Updates core to latest version.
[platal.git] / include / user.func.inc.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Polytechnique.org *
4 * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 * Foundation, Inc., *
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 // {{{ function user_clear_all_subs()
23 /** kills the inscription of a user.
24 * we still keep his birthdate, adresses, and personnal stuff
25 * kills the entreprises, mentor, emails and lists subscription stuff
26 */
27 function user_clear_all_subs($user_id, $really_del=true)
28 {
29 // keep datas in : aliases, adresses, tels, applis_ins, binets_ins, contacts, groupesx_ins, homonymes, identification_ax, photo
30 // delete in : auth_user_md5, auth_user_quick, competences_ins, emails, entreprises, langues_ins, mentor,
31 // mentor_pays, mentor_secteurs, newsletter_ins, perte_pass, requests, user_changes, virtual_redirect, watch_sub
32 // + delete maillists
34 global $globals;
35 $uid = intval($user_id);
36 $user = User::getSilent($uid);
37 list($alias) = explode('@', $user->forlifeEmail());
39 $tables_to_clear = array('uid' => array('competences_ins', 'entreprises', 'langues_ins', 'mentor_pays',
40 'mentor_secteurs', 'mentor', 'perte_pass', 'watch_sub'),
41 'user_id' => array('requests', 'user_changes'));
43 if ($really_del) {
44 array_push($tables_to_clear['uid'], 'emails', 'groupex.membres', 'contacts', 'adresses', 'tels',
45 'photo', 'perte_pass', 'langues_ins', 'forums.abos', 'forums.profils');
46 array_push($tables_to_clear['user_id'], 'newsletter_ins', 'auth_user_quick', 'binets_ins');
47 $tables_to_clear['id'] = array('aliases');
48 $tables_to_clear['contact'] = array('contacts');
49 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5
50 SET date_ins = 0, promo_sortie = 0, nom_usage = '', password = '', perms = 'pending',
51 nationalite = '', cv = '', section = 0, date = 0, smtppass = '', mail_storage = ''
52 WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid);
53 XDB::execute("DELETE virtual.* FROM virtual INNER JOIN virtual_redirect AS r USING(vid) WHERE redirect = {?}",
54 $alias.'@'.$globals->mail->domain);
55 XDB::execute("DELETE virtual.* FROM virtual INNER JOIN virtual_redirect AS r USING(vid) WHERE redirect = {?}",
56 $alias.'@'.$globals->mail->domain2);
57 } else {
58 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET password='',smtppass='' WHERE user_id={?}", $uid);
59 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick SET watch_flags='' WHERE user_id={?}", $uid);
60 }
62 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM virtual_redirect WHERE redirect = {?}", $alias.'@'.$globals->mail->domain);
63 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM virtual_redirect WHERE redirect = {?}", $alias.'@'.$globals->mail->domain2);
65 foreach ($tables_to_clear as $key=>&$tables) {
66 foreach ($tables as $table) {
67 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $key={?}", $uid);
68 }
69 }
71 $mmlist = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'));
72 $mmlist->kill($alias, $really_del);
74 // Deactivates, when available, the Google Apps account of the user.
75 if ($globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain) {
76 require_once 'googleapps.inc.php';
77 if (GoogleAppsAccount::account_status($uid)) {
78 $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user);
79 $account->suspend();
80 }
81 }
82 }
84 // }}}
85 // {{{ function has_user_right()
86 function has_user_right($pub, $view = 'private') {
87 if ($pub == $view) return true;
88 // all infos available for private
89 if ($view == 'private') return true;
90 // public infos available for all
91 if ($pub == 'public') return true;
92 // here we have view = ax or public, and pub = ax or private, and pub != view
93 return false;
94 }
95 // }}}
96 // {{{ function get_not_registered_user()
98 function get_not_registered_user($login, $iterator = false)
99 {
100 global $globals;
101 @list($login, $domain) = explode('@', $login);
102 if ($domain && $domain != $globals->mail->domain && $domain != $globals->mail->domain2) {
103 return null;
104 }
105 @list($prenom, $nom, $promo) = explode('.', $login);
106 $where = 'REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(nom, " ", ""), "-", ""), "\'", "") LIKE CONCAT("%", {?}, "%")
107 AND REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(prenom, " ", ""), "-", ""), "\'", "") LIKE CONCAT("%", {?}, "%")';
108 if ($promo) {
109 if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}$/', $promo)) {
110 $where .= 'AND MOD(promo, 100) = {?}';
111 } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}$/', $promo)) {
112 $where .= 'AND promo = {?}';
113 }
114 }
115 $sql = "SELECT user_id, nom, prenom, promo
116 FROM auth_user_md5
117 WHERE $where AND perms = 'pending'
118 ORDER BY promo, nom, prenom";
119 if ($iterator) {
120 return XDB::iterator($sql, $nom, $prenom, $promo);
121 } else {
122 $res = XDB::query($sql, $nom, $prenom, $promo);
123 return $res->fetchAllAssoc();
124 }
125 }
127 // }}}
128 // {{{ function get_user_details_pro()
130 function get_user_details_pro($uid, $view = 'private')
131 {
132 $sql = "SELECT e.entreprise, s.label as secteur , ss.label as sous_secteur , f.fonction_fr as fonction,
133 e.poste, e.adr1, e.adr2, e.adr3, e.postcode, e.city, e.entrid,
134 gp.pays AS countrytxt, gr.name AS region, e.tel, e.fax, e.mobile, e.entrid,
135 e.pub, e.adr_pub, e.tel_pub, e.email, e.email_pub, e.web
136 FROM entreprises AS e
137 LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS s ON(e.secteur = s.id)
138 LEFT JOIN emploi_ss_secteur AS ss ON(e.ss_secteur = ss.id AND e.secteur = ss.secteur)
139 LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS f ON(e.fonction = f.id)
140 LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.a2 = e.country)
141 LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON (gr.a2 = e.country and gr.region = e.region)
142 WHERE e.uid = {?}
143 ORDER BY e.entrid";
144 $res = XDB::query($sql, $uid);
145 $all_pro = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
146 foreach ($all_pro as $i => $pro) {
147 if (!has_user_right($pro['pub'], $view))
148 unset($all_pro[$i]);
149 else {
150 if (!has_user_right($pro['adr_pub'], $view)) {
151 if ($pro['adr1'] == '' &&
152 $pro['adr2'] == '' &&
153 $pro['adr3'] == '' &&
154 $pro['postcode'] == '' &&
155 $pro['city'] == '' &&
156 $pro['countrytxt'] == '' &&
157 $pro['region'] == '') {
158 $all_pro[$i]['adr_pub'] = $view;
159 } else {
160 $all_pro[$i]['adr1'] = '';
161 $all_pro[$i]['adr2'] = '';
162 $all_pro[$i]['adr3'] = '';
163 $all_pro[$i]['postcode'] = '';
164 $all_pro[$i]['city'] = '';
165 $all_pro[$i]['countrytxt'] = '';
166 $all_pro[$i]['region'] = '';
167 }
168 }
169 if (!has_user_right($pro['tel_pub'], $view)) {
170 // if no tel was defined, then the viewer will be able to write it
171 if ($pro['tel'] == '' &&
172 $pro['fax'] == '' &&
173 $pro['mobile'] == '') {
174 $all_pro[$i]['tel_pub'] = $view;
175 } else {
176 $all_pro[$i]['tel'] = '';
177 $all_pro[$i]['fax'] = '';
178 $all_pro[$i]['mobile'] = '';
179 }
180 }
181 if (!has_user_right($pro['email_pub'], $view)) {
182 if ($pro['email'] == '')
183 $all_pro[$i]['email_pub'] = $view;
184 else
185 $all_pro[$i]['email'] = '';
186 }
187 if ($all_pro[$i]['adr1'] == '' &&
188 $all_pro[$i]['adr2'] == '' &&
189 $all_pro[$i]['adr3'] == '' &&
190 $all_pro[$i]['postcode'] == '' &&
191 $all_pro[$i]['city'] == '' &&
192 $all_pro[$i]['countrytxt'] == '' &&
193 $all_pro[$i]['region'] == '' &&
194 $all_pro[$i]['entreprise'] == '' &&
195 $all_pro[$i]['fonction'] == '' &&
196 $all_pro[$i]['secteur'] == '' &&
197 $all_pro[$i]['poste'] == '' &&
198 $all_pro[$i]['tel'] == '' &&
199 $all_pro[$i]['fax'] == '' &&
200 $all_pro[$i]['mobile'] == '' &&
201 $all_pro[$i]['email'] == '')
202 unset($all_pro[$i]);
203 }
204 }
205 if (!count($all_pro)) return false;
206 return $all_pro;
207 }
209 // }}}
210 // {{{ function get_user_details_adr()
212 function get_user_details_adr($uid, $view = 'private') {
213 $sql = "SELECT a.adrid, a.adr1,a.adr2,a.adr3,a.postcode,a.city,
214 gp.pays AS countrytxt,a.region, a.regiontxt,
215 FIND_IN_SET('active', a.statut) AS active, a.adrid,
216 FIND_IN_SET('res-secondaire', a.statut) AS secondaire,
217 a.pub, gp.display
218 FROM adresses AS a
219 LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.a2=a.country)
220 WHERE uid= {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('pro',a.statut)
221 ORDER BY NOT FIND_IN_SET('active',a.statut), FIND_IN_SET('temporaire',a.statut), FIND_IN_SET('res-secondaire',a.statut)";
222 $res = XDB::query($sql, $uid);
223 $all_adr = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
224 $adrid_index = array();
225 foreach ($all_adr as $i => $adr) {
226 if (!has_user_right($adr['pub'], $view))
227 unset($all_adr[$i]);
228 else
229 $adrid_index[$adr['adrid']] = $i;
230 }
232 $sql = "SELECT t.adrid, t.tel_pub, t.tel_type, t.tel, t.telid
233 FROM tels AS t
234 INNER JOIN adresses AS a ON (a.uid = t.uid) AND (a.adrid = t.adrid)
235 WHERE t.uid = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('pro',a.statut)
236 ORDER BY t.adrid, t.tel_type DESC, t.telid";
237 $restel = XDB::iterator($sql, $uid);
238 while ($nexttel = $restel->next()) {
239 if (has_user_right($nexttel['tel_pub'], $view)) {
240 $adrid = $nexttel['adrid'];
241 unset($nexttel['adrid']);
242 if (isset($adrid_index[$adrid])) {
243 if (!isset($all_adr[$adrid_index[$adrid]]['tels']))
244 $all_adr[$adrid_index[$adrid]]['tels'] = array($nexttel);
245 else
246 $all_adr[$adrid_index[$adrid]]['tels'][] = $nexttel;
247 }
248 }
249 }
250 return $all_adr;
251 }
253 // }}}
254 // {{{ function get_user_details()
256 function &get_user_details($login, $from_uid = '', $view = 'private')
257 {
258 $reqsql = "SELECT u.user_id, u.promo, u.promo_sortie, u.prenom, u.nom, u.nom_usage, u.date, u.cv,
259 u.perms IN ('admin','user','disabled') AS inscrit, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS sexe, u.deces != 0 AS dcd, u.deces,
260 q.profile_nick AS nickname, q.profile_from_ax, q.profile_mobile AS mobile, q.profile_web AS web, q.profile_freetext AS freetext,
261 q.profile_mobile_pub AS mobile_pub, q.profile_web_pub AS web_pub, q.profile_freetext_pub AS freetext_pub,
262 q.profile_medals_pub AS medals_pub,
263 IF(gp.nat='',gp.pays,gp.nat) AS nationalite, gp.a2 AS iso3166,
264 a.alias AS forlife, a2.alias AS bestalias,
265 c.uid IS NOT NULL AS is_contact,
266 s.text AS section, p.x, p.y, p.pub AS photo_pub,
267 u.matricule_ax,
268 m.expertise != '' AS is_referent,
269 (COUNT(e.email) > 0 OR FIND_IN_SET('googleapps', u.mail_storage) > 0) AS actif
270 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
271 INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q USING(user_id)
272 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id=a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
273 INNER JOIN aliases AS a2 ON (u.user_id=a2.id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',a2.flags))
274 LEFT JOIN contacts AS c ON (c.uid = {?} and c.contact = u.user_id)
275 LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.a2 = u.nationalite)
276 INNER JOIN sections AS s ON (s.id = u.section)
277 LEFT JOIN photo AS p ON (p.uid = u.user_id)
278 LEFT JOIN mentor AS m ON (m.uid = u.user_id)
279 LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (e.uid = u.user_id AND e.flags='active')
280 WHERE a.alias = {?}
281 GROUP BY u.user_id";
282 $res = XDB::query($reqsql, $from_uid, $login);
283 $user = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
284 $uid = $user['user_id'];
285 // hide orange status, cv, nickname, section
286 if (!has_user_right('private', $view)) {
287 $user['promo_sortie'] = $user['promo'] + 3;
288 $user['cv'] = '';
289 $user['nickname'] = '';
290 $user['section'] = '';
291 }
292 // hide mobile
293 if (!has_user_right($user['mobile_pub'], $view)) {
294 if ($user['mobile'] == '')
295 $user['mobile_pub'] = $view;
296 else
297 $user['mobile'] = '';
298 }
299 // hide web
300 if (!has_user_right($user['web_pub'], $view)) {
301 if ($user['web'] == '')
302 $user['web_pub'] = $view;
303 else
304 $user['web'] = '';
305 }
306 // hide freetext
307 if (!has_user_right($user['freetext_pub'], $view)) {
308 if ($user['freetext'] == '')
309 $user['freetext_pub'] = $view;
310 else
311 $user['freetext'] = '';
312 }
314 $user['adr_pro'] = get_user_details_pro($uid, $view);
315 $user['adr'] = get_user_details_adr($uid, $view);
317 if (has_user_right('private', $view)) {
318 $sql = "SELECT text
319 FROM binets_ins
320 LEFT JOIN binets_def ON binets_ins.binet_id = binets_def.id
321 WHERE user_id = {?}";
322 $res = XDB::query($sql, $uid);
323 $user['binets'] = $res->fetchColumn();
324 $user['binets_join'] = join(', ', $user['binets']);
326 $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT a.diminutif, a.nom, a.site
327 FROM groupex.asso AS a
328 LEFT JOIN groupex.membres AS m ON (m.asso_id = a.id)
329 WHERE m.uid = {?} AND (a.cat = 'GroupesX' OR a.cat = 'Institutions')
330 AND pub = 'public'", $uid);
331 $user['gpxs'] = Array();
332 $user['gpxs_name'] = Array();
333 while (list($gxd, $gxt, $gxu) = $res->next()) {
334 if (!$gxu) {
335 $gxu = 'http://www.polytechnique.net/' . $gxd;
336 }
337 $user['gpxs'][] = '<span title="' . pl_entities($gxt) . "\"><a href=\"$gxu\">$gxd</a></span>";
338 $user['gpxs_name'][] = $gxt;
339 }
340 $user['gpxs_join'] = join(', ', $user['gpxs']);
341 }
343 $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT applis_def.text, applis_def.url, applis_ins.type
344 FROM applis_ins
345 INNER JOIN applis_def ON applis_def.id = applis_ins.aid
346 WHERE uid={?}
347 ORDER BY ordre", $uid);
349 $user['applis_fmt'] = Array();
350 $user['formation'] = Array();
351 while (list($txt, $url, $type) = $res->next()) {
352 $user['formation'][] = $txt." ".$type;
353 require_once('applis.func.inc.php');
354 $user['applis_fmt'][] = applis_fmt($type, $txt, $url);
355 }
356 $user['applis_join'] = join(', ', $user['applis_fmt']);
358 if (has_user_right($user['medals_pub'], $view)) {
359 $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT m.id, m.text AS medal, m.type, s.gid, g.text AS grade
360 FROM profile_medals_sub AS s
361 INNER JOIN profile_medals AS m ON ( s.mid = m.id )
362 LEFT JOIN profile_medals_grades AS g ON ( s.mid = g.mid AND s.gid = g.gid )
363 WHERE s.uid = {?}", $uid);
364 $user['medals'] = Array();
365 while ($tmp = $res->next()) {
366 $user['medals'][] = $tmp;
367 }
368 }
370 return $user;
371 }
372 // }}}
373 // {{{ function add_user_address()
374 function add_user_address($uid, $adrid, $adr) {
375 XDB::execute(
376 "INSERT INTO adresses (`uid`, `adrid`, `adr1`, `adr2`, `adr3`, `postcode`, `city`, `country`, `datemaj`, `pub`) (
377 SELECT u.user_id, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, gp.a2, NOW(), {?}
378 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
379 LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.pays LIKE {?} OR gp.country LIKE {?} OR gp.a2 LIKE {?})
380 WHERE u.user_id = {?}
381 LIMIT 1)",
382 $adrid, $adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3'], $adr['postcode'], $adr['city'], $adr['pub'], $adr['countrytxt'], $adr['countrytxt'], $adr['countrytxt'], $uid);
383 if (isset($adr['tels']) && is_array($adr['tels'])) {
384 $telid = 0;
385 foreach ($adr['tels'] as $tel) if ($tel['tel']) {
386 add_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $telid, $tel);
387 $telid ++;
388 }
389 }
390 }
391 // }}}
392 // {{{ function update_user_address()
393 function update_user_address($uid, $adrid, $adr) {
394 // update address
395 XDB::execute(
396 "UPDATE adresses AS a LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.pays = {?})
397 SET `adr1` = {?}, `adr2` = {?}, `adr3` = {?},
398 `postcode` = {?}, `city` = {?}, a.`country` = gp.a2, `datemaj` = NOW(), `pub` = {?}
399 WHERE adrid = {?} AND uid = {?}",
400 $adr['country_txt'],
401 $adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3'],
402 $adr['postcode'], $adr['city'], $adr['pub'], $adrid, $uid);
403 if (isset($adr['tels']) && is_array($adr['tels'])) {
404 $res = XDB::query("SELECT telid FROM tels WHERE uid = {?} AND adrid = {?} ORDER BY telid", $uid, $adrid);
405 $telids = $res->fetchColumn();
406 foreach ($adr['tels'] as $tel) {
407 if (isset($tel['telid']) && isset($tel['remove']) && $tel['remove']) {
408 remove_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $tel['telid']);
409 if (isset($telids[$tel['telid']])) unset($telids[$tel['telid']]);
410 } else if (isset($tel['telid'])) {
411 update_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $tel['telid'], $tel);
412 } else {
413 for ($telid = 0; isset($telids[$telid]) && ($telids[$telid] == $telid); $telid++);
414 add_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $telid, $tel);
415 }
416 }
417 }
418 }
419 // }}}
420 // {{{ function remove_user_address()
421 function remove_user_address($uid, $adrid) {
422 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM adresses WHERE adrid = {?} AND uid = {?}", $adrid, $uid);
423 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM tels WHERE adrid = {?} AND uid = {?}", $adrid, $uid);
424 }
425 // }}}
426 // {{{ function add_user_tel()
427 function add_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $telid, $tel) {
428 XDB::execute(
429 "INSERT INTO tels SET uid = {?}, adrid = {?}, telid = {?}, tel = {?}, tel_type = {?}, tel_pub = {?}",
430 $uid, $adrid, $telid, $tel['tel'], $tel['tel_type'], $tel['tel_pub']);
431 }
432 // }}}
433 // {{{ function update_user_tel()
434 function update_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $telid, $tel) {
435 XDB::execute(
436 "UPDATE tels SET tel = {?}, tel_type = {?}, tel_pub = {?}
437 WHERE telid = {?} AND adrid = {?} AND uid = {?}",
438 $tel['tel'], $tel['tel_type'], $tel['tel_pub'],
439 $telid, $adrid, $uid);
440 }
441 // }}}
442 // {{{ function remove_user_tel()
443 function remove_user_tel($uid, $adrid, $telid) {
444 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM tels WHERE telid = {?} AND adrid = {?} AND uid = {?}",
445 $telid, $adrid, $uid);
446 }
447 // }}}
448 // {{{ function add_user_pro()
449 function add_user_pro($uid, $entrid, $pro) {
450 XDB::execute(
451 "INSERT INTO entreprises (`uid`, `entrid`, `entreprise`, `poste`, `secteur`, `ss_secteur`, `fonction`,
452 `adr1`, `adr2`, `adr3`, `postcode`, `city`, `country`, `region`, `tel`, `fax`, `mobile`, `email`, `web`, `pub`, `adr_pub`, `tel_pub`, `email_pub`)
453 SELECT u.user_id, {?}, {?}, {?}, s.id, ss.id, f.id,
454 {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, gp.a2, gr.region, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}
455 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
456 LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS s ON(s.label LIKE {?})
457 LEFT JOIN emploi_ss_secteur AS ss ON(s.id = ss.secteur AND ss.label LIKE {?})
458 LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS f ON(f.fonction_fr LIKE {?} OR f.fonction_en LIKE {?})
459 LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.country LIKE {?} OR gp.pays LIKE {?})
460 LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON (gr.a2 = gp.a2 AND gr.name LIKE {?})
461 WHERE u.user_id = {?}
462 LIMIT 1",
463 $entrid, $pro['entreprise'], $pro['poste'],
464 $pro['adr1'], $pro['adr2'], $pro['adr3'], $pro['postcode'], $pro['city'], $pro['tel'], $pro['fax'], $pro['mobile'], $pro['email'], $pro['web'], $pro['pub'], $pro['adr_pub'], $pro['tel_pub'], $pro['email_pub'],
465 $pro['secteur'], $pro['sous_secteur'], $pro['fonction'], $pro['fonction'],
466 $pro['countrytxt'], $pro['countrytxt'], $pro['region'],
467 $uid);
468 }
469 // }}}
470 // {{{ function update_user_pro()
471 function update_user_pro($uid, $entrid, $pro) {
472 $join = "";
473 $set = "";
474 $args_join = array();
475 $args_set = array();
477 $join .= "LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS s ON(s.label LIKE {?})
478 LEFT JOIN emploi_ss_secteur AS ss ON(s.id = ss.secteur AND ss.label LIKE {?})
479 LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS f ON(f.fonction_fr LIKE {?} OR f.fonction_en LIKE {?})";
480 $args_join[] = $pro['secteur'];
481 $args_join[] = $pro['sous_secteur'];
482 $args_join[] = $pro['fonction'];
483 $args_join[] = $pro['fonction'];
484 $set .= ", e.`entreprise` = {?}, e.`secteur` = s.id, e.`ss_secteur` = ss.id, e.`fonction` = f.id, e.`poste`= {?}, e.`web` = {?}, e.`pub` = {?}";
485 $args_set[] = $pro['entreprise'];
486 $args_set[] = $pro['poste'];
487 $args_set[] = $pro['web'];
488 $args_set[] = $pro['pub'];
490 if (isset($pro['adr1'])) {
491 $join .= "LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.country LIKE {?} OR gp.pays LIKE {?})
492 LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON (gr.a2 = gp.a2 AND gr.name LIKE {?})";
493 $args_join[] = $pro['countrytxt'];
494 $args_join[] = $pro['countrytxt'];
495 $args_join[] = $pro['region'];
496 $set .= ", e.`adr1` = {?}, e.`adr2` = {?}, e.`adr3` = {?}, e.`postcode` = {?}, e.`city` = {?}, e.`country` = gp.a2, e.`region` = gr.region, e.`adr_pub` = {?}";
497 $args_set[] = $pro['adr1'];
498 $args_set[] = $pro['adr2'];
499 $args_set[] = $pro['adr3'];
500 $args_set[] = $pro['postcode'];
501 $args_set[] = $pro['city'];
502 $args_set[] = $pro['adr_pub'];
503 }
505 if (isset($pro['tel'])) {
506 $set .= ", e.`tel` = {?}, e.`fax` = {?}, e.`mobile` = {?}, e.tel_pub = {?}";
507 $args_set[] = $pro['tel'];
508 $args_set[] = $pro['fax'];
509 $args_set[] = $pro['mobile'];
510 $args_set[] = $pro['tel_pub'];
511 }
512 if (isset($pro['email'])) {
513 $set .= ", e.`email` = {?}, e.`email_pub` = {?}";
514 $args_set[] = $pro['email'];
515 $args_set[] = $pro['email_pub'];
516 }
517 $query = "UPDATE entreprises AS e ".$join." SET ".substr($set,1)." WHERE e.uid = {?} AND e.entrid = {?}";
518 $args_where = array($uid, $entrid);
519 $args = array_merge(array($query), $args_join, $args_set, $args_where);
520 call_user_func_array(array('XDB', 'execute'), $args);
521 }
522 // }}}
523 // {{{ function remove_user_pro()
524 function remove_user_pro($uid, $entrid) {
525 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM entreprises WHERE entrid = {?} AND uid = {?}", $entrid, $uid);
526 }
527 // }}}
528 // {{{ function set_user_details()
529 function set_user_details_addresses($uid, $adrs) {
530 $res = XDB::query("SELECT adrid FROM adresses WHERE uid = {?} AND adrid >= 1 ORDER BY adrid", $uid);
531 $adrids = $res->fetchColumn();
532 foreach ($adrs as $adr) {
533 if (isset($adr['adrid']) && isset($adr['remove']) && $adr['remove']) {
534 remove_user_address($uid, $adr['adrid']);
535 if (isset($adrids[$adr['adrid']])) unset($adrids[$adr['adrid']]);
536 } else if (isset($adr['adrid'])) {
537 update_user_address($uid, $adr['adrid'], $adr);
538 } else {
539 for ($adrid = 1; isset($adrids[$adrid-1]) && ($adrids[$adrid-1] == $adrid); $adrid++);
540 add_user_address($uid, $adrid, $adr);
541 $adrids[$adrid-1] = $adrid;
542 }
543 }
544 require_once 'geoloc.inc.php';
545 localize_addresses($uid);
546 }
547 // }}}
548 // {{{ function set_user_details_pro()
550 function set_user_details_pro($uid, $pros)
551 {
552 $res = XDB::query("SELECT entrid FROM entreprises WHERE uid = {?} ORDER BY entrid", $uid);
553 $entrids = $res->fetchColumn();
554 foreach ($pros as $pro) {
555 if (isset($pro['entrid']) && isset($pro['remove']) && $pro['remove']) {
556 remove_user_pro($uid, $pro['entrid']);
557 if (isset($entrids[$pro['entrid']])) unset($entrids[$pro['entrid']]);
558 } else if (isset($pro['entrid'])) {
559 update_user_pro($uid, $pro['entrid'], $pro);
560 } else {
561 for ($entrid = 0; isset($entrids[$entrid]) && ($entrids[$entrid] == $entrid); $entrid++);
562 add_user_pro($uid, $entrid, $pro);
563 }
564 }
565 }
567 // }}}
568 // {{{ function set_user_details()
569 function set_user_details($uid, $details) {
570 if (isset($details['nom_usage'])) {
571 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET nom_usage = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}", strtoupper($details['nom_usage']), $uid);
572 }
573 if (isset($details['mobile'])) {
574 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick SET profile_mobile = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}", $details['mobile'], $uid);
575 }
576 if (isset($details['nationalite'])) {
577 XDB::execute(
578 "UPDATE auth_user_md5 AS u
579 INNER JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp
580 SET u.nationalite = gp.a2
581 WHERE (gp.a2 = {?} OR gp.nat = {?})
582 AND u.user_id = {?}", $details['nationalite'], $details['nationalite'], $uid);
583 }
584 if (isset($details['adr']) && is_array($details['adr']))
585 set_user_details_addresses($uid, $details['adr']);
586 if (isset($details['adr_pro']) && is_array($details['adr_pro']))
587 set_user_details_pro($uid, $details['adr_pro']);
588 if (isset($details['binets']) && is_array($details['binets'])) {
589 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM binets_ins WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid);
590 foreach ($details['binets'] as $binet)
591 XDB::execute(
592 "INSERT INTO binets_ins (`user_id`, `binet_id`)
593 SELECT {?}, id FROM binets_def WHERE text = {?} LIMIT 1",
594 $uid, $binet);
595 }
596 if (isset($details['gpxs']) && is_array($details['gpxs'])) {
597 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM groupesx_ins WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid);
598 foreach ($details['gpxs'] as $groupex) {
599 if (preg_match('/<a href="[^"]*">([^<]+)</a>/u', $groupex, $a)) $groupex = $a[1];
600 XDB::execute(
601 "INSERT INTO groupesx_ins (`user_id`, `binet_id`)
602 SELECT {?}, id FROM groupesx_def WHERE text = {?} LIMIT 1",
603 $uid, $groupex);
604 }
605 }
606 // applis
607 // medals
608 }
609 // }}}
610 // {{{ function _user_reindex
612 function _user_reindex($uid, $keys, $muls, $pubs)
613 {
614 foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
615 if ($key == '') {
616 continue;
617 }
618 $toks = preg_split('/[ \'\-]+/', $key);
619 $token = "";
620 $first = 5;
621 while ($toks) {
622 $token = strtolower(replace_accent(array_pop($toks) . $token));
623 $score = ($toks ? 0 : 10 + $first) * $muls[$i];
624 XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO search_name (token, uid, soundex, score, flags)
625 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
626 $token, $uid, soundex_fr($token), $score, $pubs[$i] ? 'public' : '');
627 $first = 0;
628 }
629 }
630 $res = XDB::query("SELECT nom_ini, nom, nom_usage, prenom_ini, prenom, promo, matricule
631 FROM auth_user_md5
632 WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid);
633 if (!$res->numRows()) {
634 unset($res);
635 return;
636 }
637 $array = $res->fetchOneRow();
638 $promo = intval(array_pop($array));
639 $mat = array_shift($array);
640 array_walk($array, 'soundex_fr');
641 XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO recherche_soundex
642 SET matricule = {?}, nom1_soundex = {?}, nom2_soundex= {?}, nom3_soundex = {?},
643 prenom1_soundex = {?}, prenom2_soundex= {?}, promo = {?}",
644 $mat, $array[0], $array[1], $array[2], $array[3], $array[4], $promo);
645 unset($res);
646 unset($array);
647 }
649 // }}}
650 // {{{ function user_reindex
652 function user_reindex($uid) {
653 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM search_name WHERE uid={?}", $uid);
654 $res = XDB::query("SELECT prenom, nom, nom_usage, profile_nick FROM auth_user_md5 INNER JOIN auth_user_quick USING(user_id) WHERE auth_user_md5.user_id = {?}", $uid);
655 if ($res->numRows()) {
656 _user_reindex($uid, $res->fetchOneRow(), array(1,1,1,0.2), array(true, true, true, false));
657 } else { // not in auth_user_quick => still "pending"
658 $res = XDB::query("SELECT prenom, nom, nom_usage FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE auth_user_md5.user_id = {?}", $uid);
659 if ($res->numRows()) {
660 _user_reindex($uid, $res->fetchOneRow(), array(1,1,1), array(true, true, true));
661 }
662 }
663 }
665 // }}}
666 // {{{ function set_new_usage()
668 function set_new_usage($uid, $usage, $alias=false)
669 {
670 XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5 set nom_usage={?} WHERE user_id={?}",$usage ,$uid);
671 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM aliases WHERE FIND_IN_SET('usage',flags) AND id={?}", $uid);
672 if ($alias && $usage) {
673 XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags=flags & 255-1 WHERE id={?}", $uid);
674 XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases VALUES({?}, 'alias', 'usage,bestalias', {?}, null)",
675 $alias, $uid);
676 }
677 $r = XDB::query("SELECT alias FROM aliases WHERE FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', flags) AND id = {?}", $uid);
678 if ($r->numRows() == "") {
679 XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags = 1 | flags WHERE id = {?} LIMIT 1", $uid);
680 $r = XDB::query("SELECT alias FROM aliases WHERE FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', flags) AND id = {?}", $uid);
681 }
682 user_reindex($uid);
683 return $r->fetchOneCell();
684 }
686 // }}}
687 // {{{ function get_X_mat
688 function get_X_mat($ourmat)
689 {
690 if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}$/', $ourmat)) {
691 // le matricule de notre base doit comporter 8 chiffres
692 return 0;
693 }
695 $year = intval(substr($ourmat, 0, 4));
696 $rang = intval(substr($ourmat, 5, 3));
697 if ($year < 1996) {
698 return;
699 } elseif ($year < 2000) {
700 $year = intval(substr(1900 - $year, 1, 3));
701 return sprintf('%02u0%03u', $year, $rang);
702 } else {
703 $year = intval(substr(1900 - $year, 1, 3));
704 return sprintf('%03u%03u', $year, $rang);
705 }
706 }
708 // }}}
711 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
712 ?>