[platal.git] / include / xorg / session.inc.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Polytechnique.org *
4 * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 * Foundation, Inc., *
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 require_once 'xorg.misc.inc.php';
24 class XorgSession
25 {
26 // {{{ public static function init
28 public static function init()
29 {
30 S::init();
31 if (!S::has('uid')) {
32 try_cookie();
33 }
34 if ((check_ip('dangerous') && S::has('uid')) || check_account()) {
35 $_SESSION['log']->log("view_page", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
36 }
37 }
39 // }}}
40 // {{{ public static function destroy()
42 public static function destroy()
43 {
44 S::destroy();
45 XorgSession::init();
46 }
48 // }}}
49 // {{{ public static function doAuth()
51 public static function doAuth($new_name = false)
52 {
53 global $globals;
54 if (S::identified()) { // ok, c'est bon, on n'a rien à faire
55 return true;
56 }
58 if (!Env::has('username') || !Env::has('response')
59 || !S::has('challenge'))
60 {
61 return false;
62 }
64 // si on vient de recevoir une identification par passwordpromptscreen.tpl
65 // ou passwordpromptscreenlogged.tpl
66 if (S::has('suid')) {
67 $suid = S::v('suid');
68 $login = $uname = $suid['forlife'];
69 $redirect = false;
70 } else {
71 $uname = Env::v('username');
73 if (Env::v('domain') == "alias") {
74 $res = XDB::query(
75 "SELECT redirect
76 FROM virtual
77 INNER JOIN virtual_redirect USING(vid)
78 WHERE alias LIKE {?}", $uname."@".$globals->mail->alias_dom);
79 $redirect = $res->fetchOneCell();
80 if ($redirect) {
81 $login = substr($redirect, 0, strpos($redirect, '@'));
82 } else {
83 $login = "";
84 }
85 } else {
86 $login = $uname;
87 $redirect = false;
88 }
89 }
91 $field = (!$redirect && preg_match('/^\d*$/', $uname)) ? 'id' : 'alias';
92 $res = XDB::query(
93 "SELECT u.user_id, u.password
94 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
95 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( a.id=u.user_id AND type!='homonyme' )
96 WHERE a.$field = {?} AND u.perms IN('admin','user')", $login);
98 $logger = S::v('log');
99 if (list($uid, $password) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
100 require_once('secure_hash.inc.php');
101 $expected_response = hash_encrypt("$uname:$password:".S::v('challenge'));
102 // le password de la base est peut-être encore encodé en md5
103 if (Env::v('response') != $expected_response) {
104 $new_password = hash_xor(Env::v('xorpass'), $password);
105 $expected_response = hash_encrypt("$uname:$new_password:".S::v('challenge'));
106 if (Env::v('response') == $expected_response) {
107 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET password = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}",
108 $new_password, $uid);
109 }
110 }
111 if (Env::v('response') == $expected_response) {
112 if (Env::has('domain')) {
113 if (($domain = Env::v('domain', 'login')) == 'alias') {
114 setcookie('ORGdomain', "alias", (time()+25920000), '/', '', 0);
115 } else {
116 setcookie('ORGdomain', '', (time()-3600), '/', '', 0);
117 }
118 // pour que la modification soit effective dans le reste de la page
119 $_COOKIE['ORGdomain'] = $domain;
120 }
122 S::kill('challenge');
123 if ($logger) {
124 $logger->log('auth_ok');
125 }
126 if (!start_connexion($uid, true)) {
127 return false;
128 }
129 if (Env::v('remember', 'false') == 'true') {
130 $cookie = hash_encrypt(S::v('password'));
131 setcookie('ORGaccess',$cookie,(time()+25920000),'/','',0);
132 if ($logger) {
133 $logger->log("cookie_on");
134 }
135 } else {
136 setcookie('ORGaccess', '', time() - 3600, '/', '', 0);
138 if ($logger) {
139 $logger->log("cookie_off");
140 }
141 }
142 return true;
143 } elseif ($logger) {
144 $logger->log('auth_fail','bad password');
145 }
146 } elseif ($logger) {
147 $logger->log('auth_fail','bad login');
148 }
150 return false;
151 }
153 // }}}
154 // {{{ public static function doAuthCookie()
156 /** Try to do a cookie-based authentication.
157 *
158 * @param page the calling page (by reference)
159 */
160 public static function doAuthCookie()
162 {
163 if (S::logged()) {
164 return true;
165 }
167 if (Env::has('username') and Env::has('response')) {
168 return XorgSession::doAuth();
169 }
171 if ($r = try_cookie()) {
172 return XorgSession::doAuth(($r > 0));
173 }
175 return false;
176 }
178 // }}}
179 // {{{ public static function make_perms()
181 public static function &make_perms($perm)
182 {
183 $flags = new FlagSet();
184 if ($perm == 'disabled' || $perm == 'ext') {
185 return $flags;
186 }
187 $flags->addFlag(PERMS_USER);
188 if ($perm == 'admin') {
189 $flags->addFlag(PERMS_ADMIN);
190 }
191 return $flags;
192 }
194 // }}}
195 }
197 // {{{ function try_cookie()
199 /** réalise la récupération de $_SESSION pour qqn avec cookie
200 * @return int 0 if all OK, -1 if no cookie, 1 if cookie with bad hash,
201 * -2 should not happen
202 */
203 function try_cookie()
204 {
205 if (Cookie::v('ORGaccess') == '' or !Cookie::has('ORGuid')) {
206 return -1;
207 }
209 $res = @XDB::query(
210 "SELECT user_id,password FROM auth_user_md5
211 WHERE user_id = {?} AND perms IN('admin','user')",
212 Cookie::i('ORGuid'));
214 if ($res->numRows() != 0) {
215 list($uid, $password) = $res->fetchOneRow();
216 require_once('secure_hash.inc.php');
217 $expected_value = hash_encrypt($password);
218 if ($expected_value == Cookie::v('ORGaccess')) {
219 if (!start_connexion($uid, false)) {
220 return -3;
221 }
222 return 0;
223 } else {
224 return 1;
225 }
226 }
228 return -2;
229 }
231 // }}}
232 // {{{ function start_connexion()
234 /** place les variables de session dépendants de auth_user_md5
235 * et met à jour les dates de dernière connexion si nécessaire
236 * @return void
237 * @see controlpermanent.inc.php controlauthentication.inc.php
238 */
239 function start_connexion ($uid, $identified)
240 {
241 $res = XDB::query("
242 SELECT u.user_id AS uid, prenom, prenom_ini, nom, nom_ini, nom_usage, perms, promo, promo_sortie,
243 matricule, password, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS femme,
244 a.alias AS forlife, a2.alias AS bestalias,
245 q.core_mail_fmt AS mail_fmt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(q.banana_last) AS banana_last, q.watch_last, q.core_rss_hash,
246 FIND_IN_SET('watch', u.flags) AS watch_account, q.last_version
247 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
248 INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q USING(user_id)
249 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
250 INNER JOIN aliases AS a2 ON (u.user_id = a2.id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',a2.flags))
251 WHERE u.user_id = {?} AND u.perms IN('admin','user')", $uid);
252 $sess = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
253 $res = XDB::query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) AS lastlogin, s.host
254 FROM logger.sessions AS s
255 WHERE s.uid = {?} AND s.suid = 0
256 ORDER BY s.start DESC
257 LIMIT 1", $uid);
258 if ($res->numRows()) {
259 $sess = array_merge($sess, $res->fetchOneAssoc());
260 }
261 $suid = S::v('suid');
263 if ($suid) {
264 $logger = new PlLogger($uid, $suid['uid']);
265 $logger->log("suid_start", S::v('forlife')." by {$suid['uid']}");
266 $sess['suid'] = $suid;
267 } else {
268 $logger = S::v('log', new PlLogger($uid));
269 $logger->log("connexion", Env::v('n'));
270 setcookie('ORGuid', $uid, (time()+25920000), '/', '', 0);
271 }
273 $_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION, $sess);
274 $_SESSION['log'] = $logger;
275 $_SESSION['auth'] = ($identified ? AUTH_MDP : AUTH_COOKIE);
276 $_SESSION['perms'] =& XorgSession::make_perms($_SESSION['perms']);
277 $mail_subject = null;
278 if (check_account()) {
279 $mail_subject = "Connexion d'un utilisateur surveillé";
280 }
281 if (check_ip('unsafe')) {
282 if ($mail_subject) {
283 $mail_subject .= ' - ';
284 }
285 $mail_subject .= "Une IP surveillee a tente de se connecter";
286 if (check_ip('ban')) {
287 send_warning_mail($mail_subject);
288 $_SESSION = array();
289 $_SESSION['perms'] = new FlagSet();
290 global $page;
291 $newpage = false;
292 if (!$page) {
293 require_once 'xorg.inc.php';
294 new_skinned_page('platal/index.tpl');
295 $newpage = true;
296 }
297 $page->trigError("Une erreur est survenue lors de la procédure d'authentification. "
298 ."Merci de contacter au plus vite "
299 ."<a href='mailto:support@polytechnique.org'>support@polytechnique.org</a>");
300 if ($newpage) {
301 $page->run();
302 }
303 return false;
304 }
305 }
306 if ($mail_subject) {
307 send_warning_mail($mail_subject);
308 }
309 set_skin();
310 update_NbNotifs();
311 check_redirect();
312 return true;
313 }
315 // }}}
317 function set_skin()
318 {
319 global $globals;
320 if (S::logged() && (!S::has('skin') || S::has('suid'))) {
321 $uid = S::v('uid');
322 $res = XDB::query("SELECT skin_tpl
323 FROM auth_user_quick AS a
324 INNER JOIN skins AS s ON a.skin = s.id
325 WHERE user_id = {?} AND skin_tpl != ''", $uid);
326 if ($_SESSION['skin'] = $res->fetchOneCell()) {
327 return;
328 }
329 }
330 }
332 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
333 ?>