Updates core.
[platal.git] / include / webservices / manageurs.server.inc.php
1 <?php
3 require_once('webservices/manageurs.inc.php');
5 $error_mat = "You didn't provide me with a valid matricule number...";
6 $error_key = "You didn't provide me with a valid cipher key...";
8 // The first parameter has to be the identification number (matricule).
9 // The second parameter facultative has to be the number of the desired address:
10 // -1 => we do not want any address;
11 // 0 => we want all the addresses;
12 // n => we want the address number n.
13 //
16 // admin@manageurs.com
17 function get_annuaire_infos($method, $params) {
18 global $error_mat, $error_key, $globals;
20 // Password verification.
21 if(!isset($params[0]) || ($params[0] != $globals->manageurs->manageurs_pass)) {
22 return false;
23 }
24 // If address == -1, we do not retrieve any address.
25 if(isset($params[2]) && ($params[2] == -1)) {
26 unset($params[2]);
27 }
29 // We check we actually have an identification number.
30 if(!empty($params[1])) {
31 // We only retrieve addresses when required.
32 if(!isset($params[2])) {
33 $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT pp.display_tel AS cell, p.birthdate AS age
34 FROM profiles AS p
35 LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user'
36 AND pp.tel_type = 'mobile')
37 WHERE p.xorg_id = {?} LIMIT 1",
38 $params[1]);
39 $array = $res->next();
40 } else {
41 $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT p.birthdate, pa.text, GROUP_CONCAT(pace3.short_name), GROUP_CONCAT(pace2.short_name),
42 GROUP_CONCAT(pace1.short_name), p.pid, pa.id
43 FROM profiles AS p
44 LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid)
45 LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components AS pc ON (pa.pid = pc.pid AND pa.jobid = pc.jobid AND pa.groupid = pc.groupid
46 AND pa.type = pc.type AND pa.id = pc.id)
47 LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace1 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'country\', pace1.types) AND pace1.id = pc.component_id)
48 LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace2 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'locality\', pace2.types) AND pace2.id = pc.component_id)
49 LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace3 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'postal_code\', pace3.types) AND pace3.id = pc.component_id)
50 WHERE p.xorg_id = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('job', pa.flags)
51 ORDER BY NOT FIND_IN_SET('current', pa.flags),
52 FIND_IN_SET('secondary', pa.flags),
53 NOT FIND_IN_SET('mail', pa.flags)
54 GROUP BY pa.pid, pa.jobid, pa.groupid, pa.id, pa.type",
55 $params[1]);
56 // Process the addresses we got.
57 if(list($age, $text, $adr['cp'], $adr['ville'],
58 $adr['pays'], $pid, $adr['adrid']) = $res->next()) {
59 list($adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3']) =
60 explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($text, $adr['cp'], 3));
61 $sql = XDB::query("SELECT display_tel
62 FROM profile_phones
63 WHERE pid = {?} AND link_type = 'user' AND tel_type = 'mobile'
64 LIMIT 1", $pid);
65 if ($sql->numRows() > 0) {
66 $array['cell'] = $sql->fetchOneCell();
67 } else {
68 $array['cell'] ='';
69 }
70 $array['age'] = $age;
71 $array['adresse'][] = $adr;
74 // We limit the address number by the number of available addresses.
75 $adresse = min((int) $params[2], $res->total());
77 if ($adresse != 1) { // We don't want the first address.
78 $i = 2;
79 while(list($age, $text, $adr['cp'], $adr['ville'],
80 $adr['pays'], , $adr['adrid']) = $res->next()) {
81 list($adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3']) =
82 explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($text, $adr['cp'], 3));
83 if ($adresse == $i) {
84 // If we want this particular address.
85 $array['adresse'][0] = $adr;
86 //$res->free();
87 break;
88 } elseif ($adresse == 0) {
89 // If we want every address.
90 $array['adresse'][] = $adr;
91 }
92 $i++;
93 }
94 }
96 // We add the phone numbers.
97 $adrid_index = array();
98 foreach ($array['adresse'] as $i => $a) {
99 $adrid_index[$a['adrid']] = $i;
100 }
101 $restel = XDB::iterator("SELECT pp.display_tel AS tel, pp..tel_type, pp.link_id as adrid
102 FROM profile_phones AS pp
103 INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pp.link_id = pa.id AND pp.pid = pa.pid)
104 WHERE pp.pid = {?} AND pp.link_type = 'address'
105 AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('pro', pa.statut)",
106 $pid);
107 while ($tel = $restel->next()) {
108 $array['adresse'][$adrid_index[$tel['adrid']]]['tels'][] = $tel;
109 }
110 foreach ($array['adresse'] as $i => $adr) {
111 unset($lasttel);
112 foreach ($adr['tels'] as $j => $t) {
113 if (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && (strpos($t['tel_type'], 'Tél') === 0)) {
114 $array['adresse'][$i]['tel'] = $t['tel'];
115 } elseif (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax'])
116 && (strpos($t['tel_type'], 'Fax') === 0)) {
117 $array['adresse'][$i]['fax'] = $t['tel'];
118 } else {
119 $lasttel = $t['tel'];
120 }
121 if (isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax'])) {
122 break;
123 }
124 }
125 if (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && isset($lasttel)) {
126 $array['adresse'][$i]['tel'] = $lasttel;
127 } elseif (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax']) && isset($lasttel)) {
128 $array['adresse'][$i]['fax'] = $lasttel;
129 }
130 unset($array['adresse'][$i]['adrid']);
131 unset($array['adresse'][$i]['tels']);
132 }
133 } else {
134 $array = false;
135 }
136 }
138 if ($array) { // We did get a result: the identification number was rigth.
140 // We only send the age to manageurs.com; the format is YYYY-MM-DD 0123-56-89.
141 $year = (int) substr($array['age'], 0, 4);
142 $month = (int) substr($array['age'], 5, 2);
143 $day = (int) substr($array['age'], 8, 2);
144 $age = (int) date('Y') - $year - 1;
145 if(( $month < (int)date('m')) ||
146 (($month == (int)date('m')) && ($day >= (int)date('d')))) {
147 $age += 1;
148 }
149 $array['age'] = $age;
151 // We start the encryption of the data.
152 if (manageurs_encrypt_init($params[1]) == 1) {
153 // We did not find the key to encryptthe data.
154 $args = array("erreur" => 3, "erreurstring" => $error_key);
155 $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL,$args);
156 } else {
157 $reply = manageurs_encrypt_array($array);
158 manageurs_encrypt_close();
159 }
160 } else {
161 // The identification number was not valid.
162 $args = array("erreur" => 2, "erreurstring" => $erreur_mat);
163 $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL,$args);
164 }
165 } else {
166 // The identification number was not in argument.
167 $args = array("erreur" => 1, "erreurstring" => $error_mat);
168 $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args);
169 }
171 return $reply;
172 }
174 function get_nouveau_infos($method, $params) {
175 global $error_mat, $error_key, $globals;
176 // Password verification.
177 if(!isset($params[0]) || ($params[0] != $globals->manageurs->manageurs_pass)) {
178 return false;
179 }
180 // We check we actually have an identification number.
181 if(!empty($params[1])) {
182 $res = XDB::query("SELECT ppn.lastname_initial AS nom, ppn.lastname_ordinary AS nom_usage, ppn.firstname_initial AS prenom,
183 p.sex = 'female' AS femme, p.deathdate IS NOT NULL AS decede,
184 p.birthdate, pd.promo, CONCAT(e.email, '@', d.name) AS mail
185 FROM profiles AS p
186 INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (p.pid = ap.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', perms)
187 INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', s.flags))
188 INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (s.domain = s.id)
189 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd PN (p.pid = pd.pid)
190 INNER JOIN profile_public_names AS ppn ON (ppn.pid = p.pid)
191 WHERE a.flags = 'bestalias' AND p.xorg_id = {?}",
192 $params[1]);
193 // $data['mail'] .= '@polytechnique.org';
196 // We start the encryption of the data.
197 if (manageurs_encrypt_init($params[1]) == 1) {
198 // We did not find the key to encryptthe data.
199 $args = array("erreur" => 3, "erreurstring" => $error_key);
200 $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args);
201 } else {
202 $reply = manageurs_encrypt_array($data);
203 manageurs_encrypt_close();
204 }
206 } else {
207 $reply = false;
208 }
209 return $reply;
210 }
212 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
213 ?>