[old-projects.git] / ekit / com / hexidec / ekit / LanguageResources.properties
1 About=About*
2 AboutMessage=Ekit (c)2000-2004 Howard Kistler\nhexidec codex\nwww.hexidec.com
3 Align=Align*
4 AlignCenter=Align Center*
5 AlignJustified=Align Justified*
6 AlignLeft=Align Left*
7 AlignRight=Align Right*
8 AnchorDialogTitle=Anchor Reference*
9 AskNewDocument=Create new blank document?*
10 Color=Color*
11 ColorAqua=Aqua*
12 ColorBlack=Black*
13 ColorBlue=Blue*
14 ColorFuschia=Fuschia*
15 ColorGray=Gray*
16 ColorGreen=Green*
17 ColorLime=Lime*
18 ColorMaroon=Maroon*
19 ColorNavy=Navy*
20 ColorOlive=Olive*
21 ColorPurple=Purple*
22 ColorRed=Red*
23 ColorSilver=Silver*
24 ColorTeal=Teal*
25 ColorWhite=White*
26 ColorYellow=Yellow*
27 Contents=Contents*
28 Copy=Copy*
29 CustomColor=Custom*
30 Cut=Cut*
31 Debug=Debug*
32 DeleteTableColumn=Delete Column*
33 DeleteTableRow=Delete Row*
34 DescribeCSS=Describe CSS*
35 DescribeDoc=Describe Doc*
36 DialogAccept=Accept*
37 DialogCancel=Cancel*
38 DialogClose=Close*
39 DictionaryFile=english
40 Edit=Edit*
41 EditMode=Edit Mode*
42 Error=Error*
43 ErrorBadLocationException=Bad Location Exception occurred.*
44 ErrorCannotConvertToList=Cannot convert the selected text to a list.*
45 ErrorIOException=IO Exception occurred.*
46 ErrorNestedListsNotSupported=Lists cannot be created inside other lists.*
47 ErrorNoMatchFound=No match found*
48 ErrorNoOccurencesFound=No occurrences found*
49 ErrorNoTextSelected=No text was selected.*
50 ErrorRuntimeException=Runtime Exception occurred.*
51 Exit=Exit*
52 File=File*
53 FiletypeB64=Base64 Files*
54 FiletypeCSS=CSS Files*
55 FiletypeHTML=HTML Files*
56 FiletypeIMG=Images*
57 FiletypeRTF=RTF Files*
58 FiletypeSer=Serialized Files*
59 Font=Font*
60 FontBold=Bold*
61 FontDialogTitle=Select Font*
62 FontItalic=Italic*
63 FontMonospaced=Monospaced*
64 FontSample=Font Sample*
65 FontSansserif=Sans-Serif*
66 FontSelect=Select Font*
67 FontSerif=Serif*
68 FontSize1=Smallest*
69 FontSize2=Smaller*
70 FontSize3=Small*
71 FontSize4=Regular*
72 FontSize5=Large*
73 FontSize6=Larger*
74 FontSize7=Largest*
75 FontSize=Size*
76 FontStrike=Strike-through*
77 FontSubscript=Subscript*
78 FontSuperscript=Superscript*
79 FontUnderline=Underline*
80 Format=Format*
81 FormatBig=Big*
82 FormatBlockquote=Blockquote*
83 FormatClear=Clear Format*
84 FormatEmphasis=Emphasis*
85 FormatPre=Preformatted*
86 FormatSmall=Small*
87 FormatSpan=Span*
88 FormatStrong=Strong*
89 FormatTT=Typewritten*
90 FormButton=Button*
91 FormButtonReset=Reset Button*
92 FormButtonSubmit=Submit Button*
93 FormCheckbox=Checkbox*
94 FormDialogTitle=Properties For Form Element*
95 FormInsertForm=Insert Form*
96 FormPassword=Password*
97 FormRadio=Radio Button*
98 Forms=Forms*
99 FormTextarea=Text Area*
100 FormTextfield=Text Field*
101 Heading1=Heading 1*
102 Heading2=Heading 2*
103 Heading3=Heading 3*
104 Heading4=Heading 4*
105 Heading5=Heading 5*
106 Heading6=Heading 6*
107 Heading=Heading*
108 Help=Help*
109 ImageDialogTitle=Select Image To Insert*
110 Index=Index*
111 Insert=Insert*
112 InsertAnchor=Anchor*
113 InsertBreak=Break*
114 InsertHorizontalRule=Horizontal Rule*
115 InsertLocalImage=Image From File*
116 InsertNBSP=Nonbreaking Space*
117 InsertServerImage=Image From Server*
118 InsertSymbol=Symbol...*
119 InsertTable=Create Table*
120 InsertTableColumn=Insert Column*
121 InsertTableRow=Insert Row*
122 ListItem=List Item*
123 ListOrdered=Ordered List*
124 ListUnordered=Unordered List*
125 New=New*
126 NewDocument=New Document*
127 NoCSSStyle=(none)*
128 OpenBase64Document=Open Base64 Document*
129 OpenDocument=Open Document*
130 OpenStyle=Open Stylesheet*
131 Paste=Paste*
132 PickCSSStyle=CSS Style*
133 ReadFromSer=Read From Ser*
134 Redo=Redo*
135 RedoError=Unable to redo*
136 Save=Save*
137 SaveAs=Save As*
138 SaveB64=Save Base64*
139 SaveBody=Save Body*
140 SaveDocument=Save Document*
141 SaveRTF=Save RTF*
142 Search=Search*
143 SearchCaseSensitive=Case Sensitive*
144 SearchDialogTitle=Search*
145 SearchFind=Find*
146 SearchFindAgain=Find Again*
147 SearchReplace=Replace*
148 SearchReplaceAll=Replace All*
149 SearchStartAtTop=Start At Top*
150 SelectAll=Select All*
151 SelectLine=Select Line*
152 SelectorToolCSSStyles=Style:*
153 SelectParagraph=Select Paragraph*
154 SelectWord=Select Word*
155 Serialize=Serialize*
156 SymbolDialogTitle=Symbol Insert*
157 Symbols=\u2122\u00a9\u00ae\u2020\u20ac\u00a2\u00a3\u00a5\u00b1\u00d7\u00f7\u00bc\u00bd\u00be\u00b0\u00b5\u00b9\u00b2\u00b3\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d
158 Table=Table*
159 TableBorder=Border Width*
160 TableCellPadding=Cell Padding*
161 TableCellSpacing=Cell Spacing*
162 TableColumns=Table Columns*
163 TableDialogTitle=Table Properties*
164 TableRows=Table Rows*
165 ToolAnchor=Insert Anchor*
166 Tools=Tools*
167 ToolSpellcheck=Spellchecker*
168 ToolSpellcheckDialog=Check Spelling*
169 Undo=Undo*
170 UndoError=Unable to undo*
171 View=View*
172 ViewSource=Source*
173 ViewToolbar=Toolbar*
174 ViewToolbarFormat=Format*
175 ViewToolbarMain=Main*
176 ViewToolbars=Toolbars*
177 ViewToolbarStyles=Styles*
178 WhatTags=What Tags?*