Fetch addresses.
[platal.git] / classes / profile.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Polytechnique.org *
4 * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 * Foundation, Inc., *
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 class Profile
23 {
24 static private $v_values = array('public' => array('public'),
25 'ax' => array('ax', 'public'),
26 'private' => array('private', 'ax', 'public'));
27 const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public';
28 const VISIBILITY_AX = 'ax';
29 const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private';
31 const ADDRESS_MAIN = 0x000001;
32 const ADDRESS_PERSO = 0x000002;
33 const ADDRESS_PRO = 0x000004;
34 const ADDRESS_ALL = 0x000006;
35 const ADDRESS_POSTAL = 0x000008;
37 const EDUCATION_MAIN = 0x000010;
38 const EDUCATION_ALL = 0x000020;
39 const EDUCATION_FINISHED = 0x000040;
40 const EDUCATION_CURRENT = 0x000080;
42 const JOBS_MAIN = 0x000100;
43 const JOBS_ALL = 0x000200;
44 const JOBS_FINISHED = 0x000400;
45 const JOBS_CURRENT = 0x000800;
47 private $pid;
48 private $hrpid;
49 private $data = array();
51 private $visibility = null;
53 private function __construct(array $data)
54 {
55 $this->data = $data;
56 $this->pid = $this->data['pid'];
57 $this->hrpid = $this->data['hrpid'];
58 }
60 public function id()
61 {
62 return $this->pid;
63 }
65 public function hrid()
66 {
67 return $this->hrpid;
68 }
70 public function promo()
71 {
72 return $this->promo;
73 }
75 /** Print a name with the given formatting:
76 * %s = • for women
77 * %f = firstname
78 * %l = lastname
79 * %F = fullname
80 * %S = shortname
81 * %p = promo
82 */
83 public function name($format)
84 {
85 return str_replace(array('%s', '%f', '%l', '%F', '%S', '%p'),
86 array($this->isFemale() ? '•' : '',
87 $this->first_name, $this->last_name,
88 $this->full_name, $this->short_name,
89 $this->promo), $format);
90 }
92 public function fullName($with_promo = false)
93 {
94 if ($with_promo) {
95 return $this->full_name . ' (' . $this->promo . ')';
96 }
97 return $this->full_name;
98 }
100 public function shortName($with_promo = false)
101 {
102 if ($with_promo) {
103 return $this->short_name . ' (' . $this->promo . ')';
104 }
105 return $this->short_name;
106 }
108 public function firstName()
109 {
110 return $this->firstname;
111 }
113 public function lastName()
114 {
115 return $this->lastname;
116 }
118 public function isFemale()
119 {
120 return $this->sex == PlUser::GENDER_FEMALE;
121 }
123 public function data()
124 {
125 $this->first_name;
126 return $this->data;
127 }
129 public function __get($name)
130 {
131 if (property_exists($this, $name)) {
132 return $this->$name;
133 }
135 if (isset($this->data[$name])) {
136 return $this->data[$name];
137 }
139 return null;
140 }
142 public function __isset($name)
143 {
144 return property_exists($this, $name) || isset($this->data[$name]);
145 }
147 public function setVisibilityLevel($visibility)
148 {
149 if ($visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
150 && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_AX
151 && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) {
152 Platal::page()->kill("Visibility invalide: " . $visibility);
153 }
154 $this->visibility = self::$v_values[$visibility];
155 }
157 public function getAddresses($flags)
158 {
159 $where = XDB::format('pa.pid = {?}', $this->id());
160 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_MAIN) {
161 $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags)';
162 }
163 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_POSTAL) {
164 $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags)';
165 }
166 if ($this->visibility) {
167 $where .= ' AND pa.pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
168 }
169 $type = array();
170 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PRO) {
171 $type[] = 'job';
172 }
173 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PERSO) {
174 $type[] = 'home';
175 }
176 if (count($type) > 0) {
177 $where .= ' AND pa.type IN ' . XDB::formatArray($type);
178 }
179 return XDB::iterator('SELECT pa.text, pa.postalCode, pa.type, pa.latitude, pa.longitude,
180 gl.name AS locality, gas.name AS subAdministrativeArea,
181 ga.name AS administrativeArea, gc.countryFR AS country,
182 FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags) AS current,
183 FIND_IN_SET(\'temporary\', pa.flags) AS temporary,
184 FIND_IN_SET(\'secondary\', pa.flags) AS secondary,
185 FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags) AS mail, pa.type
186 FROM profile_addresses AS pa
187 LEFT JOIN geoloc_localities AS gl ON (gl.id = pa.localityId)
188 LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS ga ON (ga.id = pa.administrativeAreaId)
189 LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS gas ON (gas.id = pa.subAdministrativeAreaId)
190 LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pa.countryId)
191 WHERE ' . $where);
192 }
194 public function getMainAddress()
195 {
196 $it = $this->getAddresses(self::ADDRESS_PERSO | self::ADDRESS_MAIN);
197 if ($it->total() == 0) {
198 return null;
199 } else {
200 return $it->next();
201 }
202 }
204 public function owner()
205 {
206 return User::getSilent($this);
207 }
209 private static function fetchProfileData(array $pids)
210 {
211 if (count($pids) == 0) {
212 return array();
213 }
214 return XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT p.*, p.sex = \'female\' AS sex, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year,
215 pn_f.name AS firstname, pn_l.name AS lastname, pn_n.name AS nickname,
216 IF(pn_uf.name IS NULL, pn_f.name, pn_uf.name) AS firstname_usual,
217 IF(pn_ul.name IS NULL, pn_l.name, pn_ul.name) AS lastname_usual,
218 pd.promo AS promo, pd.short_name, pd.directory_name AS full_name
219 FROM profiles AS p
220 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
221 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.uid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags))
222 INNER JOIN profile_name AS pn_f ON (pn_f.pid = p.pid
223 AND pn_f.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('lastname', true) . ')
224 INNER JOIN profile_name AS pn_l ON (pn_l.pid = p.pid
225 AND pn_l.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('firstname', true) . ')
226 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_uf ON (pn_uf.pid = p.pid
227 AND pn_uf.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('lastname_ordinary', true) . ')
228 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_ul ON (pn_ul.pid = p.pid
229 AND pn_ul.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('firstname_ordinary', true) . ')
230 LEFT JOIN profile_name aS pn_n ON (pn_n.pid = p.pid
231 AND pn_n.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('nickname', true) . ')
232 WHERE p.pid IN ' . XDB::formatArray($pids) . '
233 GROUP BY p.pid');
234 }
236 public static function getPID($login)
237 {
238 if ($login instanceof PlUser) {
239 return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid
240 FROM account_profiles
241 WHERE uid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', perms)',
242 $login->id());
243 } else if (ctype_digit($login)) {
244 return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid
245 FROM profiles
246 WHERE pid = {?}', $login);
247 } else {
248 return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid
249 FROM profiles
250 WHERE hrpid = {?}', $login);
251 }
252 }
255 /** Return the profile associated with the given login.
256 */
257 public static function get($login)
258 {
259 $pid = self::getPID($login);
260 if (!is_null($pid)) {
261 $data = self::fetchProfileData(array($pid));
262 return new Profile(array_pop($data));
263 } else {
264 /* Let say we can identify a profile using the identifiers of its owner.
265 */
266 if (!($login instanceof PlUser)) {
267 $user = User::getSilent($login);
268 if ($user && $user->hasProfile()) {
269 return $user->profile();
270 }
271 }
272 return null;
273 }
274 }
276 /** Return profiles for the list of pids.
277 */
278 public static function getBulkProfilesWithPIDs(array $pids)
279 {
280 if (count($pids) == 0) {
281 return array();
282 }
283 $data = self::fetchProfileData($pids);
284 $inv = array_flip($pids);
285 $profiles = array();
286 foreach ($data AS $p) {
287 $p = new Profile($p);
288 $key = $inv[$p->id()];
289 $profiles[$key] = $p;
290 }
291 return $profiles;
292 }
294 /** Return profiles for uids.
295 */
296 public static function getBulkProfilesWithUIDS(array $uids)
297 {
298 if (count($uids) == 0) {
299 return array();
300 }
301 $table = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('uid', 'SELECT ap.uid, ap.pid
302 FROM account_profiles AS ap
303 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)
304 AND ap.uid IN ' . XDB::formatArray($uids));
305 return self::getBulkProfilesWithPIDs($table);
306 }
308 public static function getNameTypeId($type, $for_sql = false)
309 {
310 if (!S::has('name_types')) {
311 $table = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('type', 'SELECT id, type
312 FROM profile_name_enum');
313 S::set('name_types', $table);
314 } else {
315 $table = S::v('name_types');
316 }
317 if ($for_sql) {
318 return XDB::escape($table[$type]);
319 } else {
320 return $table[$type];
321 }
322 }
323 }
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326 ?>