, $promo, $deathAX, $deathXorgEntry, $deathXorgGrad) = $issues->next()) {
634 $choiceXorg = Post::has('XORG_' . $pid);
635 if (!(Post::has('display_' . $pid) && Post::has('entry_' . $pid) && Post::has('grad_' . $pid))) {
636 continue;
637 }
639 $display = Post::i('display_' . $pid);
640 $entry = Post::i('entry_' . $pid);
641 $grad = Post::i('grad_' . $pid);
642 if (!(($grad <= $entry + 5 && $grad >= $entry + 3) && ($display >= $entry && $display <= $grad - 3))) {
643 $page->trigError("La promotion de $name n'a pas été corrigée.");
644 continue;
645 }
646 XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_display
647 SET promo = {?}
648 WHERE pid = {?}', 'X' . $display, $pid);
649 XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_education
650 SET entry_year = {?}, grad_year = {?}
651 WHERE pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', flags)', $entry, $grad, $pid);
652 $page->trigSuccess("La promotion de $name a bien été corrigée.");
653 }
654 }
656 $issues = XDB::rawFetchAllAssoc('SELECT p.pid, p.hrpid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo, pm.entry_year_ax, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year
657 FROM profile_merge_issues AS pm
658 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
659 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
660 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags))
661 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'promo\', pm.issues)
662 ORDER BY pd.directory_name');
663 $page->assign('issues', $issues);
664 $page->assign('total', count($issues));
665 }
667 function handler_issues(&$page, $action = '')
668 {
669 static $issueList = array(
670 'name' => 'noms',
671 'phone' => 'téléphones',
672 'education' => 'formations',
673 'address' => 'adresses',
674 'job' => 'emplois'
675 );
677 if (!array_key_exists($action, $issueList)) {
678 pl_redirect('fusionax');
679 } else {
680 $total = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*)
681 FROM profile_merge_issues
682 WHERE FIND_IN_SET({?}, issues)', $action);
683 if ($total == 0) {
684 pl_redirect('fusionax');
685 }
687 $issues = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT p.hrpid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo
688 FROM profile_merge_issues AS pm
689 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
690 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
691 WHERE FIND_IN_SET({?}, pm.issues)
692 ORDER BY pd.directory_name
693 LIMIT 100', $action);
695 $page->changeTpl('fusionax/other_issues.tpl');
696 $page->assign('issues', $issues);
697 $page->assign('issue', $issueList[$action]);
698 $page->assign('total', $total);
699 }
700 }
701 }
703 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
704 ?>