[banana.git] / include / spool.inc.php
1 <?php
2 /********************************************************************************
3 * include/spool.inc.php : spool subroutines
4 * -----------------------
5 *
6 * This file is part of the banana distribution
7 * Copyright: See COPYING files that comes with this distribution
8 ********************************************************************************/
10 /** Class spoolhead
11 * class used in thread overviews
12 */
13 class spoolhead {
14 /** date (timestamp) */
15 var $date;
16 /** subject */
17 var $subject;
18 /** author */
19 var $from;
20 /** reference of parent */
21 var $parent;
22 /** array of children */
23 var $children;
24 /** true if post is read */
25 var $isread;
26 /** number of posts deeper in this branch of tree */
27 var $desc;
28 /** same as desc, but counts only unread posts */
29 var $descunread;
31 /** constructor
32 * @param $_date INTEGER timestamp of post
33 * @param $_subject STRING subject of post
34 * @param $_from STRING author of post
35 * @param $_desc INTEGER desc value (1 for a new post)
36 * @param $_read BOOLEAN true if read
37 * @param $_descunread INTEGER descunread value (0 for a new post)
38 */
40 function spoolhead($_date,$_subject,$_from,$_desc=1,$_read=true,$_descunread=0) {
41 $this->date=$_date;
42 $this->subject=$_subject;
43 $this->from=$_from;
44 $this->children=array();
45 $this->desc=$_desc;
46 $this->isread=$_read;
47 $this->descunread=$_descunread;
48 }
49 }
51 /** Class spool
52 * builds and updates spool
53 */
55 class spool {
56 # var $date;
57 /** spool */
58 var $overview;
59 /** group name */
60 var $group;
61 /** array msgid => msgnum */
62 var $ids;
64 /** constructor
65 * @param $_nntp RESOURCE NNTP socket filehandle
66 * @param $_group STRING group name
67 * @param $_display INTEGER 1 => all posts, 2 => only threads with new posts
68 * @param $_since INTEGER time stamp (used for read/unread)
69 */
71 function spool(&$_nntp,$_group,$_display=0,$_since=""){
72 global $news;
73 $prefix_path=(preg_match("/\/scripts\/?$/",getcwd())?"..":".");
74 $groupinfo = $_nntp->group($_group);
75 if (!$groupinfo) {
76 $this = false;
77 return false;
78 }
79 $spoolfile=realpath("$prefix_path/spool/spool-$_group.dat");
80 if (file_exists($spoolfile)) {
81 $f = fopen($spoolfile,"r");
82 $this = unserialize(fread($f,filesize($spoolfile)));
83 fclose($f);
84 $keys = array_values($this->ids);
85 rsort($keys);
86 $first = max($groupinfo[2]-$news['maxspool'],$groupinfo[1]);
87 $last = $groupinfo[2];
88 // remove expired messages
89 $msgids=array_flip($this->ids);
90 for ($id=min(array_keys($this->overview)); $id<$first; $id++) {
91 $this->delid($id);
92 }
93 $this->ids=array_flip($msgids);
94 $first=max(array_keys($this->overview))+1;
95 } else {
96 $first = max($groupinfo[2]-$news['maxspool'],$groupinfo[1]);
97 $last = $groupinfo[2];
98 $this->group = $_group;
99 }
101 if (($first<=$groupinfo[2]) && ($groupinfo[0]!=0)) {
102 $dates = array_map("strtotime",
103 $_nntp->xhdr("Date","$first-$last"));
104 $msgids=$_nntp->xhdr("Message-ID","$first-$last");
105 $subjects = array_map("headerdecode",$_nntp->xhdr("Subject",
106 "$first-$last"));
107 $froms = array_map("headerdecode",$_nntp->xhdr("From",
108 "$first-$last"));
109 $refs = $_nntp->xhdr("References","$first-$last");
110 # $this->date=$nntp->date;
111 if (isset($this->ids)) {
112 $this->ids=array_merge($this->ids,array_flip($msgids));
113 } else {
114 $this->ids=array_flip($msgids);
115 }
117 foreach ($msgids as $id=>$msgid) {
118 if (isset($this->overview[$id])) {
119 $msg = $this->overview[$id];
120 $msg->desc++;
121 } else {
122 $msg = new spoolhead($dates[$id],$subjects[$id],$froms[$id],1);
123 }
124 $refs[$id]=str_replace("><","> <",$refs[$id]);
125 $msgrefs=preg_split("/( |\t)/",strtr($refs[$id],$this->ids));
126 $parents=preg_grep("/^\d+$/",$msgrefs);
127 $msg->parent=array_pop($parents);
128 $p = $msg->parent;
129 while ($p) {
130 if (isset($this->overview[$p])) {
131 $this->overview[$p]->desc++;
132 if (isset($this->overview[$p]->parent)) {
133 $p = $this->overview[$p]->parent;
134 } else {
135 $p = false;
136 }
137 } else {
138 $this->overview[$p] = new spoolhead($dates[$p],$subjects[$p],$froms[$p],1);
139 $p = false;
140 }
141 }
142 if ($msg->parent!="")
143 $this->overview[$msg->parent]->children[]=$id;
144 $this->overview[$id] = $msg;
145 }
146 uasort($this->overview,"spoolcompare");
147 $f = fopen("$prefix_path/spool/spool-$_group.dat","w");
148 fputs($f,serialize($this));
149 fclose($f);
150 }
152 if ($_since != "") {
153 $newpostsids = $_nntp->newnews($_since,$_group);
154 if (sizeof($newpostsids)) {
155 $newpostsids = array_intersect($newpostsids,
156 array_keys($this->ids));
157 if ($newpostsids && !is_null($newpostsids)) {
158 foreach ($newpostsids as $mid) {
159 $this->overview[$this->ids[$mid]]->isread=false;
160 $this->overview[$this->ids[$mid]]->descunread=1;
161 $parentmid = $this->overview[$this->ids[$mid]]->parent;
162 while (!is_null($parentmid)) {
163 $this->overview[$parentmid]->descunread++;
164 $parentmid = $this->overview[$parentmid]->parent;
165 }
166 }
167 }
168 }
169 if (sizeof($newpostsids)>0) {
170 $flipids = array_flip($this->ids);
171 switch ($_display) {
172 case 1:
173 foreach ($this->overview as $i=>$p) {
174 if (isset($this->overview[$i]) &&
175 !isset($this->overview[$i]->parent) &&
176 ($this->overview[$i]->descunread==0)) {
177 $this->killdesc($i);
178 }
179 }
180 break;
181 case 2:
182 foreach ($this->overview as $i=>$p) {
183 if ($p->isread) {
184 unset($this->overview[$i]);
185 unset($flipids[$i]);
186 }
187 }
188 $this->ids=array_flip($flipids);
189 break;
190 }
191 }
192 }
193 return true;
194 }
196 /** kill post and childrens
197 * @param $_id MSGNUM of post
198 */
200 function killdesc($_id) {
201 if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) {
202 foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) {
203 $this->killdesc($c);
204 }
205 }
206 unset($this->overview[$_id]);
207 # $flipid=array_flip($this->ids);
208 # unset($flipid[$id]);
209 # $this->ids=array_flip($flipid);
210 }
212 /** delete a post from overview
213 * @param $_id MSGNUM of post
214 */
216 function delid($_id) {
217 if (isset($this->overview[$_id])) {
218 if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->parent)) {
219 $this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children =
220 array_diff($this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children,
221 array($_id));
222 if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) {
223 $this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children =
224 array_merge($this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children,
225 $this->overview[$_id]->children);
226 foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) {
227 $this->overview[$c]->parent = $this->overview[$_id]->parent;
228 }
229 }
230 $p = $this->overview[$_id]->parent;
231 while ($p) {
232 $this->overview[$p]->desc--;
233 $p = $this->overview[$p]->parent;
234 }
235 } elseif (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) {
236 foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) {
237 $this->overview[$c]->parent = null;
238 }
239 }
240 unset($this->overview[$_id]);
241 $ids = array_flip($this->ids);
242 unset($ids[$_id]);
243 $this->ids = array_flip($ids);
244 $prefix_path=(preg_match("/\/scripts\/?$/",getcwd())?"..":".");
245 $f = fopen("$prefix_path/spool/spool-{$this->group}.dat","w");
246 fputs($f,serialize($this));
247 fclose($f);
248 }
249 }
251 /** displays children tree of a post
252 * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post
253 * @param $_index INTEGER linear number of post in the tree
254 * @param $_first INTEGER linear number of first post displayed
255 * @param $_last INTEGER linear number of last post displayed
256 * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current post
257 * @param $_pfx_node STRING prefix used for current node
258 * @param $_pfx_end STRING prefix used for children of current node
259 * @param $_head BOOLEAN true if first post in thread
260 */
262 function disp_desc($_id,$_index="",$_first=0,$_last=0,$_ref="",
263 $_pfx_node="", $_pfx_end="",$_head=true) {
264 global $css;
265 $debug = false;
266 $spfx_f = '<img src="img/k1.gif" height="21" width="9" alt="o" />';
267 $spfx_n = '<img src="img/k2.gif" height="21" width="9" alt="*" />';
268 $spfx_T = '<img src="img/T.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="+" />';
269 $spfx_L = '<img src="img/L.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="`" />';
270 $spfx_s = '<img src="img/s.gif" height="21" width="5" alt="-" />';
271 $spfx_e = '<img src="img/e.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="&nbsp;" />';
272 $spfx_I = '<img src="img/I.gif" height="21" width="12"alt="|" />';
274 if ($_index == "") $_index = $this->getndx($_id);
276 if (!sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children) && ($_index<=$_last)
277 && ($_index>=$_first)) {
278 echo '<tr class="'.($_index%2?$css["pair"]:$css["impair"])."\">\n";
279 echo "<td class=\"{$css['date']}\">"
280 .formatSpoolHeader("date",$this->overview[$_id]->date,$_id,
281 $this->group,($_index==$_ref),$this->overview[$_id]->isread)
282 ." </td>\n";
283 echo "<td class=\"{$css['subject']}\"><div class=\"{$css['tree']}\">"
284 .$_pfx_node.($_head?$spfx_f:$spfx_s)."</div>"
285 .formatSpoolHeader("subject",$this->overview[$_id]->subject,$_id,
286 $this->group,($_index==$_ref),$this->overview[$_id]->isread)
287 .($debug?" $_id $_index ".
288 $this->overview[$_id]->desc." ".$this->overview[$_id]->descunread." ":"")." </td>\n";
289 echo "<td class=\"{$css['author']}\">"
290 .formatSpoolHeader("from",$this->overview[$_id]->from,$_id,
291 $this->group,($_index==$_ref),$this->overview[$_id]->isread)
292 ." </td>\n</tr>";
293 return true;
294 }
295 $children = $this->overview[$_id]->children;
296 if (($_index<=$_last) && ($_index>=$_first)) {
297 echo '<tr class="'.($_index%2?$css["pair"]:$css["impair"])."\">\n";
298 echo "<td class=\"{$css['date']}\">"
299 .formatSpoolHeader("date",$this->overview[$_id]->date,$_id,
300 $this->group,($_index==$_ref),$this->overview[$_id]->isread)
301 ." </td>\n";
302 echo "<td class=\"{$css['subject']}\"><div class=\"{$css['tree']}\">"
303 .$_pfx_node.$spfx_n."</div>"
304 .formatSpoolHeader("subject",$this->overview[$_id]->subject,$_id,
305 $this->group,($_index==$_ref),$this->overview[$_id]->isread)
306 .($debug?" $_id $_index ".
307 $this->overview[$_id]->desc." ".$this->overview[$_id]->descunread." ":"")." </td>\n";
308 echo "<td class=\"{$css['author']}\">"
309 .formatSpoolHeader("from",$this->overview[$_id]->from,$_id,
310 $this->group,($_index==$_ref),$this->overview[$_id]->isread)
311 ." </td>\n</tr>";
312 }
313 $index=$_index+1;
314 while ($child = array_shift($children)) {
315 if (($index+$this->overview[$child]->desc-1>=$_first)
316 ||($index<$_last)){
317 if (sizeof($children)) {
318 $this->disp_desc($child,$index,$_first,$_last,$_ref,
319 $_pfx_end.$spfx_T,$_pfx_end.$spfx_I,false);
320 } else {
321 $this->disp_desc($child,$index,$_first,$_last,$_ref,
322 $_pfx_end.$spfx_L,$_pfx_end.$spfx_e,false);
323 }
324 }
325 $index += $this->overview[$child]->desc;
326 }
327 }
329 /** Displays overview
330 * @param $_first INTEGER MSGNUM of first post
331 * @param $_last INTEGER MSGNUM of last post
332 * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current/selectionned post
333 */
335 function disp($_first=0,$_last=0,$_ref="") {
336 global $css;
337 $index=1;
338 if (sizeof($this->overview)) {
339 foreach ($this->overview as $id=>$msg) {
340 if (!sizeof($msg->parent)) {
341 $this->disp_desc($id,$index,$_first,$_last,$_ref);
342 $index += $msg->desc;
343 }
344 }
345 } else {
346 echo "<tr class=\"{$css['pair']}\">\n";
347 echo "\t<td colspan=\"3\">\n";
348 echo "\t\tNo post in this newsgroup\n";
349 echo "\t</td>\n";
350 echo "</tr>\n";
351 }
352 }
354 /** computes linear post index
355 * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post
356 * @return INTEGER linear index of post
357 */
359 function getndx($_id) {
360 $ndx = 1;
361 // on remonte l'arbre
362 $id_parent = $this->overview[$_id]->parent;
363 $id_curr = $_id;
364 while (!is_null($id_parent)) {
365 for ($i=0; $i<array_search($id_curr,
366 $this->overview[$id_parent]->children) ; $i++) {
367 $ndx += $this->overview[$this->overview[$id_parent]->children[$i]]->desc;
368 }
369 $ndx++; //noeud père
370 $id_curr = $id_parent;
371 $id_parent = $this->overview[$id_curr]->parent;
372 }
373 // on compte les threads précédents
374 foreach ($this->overview as $i=>$p) {
375 if ($i==$id_curr) {
376 break;
377 }
378 if (is_null($p->parent)) {
379 $ndx += $this->overview[$i]->desc;
380 }
381 }
382 return $ndx;
383 }
384 }
386 ?>