migrate referent + profile edition
[platal.git] / include / exalead / exalead.smarty.inc.php
1 <?php
3 $exa_max_length = 16;
5 function display_group(&$group, &$exalead_data, $keywords=false,$class = 'exa_groupe', $img_path = 'images/'){
6 $compteur = 0;
7 $titre = ($keywords)?'Mot-clés':$group->title;
8 $gid = ($keywords)?'k':$group->gid;
9 if($keywords){
10 $array = & $group;
11 }
12 else{
13 $array = & $group->categories;
14 }
15 $res=" <div class=\"exa_groupe\"
16 <div class=\"titre\">".$titre.":</div>
17 <ul id=\"exa_group_".$gid."\">";
18 foreach($array as $categorie){
19 $compteur++;
20 $res+="<li class=\"exa_categorie\" id=\"exa_group_".$gid."_".$compteur.";\">";
21 if($categorie->is_normal()){
22 $res+="<a style=\"text-decoration: none;\"
23 href=\"?_C=".$exalead_data->query->context."&".$categorie->refine_href.";?>&amp;_f=xml2\"
24 title=\"Afficher seulement ces résultats\">
25 <img style=\"vertical-align: text-bottom;\" src=\"images/select.png\" alt=\"[+]\" />";
26 if (empty($categorie->display)){
27 $res+=$categorie->name;
28 }
29 else{
30 $res+=$categorie->display;
31 }
32 if(!empty($categorie->count)){
33 $res+=$categorie->count;
34 }
35 $res+="</a>
36 <a href=\"?_C=".$exalead_data->query->context."&".$categorie->exclude_href.";&amp;_f=xml2\"
37 title=\"Ne pas afficher ces résultats\">
38 <img style=\"vertical-align: text-bottom;\" src=\"images/moins.png\" alt=\"[-]\"/></a>";
39 }
40 elseif($categorie->is_excluded()){
41 $res+="<span style=\"text-decoration: line-through;\">
42 <a href=\"?_C=".$exalead_data->query->context."&".$categorie->reset_href.";&amp;_f=xml2\">
43 <img style=\"vertical-align: text-bottom;\" src=\"images/select.png\" alt=\"[+]\" />
44 ".$categorie->display.";</a>
45 </span>";
46 }
47 else{
48 $res+="<strong>".$categorie->display.";</strong>
49 <a href=\"?_C=".$exalead_data->query->context."&".$categorie->reset_href.";&amp;_f=xml2\">
50 <img style=\"vertical-align: text-bottom;\" src=\"images/moins.png\" alt=\"[-]\"/></a>";
51 }
52 $res+="</li>";
53 }
54 $res+=" </ul>
55 </div>";
56 return $res;
57 }
62 function _display_groupes($params, &$smarty){
64 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
65 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
66 }
67 else{
68 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
69 }
71 foreach($exalead_data->groups as $group){
72 display_group($group, $exalead_data);
73 }
75 }
77 function _display_keywords($params, &$smarty){
78 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
79 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
80 }
81 else{
82 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
83 }
85 display_group($exalead_data->keywords, $exalead_data, true);
86 }
88 function _exa_navigation_gauche($params, &$smarty){
89 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
90 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
91 }
92 else{
93 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
94 }
95 $res = '';
96 if($exalead_data->start > 0){
97 $debut_g = $exalead_data->start - 9;
98 $debut_d = $debut_g + 9;
99 if($debut_g < 0){
100 $res .= "<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=0\">[1-10]</a>";
101 }
102 else{
103 $res .= "<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".($debut_g-1)."\">[$debut_g-$debut_d]</a>";
104 }
105 }
106 return $res;
107 }
108 function _exa_navigation_droite($params, &$smarty){
109 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
110 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
111 }
112 else{
113 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
114 }
115 $max = -1;
116 if(!empty($params['max'])){
117 $max = (int) $params['max'];
118 if(($max < 0) || ($max > $exalead_data->nhits)){
119 $max = $exalead_data->nhits;
120 }
121 }
122 else{
123 $max = $exalead_data->nhits;
124 }
125 $res = '';
126 if(($exalead_data->end < $max) && ($max > 10)){
127 $fin_g = $exalead_data->end + 1;
128 $fin_d = $fin_g + 10;
129 if($fin_d > $max){
130 $res .= "<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".($max-10)."\">[".($max-10)."-".($max)."]</a>";
131 }
132 else{
133 $res .= "<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=$fin_g\">[".($fin_g+1)."-$fin_d]</a>";
134 }
135 }
136 return $res;
137 }
139 function _exa_navigation_barre($params, &$smarty){
140 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
141 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
142 }
143 else{
144 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
145 }
146 if(!empty($params['nb_res_per_page'])){
147 $nb_res_per_page = (int) $params['nb_res_per_page'];
148 }
149 else
150 $nb_res_per_page = 10;//10 results per page
151 if(!empty($params['max_results']) && ((int) $params['max_results'] < $exalead_data->nhits)){
152 $nb_hits = (int) $params['max_results'];
153 }
154 else{
155 $nb_hits = (int) $exalead_data->nhits;
156 }
157 $date=false;
158 foreach($exalead_data->query->query_parameters as $parameter){
159 if($parameter->name=="_sf"){
160 if($parameter->value=="-date")
161 $date=true;
162 }
163 }
166 $res = '';
167 $nb_numero = 5;//We want 5 links
168 $current_page = (empty($_GET['_s'])?1:1+(int) ($_GET['_s'] / $nb_res_per_page));
169 $first_number = 1;
170 if($nb_hits < ($nb_numero) * $nb_res_per_page){
171 $nb_numero = (int) ($nb_hits / $nb_res_per_page);
172 }
173 else{
174 if($current_page > ((int)$nb_numero/2))
175 $first_number = 1 + $current_page - (int)($nb_numero/2);
176 if($nb_hits < (($first_number + $nb_numero - 1) * $nb_res_per_page)){
177 $first_number = (int) ($nb_hits / $nb_res_per_page) - $nb_numero+2;
178 }
179 }
181 if ($current_page*$nb_res_per_page >$nb_res_per_page){
182 $res.="<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".(($current_page-2)*$nb_res_per_page);
183 if($date) $res.="&amp;_sf=-date";
184 $res.="\">Précédent</a> ";
185 }
186 for($i = $first_number; $i <= $nb_numero + $first_number; $i++){
187 $k=$nb_res_per_page*($i-1)+1;
188 $j=$nb_res_per_page*$i;
189 if($i == $current_page){
190 $res .= "<strong>$k-$j</strong> ";
191 }
192 elseif($k<=$nb_hits){
193 $res .= "<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".(($i-1)*$nb_res_per_page);
194 if($date) $res.="&amp;_sf=-date";
195 $res.="\">$k-$j</a> ";
196 }
197 }
198 if ($current_page*10<$nb_hits){
199 $res.="<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".(($current_page)*$nb_res_per_page);
200 if($date) $res.="&amp;_sf=-date";
201 $res.="\">Suivant</a>";
202 }
203 if($date)
204 $res.=" - <a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&amp;_f=xml2\">[Classer par pertinence]</a>";
205 else
206 $res.=" - <a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&amp;_sf=-date&amp;_f=xml2\">[Classer par date]</a>";
207 return $res;
208 }
211 function _little_nav_barre($params, &$smarty){
212 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
213 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
214 }
215 else{
216 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
217 }
218 $box=false;
219 if(!empty($params['where']))
220 if($params['where']=='box')
221 $box=true;
222 $date=false;
223 foreach($exalead_data->query->query_parameters as $parameter){
224 if($parameter->name=="_sf"){
225 if($parameter->value=="-date")
226 $date=true;
227 }
228 }
229 $dizaine=10*(int)($exalead_data->start/10);
230 $res="";
231 if ($box)
232 $res .= "<table>";
233 else
234 $res.= "<table class=\"table\">";
235 $res.="<tr>";
236 if($box)
237 $res.="<td class=\"gauche\">";
238 else
239 $res .=" <td width=\"20%\" style=\"text-align: left;\">";
240 if($exalead_data->start != 0){
241 $num=$exalead_data->start-1;
242 $res .="<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".$num."\">Précédent</a>";
243 }
244 $num=$exalead_data->start+1;
245 $res .= "</td>";
246 if($box){
247 $res.="<td class=\"centre\">
248 CV : ".$num." / {$exalead_data->nhits}<br />";
249 }
250 else{
251 $res.="<td width=\"60%\" style=\"text-align: center;\">
252 CV : ".$num." / {$exalead_data->nhits} -";
253 }
254 if($date)
255 $res.="<a href=\"ec_cherche_cv.php?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&amp;_sf=-date&amp;_f=xml2&amp;_s=".$dizaine."\">Retour à la recherche</a>";
256 else
257 $res.="<a href=\"ec_cherche_cv.php?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&amp;_f=xml2&amp;_s=".$dizaine."\">Retour à la recherche</a>";
258 $res .="</td>";
259 if($box)
260 $res.="<td class=\"droite\">";
261 else
262 $res .= "<td width=\"20%\" style=\"text-align: right;\">";
263 $num=$exalead_data->start+1;
264 if( $exalead_data->start+1 < $exalead_data->nhits)
265 $res .= "<a href=\"?_C={$exalead_data->query->context}&_s=".$num."\">Suivant</a>";
266 $res .="</td>
267 </tr>
268 </table>";
269 return $res;
270 }
272 //categorie = true if this line is for a category, false if this is for a keyword
273 function _display_3_columns($title, $count, $refine, $exclude, $categorie,$hide=-1){
274 if ($title!='Inconnu'){
275 global $exa_max_length;
276 if($categorie) $title_exclude = 'Ne pas afficher cette catégorie';
277 else $title_exclude = 'Ne pas afficher ce mot-clé';
278 $extract = ((strlen($title) > $exa_max_length + 3)?substr($title,0,$exa_max_length).'...':$title);
279 $result="<tr class=\"categ\"";
280 if ($hide>0) {
281 $result .= " id=\"cache_$hide\" onclick=\"cacheId('cache_$hide')\"";//Pour pouvoir cacher des catégories
282 }
283 $result.=">
284 <td>
285 <a style=\"text-decoration: none;\"
286 href=\"?_C=".$refine."&amp;_f=xml2\"
287 title=\"$title\"
288 >$extract</a></td><td width=\"10%\">$count</td><td width=\"10%\">
289 <a href=\"?_C=".$exclude."&amp;_f=xml2\"
290 title=\"$title_exclude\">[-]</a></td>
291 </tr>";
293 return $result;
294 }
295 }
297 //excluded = true if this line is an excluded result, = false if this line is a refined result
298 //categorie = true if this line is for a category, false if this is for a keyword
299 function _display_2_columns($title, $reset, $excluded, $categorie){
300 global $exa_max_length;
301 if($excluded){
302 if($categorie) $title_link = 'Afficher de nouveau cette catégorie';
303 else $title_link = 'Afficher de nouveau ce mot-clé';
304 $link = '[+]';
305 $style = 'text-decoration: line-through;';
306 } else{
307 if($categorie) $title_link = 'Voir les autres catégories';
308 else $title_link = 'Voir les autres mots-clés';
309 $link = '[-]';
310 $style = 'text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;';
311 }
312 $extract = ((strlen($title) > $exa_max_length + 3)?substr($title,0,$exa_max_length).'...':$title);
313 return "<tr class=\"categ\">
314 <td colspan=\"2\">
315 <a style=\"$style\" href=\"?_C=".$reset."&amp;_f=xml2\"
316 title=\"$title\">$extract</a>
317 </td>
318 <td width=\"10%\"><a style=\"$style\"
319 href=\"?_C=".$reset."&amp;_f=xml2\"
320 title=\"$title_link\"
321 >$link</a>
322 </td>
323 </tr>";
324 }
326 function _display_resume_groupe_category(&$group, $context, $padding = '',$limit=100){
327 $result = '';
328 $cnt=0;
329 foreach($group->categories as $categorie){
330 $cnt ++;
331 if($cnt==$limit) break;
332 $title = (empty($categorie->display)?$categorie->name:$categorie->display);
333 $count = (empty($categorie->count)?'':' ('.$categorie->count.')');
334 $categorie->refine_href=str_replace('/_c=', '/&_c=', $categorie->refine_href);//correction d'un bug
335 $refine = $context.'&'.$categorie->refine_href;
336 $exclude = $context.'&'.$categorie->exclude_href;
337 $reset = $context.'&'.$categorie->reset_href;
339 if ($categorie->display != '') {
340 if($categorie->is_normal()){
341 $result .= _display_3_columns($padding.$title, $count, $refine, $exclude, '',$cnt-$limit);
342 }
343 else{
344 $result .= _display_2_columns($padding.$title, $reset, $categorie->is_excluded(),'', $cnt-$limit);
345 }
346 }
347 if(count($categorie->categories) > 0 && ($_SESSION['show_all']||$title=="france"||!$categorie->is_normal()) ){
348 $result .= _display_resume_groupe_category($categorie, $context, $pagging.'-',$limit-$cnt);
349 }
350 }
351 return $result;
352 }
354 /**
355 * This function is used to resume database content for given group (template argument 'groupe')
356 */
357 function _display_resume_groupe($params, &$smarty){
358 global $exa_max_length;
359 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
360 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
361 }
362 else{
363 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
364 }
365 if(empty($params['groupe'])){
366 return '';
367 }
368 $groupe = $params['groupe'];
369 $name = $params['display'];
370 foreach($exalead_data->groups as $group){
371 if($group->title == $groupe){
372 if($groupe=="Zone"){
373 if($_SESSION["show_all"]) {
374 $result = "<table class=\"exa_resume\"><th colspan=\"2\" class=\"titre\">".gettext($name)."</th>
375 <th><a href=\"anciens_cherche_offres_exa.php?hide=1&".$params['url']."\"><img src='images/icons/fww.gif'/></a></th>";
377 }
378 else{
379 $result = "<table class=\"exa_resume\"><th colspan=\"2\" class=\"titre\">".gettext($name)."</th><th><a href=\"anciens_cherche_offres_exa.php?show_all=1&".$params['url']."\"><img src='images/icons/rww.gif'/></a></th>";
380 }
381 $result .= _display_resume_groupe_category($group, $exalead_data->query->context,'',$params['limit']);
382 }
383 else{
384 $result = "<table class=\"exa_resume\"><th colspan=\"3\" class=\"titre\">".gettext($name)."</th>";
385 if (isset($params['limit']) && $params['limit']>0)
386 {
387 $result .= _display_resume_groupe_category($group, $exalead_data->query->context,'',$params['limit']);
389 }else
390 {
391 $result .= _display_resume_groupe_category($group, $exalead_data->query->context);
392 }
393 }
394 $result .= "</table>";
395 return $result;
396 }
397 }
398 }
400 /**
401 * This function is used to resume database content for keywords
402 */
403 function _display_resume_keywords($params, &$smarty){
404 global $exa_max_length;
405 if(!empty($params['exalead_data'])){
406 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS[$params['exalead_data']];
407 }
408 else{
409 $exalead_data = &$GLOBALS['exalead_data'];
410 }
412 //if no keywrods, do not display anything
413 if(count($exalead_data->keywords) == 0) return '';
414 $name=$params['display'];
415 $result = "<table class=\"exa_resume\"><th colspan=\"3\" class=\"titre\">".gettext($name)."</th>";
416 foreach($exalead_data->keywords as $keyword){
417 if($keyword->display != ''){
418 $title = (empty($keyword->display)?$keyword->name:$keyword->display);
419 $count = (empty($keyword->count)?'':' ('.$keyword->count.')');
420 $refine = $exalead_data->query->context.'/'.$keyword->refine_href;
421 $exclude = $exalead_data->query->context.'/'.$keyword->exclude_href;
422 $reset = $exalead_data->query->context.'/'.$keyword->reset_href;
423 if($keyword->is_normal()){
424 $result .= _display_3_columns($title, $count, $refine, $exclude, false);
425 }
426 else{
427 $result .= _display_2_columns($title, $reset, $keyword->is_excluded(), false);
428 }
429 }
430 }
431 $result .= "</table>";
432 return $result;
433 }
435 function register_smarty_exalead(&$page){
436 $page->register_function('little_nav_barre','_little_nav_barre');
437 $page->register_function('exa_display_groupes', '_display_groupes');
438 $page->register_function('exa_display_resume_groupe', '_display_resume_groupe');
439 $page->register_function('exa_display_resume_keywords', '_display_resume_keywords');
440 $page->register_function('exa_display_keywords', '_display_keywords');
441 $page->register_function('exa_navigation_gauche', '_exa_navigation_gauche');
442 $page->register_function('exa_navigation_droite', '_exa_navigation_droite');
443 $page->register_function('exa_navigation_barre', '_exa_navigation_barre');
444 }
446 if(isset($page)){
447 register_smarty_exalead($page);
448 }
450 ?>