[platal.git] / classes / profile.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Polytechnique.org *
4 * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 * Foundation, Inc., *
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 class Profile
23 {
24 static private $v_values = array('public' => array('public'),
25 'ax' => array('ax', 'public'),
26 'private' => array('private', 'ax', 'public'));
28 const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public';
29 const VISIBILITY_AX = 'ax';
30 const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private';
32 /* name tokens */
33 const LASTNAME = 'lastname';
34 const FIRSTNAME = 'firstname';
35 const NICKNAME = 'nickname';
36 const PSEUDONYM = 'pseudonym';
37 const NAME = 'name';
38 /* name variants */
39 const VN_MARITAL = 'marital';
40 const VN_ORDINARY = 'ordinary';
41 const VN_OTHER = 'other';
42 const VN_INI = 'ini';
43 /* display names */
44 const DN_FULL = 'directory_name';
45 const DN_DISPLAY = 'yourself';
46 const DN_YOURSELF = 'yourself';
47 const DN_DIRECTORY = 'directory_name';
48 const DN_PRIVATE = 'private_name';
49 const DN_PUBLIC = 'public_name';
50 const DN_SHORT = 'short_name';
51 const DN_SORT = 'sort_name';
52 /* education related names */
53 const EDU_X = 'École polytechnique';
54 const DEGREE_X = 'Ingénieur';
55 const DEGREE_M = 'Master';
56 const DEGREE_D = 'Doctorat';
58 static public $name_variants = array(
59 self::LASTNAME => array(self::VN_MARITAL, self::VN_ORDINARY),
60 self::FIRSTNAME => array(self::VN_ORDINARY, self::VN_INI, self::VN_OTHER)
61 );
63 const ADDRESS_MAIN = 0x000001;
64 const ADDRESS_PERSO = 0x000002;
65 const ADDRESS_PRO = 0x000004;
66 const ADDRESS_ALL = 0x000006;
67 const ADDRESS_POSTAL = 0x000008;
69 const EDUCATION_MAIN = 0x000010;
70 const EDUCATION_EXTRA = 0x000020;
71 const EDUCATION_ALL = 0x000040;
72 const EDUCATION_FINISHED = 0x000080;
73 const EDUCATION_CURRENT = 0x000100;
75 const JOBS_MAIN = 0x001000;
76 const JOBS_ALL = 0x002000;
77 const JOBS_FINISHED = 0x004000;
78 const JOBS_CURRENT = 0x008000;
80 const NETWORKING_ALL = 0x000000;
81 const NETWORKING_WEB = 0x010000;
82 const NETWORKING_IM = 0x020000;
83 const NETWORKING_SOCIAL = 0x040000;
85 private $pid;
86 private $hrpid;
87 private $data = array();
89 private $visibility = null;
91 private function __construct(array $data)
92 {
93 $this->data = $data;
94 $this->pid = $this->data['pid'];
95 $this->hrpid = $this->data['hrpid'];
96 if (!S::logged()) {
97 $this->setVisibilityLevel(self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC);
98 }
99 }
101 public function id()
102 {
103 return $this->pid;
104 }
106 public function hrid()
107 {
108 return $this->hrpid;
109 }
111 public function promo()
112 {
113 return $this->promo;
114 }
116 /** Print a name with the given formatting:
117 * %s = • for women
118 * %f = firstname
119 * %l = lastname
120 * %F = fullname
121 * %S = shortname
122 * %p = promo
123 */
124 public function name($format)
125 {
126 return str_replace(array('%s', '%f', '%l', '%F', '%S', '%p'),
127 array($this->isFemale() ? '•' : '',
128 $this->first_name, $this->last_name,
129 $this->full_name, $this->short_name,
130 $this->promo), $format);
131 }
133 public function fullName($with_promo = false)
134 {
135 if ($with_promo) {
136 return $this->full_name . ' (' . $this->promo . ')';
137 }
138 return $this->full_name;
139 }
141 public function shortName($with_promo = false)
142 {
143 if ($with_promo) {
144 return $this->short_name . ' (' . $this->promo . ')';
145 }
146 return $this->short_name;
147 }
149 public function firstName()
150 {
151 return $this->firstname;
152 }
154 public function firstNames()
155 {
156 return $this->nameVariants(self::FIRSTNAME);
157 }
159 public function lastName()
160 {
161 return $this->lastname;
162 }
164 public function lastNames()
165 {
166 return $this->nameVariants(self::LASTNAME);
167 }
169 public function isFemale()
170 {
171 return $this->sex == PlUser::GENDER_FEMALE;
172 }
174 public function data()
175 {
176 $this->first_name;
177 return $this->data;
178 }
180 private function nameVariants($type)
181 {
182 $vals = array($this->$type);
183 foreach (self::$name_variants[$type] as $var) {
184 $vartype = $type . '_' . $var;
185 $varname = $this->$vartype;
186 if ($varname != null && $varname != "") {
187 $vals[] = $varname;
188 }
189 }
190 return array_unique($vals);
191 }
193 public function __get($name)
194 {
195 if (property_exists($this, $name)) {
196 return $this->$name;
197 }
199 if (isset($this->data[$name])) {
200 return $this->data[$name];
201 }
203 return null;
204 }
206 public function __isset($name)
207 {
208 return property_exists($this, $name) || isset($this->data[$name]);
209 }
211 public function setVisibilityLevel($visibility)
212 {
213 if ($visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
214 && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_AX
215 && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) {
216 Platal::page()->kill("Visibility invalide: " . $visibility);
217 }
218 $this->visibility = self::$v_values[$visibility];
219 if ($this->mobile && !in_array($this->mobile_pub, $this->visibility)) {
220 unset($this->data['mobile']);
221 }
222 }
225 /* Photo
226 */
227 public function getPhoto($fallback = true)
228 {
229 /* TODO: migrate photo table to profile_photo, change uid to pid
230 */
231 $cond = '';
232 if ($this->visibility) {
233 $cond = ' AND pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
234 }
235 $res = XDB::query('SELECT *
236 FROM profile_photos
237 WHERE attachmime IN (\'jpeg\', \'png\')
238 ' . $cond . ' AND pid = {?}',
239 $this->id());
240 if ($res->numRows() > 0) {
241 $photo = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
242 return PlImage::fromData($photo['attach'], 'image/' . $photo['attachmime'],
243 $photo['x'], $photo['y']);
244 } else if ($fallback) {
245 return PlImage::fromFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../htdocs/images/none.png',
246 'image/png');
247 }
248 return null;
249 }
251 /* Addresses
252 */
253 public function getAddresses($flags, $limit = null)
254 {
255 $where = XDB::format('pa.pid = {?}', $this->id());
256 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_MAIN) {
257 $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags)';
258 }
259 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_POSTAL) {
260 $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags)';
261 }
262 if ($this->visibility) {
263 $where .= ' AND pa.pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
264 }
265 $type = array();
266 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PRO) {
267 $type[] = 'job';
268 }
269 if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PERSO) {
270 $type[] = 'home';
271 }
272 if (count($type) > 0) {
273 $where .= ' AND pa.type IN ' . XDB::formatArray($type);
274 }
275 $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit);
276 return XDB::iterator('SELECT pa.text, pa.postalCode, pa.type, pa.latitude, pa.longitude,
277 gl.name AS locality, gas.name AS subAdministrativeArea,
278 ga.name AS administrativeArea, gc.countryFR AS country,
279 ppfix.display_tel AS fixed_tel, ppfax.display_tel AS fax_tel,
280 FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags) AS current,
281 FIND_IN_SET(\'temporary\', pa.flags) AS temporary,
282 FIND_IN_SET(\'secondary\', pa.flags) AS secondary,
283 FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags) AS mail, pa.type
284 FROM profile_addresses AS pa
285 LEFT JOIN geoloc_localities AS gl ON (gl.id = pa.localityId)
286 LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS ga ON (ga.id = pa.administrativeAreaId)
287 LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS gas ON (gas.id = pa.subAdministrativeAreaId)
288 LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pa.countryId)
289 LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS ppfix ON (ppfix.link_type = \'address\' AND ppfix.pid = pa.pid AND ppfix.link_id = pa.id AND ppfix.tel_type = \'fixed\')
290 LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS ppfax ON (ppfax.link_type = \'address\' AND ppfax.pid = pa.pid AND ppfax.link_id = pa.id AND ppfax.tel_type = \'fax\')
291 WHERE ' . $where . '
292 ORDER BY pa.id
293 ' . $limit);
294 }
296 public function getMainAddress()
297 {
298 $it = $this->getAddresses(self::ADDRESS_PERSO | self::ADDRESS_MAIN);
299 if ($it->total() == 0) {
300 return null;
301 } else {
302 return $it->next();
303 }
304 }
307 /* Educations
308 */
309 public function getEducations($flags, $limit = null)
310 {
311 $where = XDB::format('pe.pid = {?}', $this->id());
312 if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_MAIN) {
313 $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags)';
314 } else if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_EXTRA) {
315 $where .= ' AND NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags)';
316 } else if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_FINISHED) {
317 $where .= ' AND pe.grad_year <= YEAR(CURDATE())';
318 } else if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_CURRENT) {
319 $where .= ' AND pe.grad_year > YEAR(CURDATE())';
320 }
321 $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit);
322 return XDB::iterator('SELECT pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year, pe.program,
323 pee.name AS school, pee.abbreviation AS school_short, pee.url AS school_url, gc.countryFR AS country,
324 pede.degree, pede.abbreviation AS degree_short, pede.level AS degree_level, pefe.field,
325 FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags) AS prim
326 FROM profile_education AS pe
327 INNER JOIN profile_education_enum AS pee ON (pe.eduid = pee.id)
328 LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pee.country)
329 INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pede ON (pe.degreeid = pede.id)
330 LEFT JOIN profile_education_field_enum AS pefe ON (pe.fieldid = pefe.id)
331 WHERE ' . $where . '
332 ORDER BY NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags), pe.entry_year, pe.id
333 ' . $limit);
334 }
336 public function getExtraEducations($limit = null)
337 {
338 return $this->getEducations(self::EDUCATION_EXTRA, $limit);
339 }
342 /** Networking
343 */
345 public function getNetworking($flags, $limit = null)
346 {
347 $where = XDB::format('pn.pid = {?}', $this->id());
348 if ($flags & self::NETWORKING_WEB) {
349 $where .= ' AND pn.network_type = 0'; // XXX hardcoded reference to web site index
350 }
351 if ($this->visibility) {
352 $where .= ' AND pn.pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
353 }
354 $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit);
355 return XDB::iterator('SELECT pne.name, pne.icon,
356 IF (LENGTH(pne.link) > 0, REPLACE(pne.link, \'%s\', pn.address),
357 pn.address) AS address
358 FROM profile_networking AS pn
359 INNER JOIN profile_networking_enum AS pne ON (pn.network_type = pne.network_type)
360 WHERE ' . $where . '
361 ORDER BY pn.network_type, pn.nwid
362 ' . $limit);
363 }
365 public function getWebSite()
366 {
367 $site = $this->getNetworking(self::NETWORKING_WEB, 1);
368 if ($site->total() != 1) {
369 return null;
370 }
371 $site = $site->next();
372 return $site['address'];
373 }
376 /** Jobs
377 */
379 public function getJobs($flags, $limit = null)
380 {
381 $where = XDB::format('pj.pid = {?}', $this->id());
382 $cond = 'TRUE';
383 if ($this->visibility) {
384 $where .= ' AND pj.pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
385 $cond = 'pj.email_pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
386 }
387 $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit);
388 return XDB::iterator('SELECT pje.name, pje.acronym, pje.url, pje.email, pje.NAF_code,
389 pj.description, pj.url AS user_site,
390 IF (' . $cond . ', pj.email, NULL) AS user_email,
391 pjse.name AS sector, pjsse.name AS subsector,
392 pjssse.name AS subsubsector
393 FROM profile_job AS pj
394 INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pje ON (pje.id = pj.jobid)
395 LEFT JOIN profile_job_sector_enum AS pjse ON (pjse.id = pj.sectorid)
396 LEFT JOIN profile_job_subsector_enum AS pjsse ON (pjsse.id = pj.subsectorid)
397 LEFT JOIN profile_job_subsubsector_enum AS pjssse ON (pjssse.id = pj.subsubsectorid)
398 WHERE ' . $where . '
399 ORDER BY pj.id
400 ' . $limit);
401 }
403 public function getMailJob()
404 {
405 $job = $this->getJobs(self::JOBS_MAIN, 1);
406 if ($job->total() != 1) {
407 return null;
408 }
409 return $job->next();
410 }
412 /* Binets
413 */
414 public function getBinets()
415 {
416 return XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT binet_id
417 FROM profile_binets
418 WHERE user_id = {?}', $this->id());
419 }
422 public function owner()
423 {
424 return User::getSilent($this);
425 }
427 private static function fetchProfileData(array $pids, $respect_order = true)
428 {
429 if (count($pids) == 0) {
430 return array();
431 }
433 if ($respect_order) {
434 $order = 'ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('p.pid', $pids);
435 } else {
436 $order = '';
437 }
439 return XDB::Iterator('SELECT p.*, p.sex = \'female\' AS sex, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year,
440 pn_f.name AS firstname, pn_l.name AS lastname, pn_n.name AS nickname,
441 IF(pn_uf.name IS NULL, pn_f.name, pn_uf.name) AS firstname_ordinary,
442 IF(pn_ul.name IS NULL, pn_l.name, pn_ul.name) AS lastname_ordinary,
443 pd.promo AS promo, pd.short_name, pd.directory_name AS full_name,
444 pd.directory_name, pp.display_tel AS mobile, pp.pub AS mobile_pub,
445 ph.attach IS NOT NULL AS has_photo, ph.pub AS photo_pub,
446 p.last_change < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 365 DAY) AS is_old,
447 ap.uid AS owner_id
448 FROM profiles AS p
449 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
450 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags))
451 INNER JOIN profile_name AS pn_f ON (pn_f.pid = p.pid
452 AND pn_f.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('firstname', true) . ')
453 INNER JOIN profile_name AS pn_l ON (pn_l.pid = p.pid
454 AND pn_l.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('lastname', true) . ')
455 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_uf ON (pn_uf.pid = p.pid
456 AND pn_uf.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('firstname_ordinary', true) . ')
457 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_ul ON (pn_ul.pid = p.pid
458 AND pn_ul.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('lastname_ordinary', true) . ')
459 LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_n ON (pn_n.pid = p.pid
460 AND pn_n.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('nickname', true) . ')
461 LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = \'user\' AND tel_type = \'mobile\')
462 LEFT JOIN profile_photos AS ph ON (ph.pid = p.pid)
463 LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms))
464 WHERE p.pid IN ' . XDB::formatArray($pids) . '
465 GROUP BY p.pid
466 ' . $order);
467 }
469 public static function getPID($login)
470 {
471 if ($login instanceof PlUser) {
472 return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid
473 FROM account_profiles
474 WHERE uid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', perms)',
475 $login->id());
476 } else if (ctype_digit($login)) {
477 return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid
478 FROM profiles
479 WHERE pid = {?}', $login);
480 } else {
481 return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid
482 FROM profiles
483 WHERE hrpid = {?}', $login);
484 }
485 }
487 public static function getPIDsFromUIDs($uids, $respect_order = true)
488 {
489 if ($respect_order) {
490 $order = 'ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('uid', $uids);
491 } else {
492 $order = '';
493 }
494 return XDB::fetchAllAssoc('uid', 'SELECT ap.uid, ap.pid
495 FROM account_profiles AS ap
496 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)
497 AND ap.uid IN ' . XDB::formatArray($uids) .'
498 ' . $order);
499 }
501 /** Return the profile associated with the given login.
502 */
503 public static function get($login)
504 {
505 if (is_array($login)) {
506 return new Profile($login);
507 }
508 $pid = self::getPID($login);
509 if (!is_null($pid)) {
510 $it = self::iterOverPIDs(array($pid), false);
511 return $it->next();
512 } else {
513 /* Let say we can identify a profile using the identifiers of its owner.
514 */
515 if (!($login instanceof PlUser)) {
516 $user = User::getSilent($login);
517 if ($user && $user->hasProfile()) {
518 return $user->profile();
519 }
520 }
521 return null;
522 }
523 }
525 public static function iterOverUIDs($uids, $respect_order = true)
526 {
527 return self::iterOverPIDs(self::getPIDsFromUIDs($uids), $respect_order);
528 }
530 public static function iterOverPIDs($pids, $respect_order = true)
531 {
532 return new ProfileIterator(self::fetchProfileData($pids, $respect_order));
533 }
535 /** Return profiles for the list of pids.
536 */
537 public static function getBulkProfilesWithPIDs(array $pids)
538 {
539 if (count($pids) == 0) {
540 return array();
541 }
542 $it = self::iterOverPIDs($pids);
543 $profiles = array();
544 while ($p = $it->next()) {
545 $profiles[$p->id()] = $p;
546 }
547 return $profiles;
548 }
550 /** Return profiles for uids.
551 */
552 public static function getBulkProfilesWithUIDS(array $uids)
553 {
554 if (count($uids) == 0) {
555 return array();
556 }
557 return self::getBulkProfilesWithPIDs(self::getPIDsFromUIDs($uids));
558 }
560 public static function isDisplayName($name)
561 {
562 return $name == self::DN_FULL || $name == self::DN_DISPLAY
563 || $name == self::DN_YOURSELF || $name == self::DN_DIRECTORY
564 || $name == self::DN_PRIVATE || $name == self::DN_PUBLIC
565 || $name == self::DN_SHORT || $name == self::DN_SORT;
566 }
568 public static function getNameTypeId($type, $for_sql = false)
569 {
570 if (!S::has('name_types')) {
571 $table = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('type', 'SELECT id, type
572 FROM profile_name_enum');
573 S::set('name_types', $table);
574 } else {
575 $table = S::v('name_types');
576 }
577 if ($for_sql) {
578 return XDB::escape($table[$type]);
579 } else {
580 return $table[$type];
581 }
582 }
584 public static function rebuildSearchTokens($pid)
585 {
586 XDB::execute('DELETE FROM search_name
587 WHERE uid = {?}',
588 $pid);
589 $keys = XDB::iterator("SELECT CONCAT(n.particle, n.name) AS name, e.score,
590 FIND_IN_SET('public', e.flags) AS public
591 FROM profile_name AS n
592 INNER JOIN profile_name_enum AS e ON (n.typeid = e.id)
593 WHERE n.pid = {?}",
594 $pid);
596 foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
597 if ($key['name'] == '') {
598 continue;
599 }
600 $toks = preg_split('/[ \'\-]+/', $key['name']);
601 $token = '';
602 $first = 5;
603 while ($toks) {
604 $token = strtolower(replace_accent(array_pop($toks) . $token));
605 $score = ($toks ? 0 : 10 + $first) * ($key['score'] / 10);
606 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO search_name (token, uid, soundex, score, flags)
607 VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
608 $token, $uid, soundex_fr($token), $score, $key['public']);
609 $first = 0;
610 }
611 }
612 }
614 /** The school identifier consists of 6 digits. The first 3 represent the
615 * promotion entry year. The last 3 indicate the student's rank.
616 *
617 * Our identifier consists of 8 digits and both half have the same role.
618 * This enables us to deal with bigger promotions and with a wider range
619 * of promotions.
620 *
621 * getSchoolId returns a school identifier given one of ours.
622 * getXorgId returns a X.org identifier given a school identifier.
623 */
624 public static function getSchoolId($xorgId)
625 {
626 if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}$/', $xorgId)) {
627 return null;
628 }
630 $year = intval(substr($xorgId, 0, 4));
631 $rank = intval(substr($xorgId, 5, 3));
632 if ($year < 1996) {
633 return null;
634 } elseif ($year < 2000) {
635 $year = intval(substr(1900 - $year, 1, 3));
636 return sprintf('%02u0%03u', $year, $rank);
637 } else {
638 $year = intval(substr(1900 - $year, 1, 3));
639 return sprintf('%03u%03u', $year, $rank);
640 }
641 }
643 public static function getXorgId($schoolId)
644 {
645 $year = intval(substr($schoolId, 0, 3));
646 $rank = intval(substr($schoolId, 3, 3));
648 if ($year > 200) {
649 $year /= 10;
650 }
651 if ($year < 96) {
652 return null;
653 } else {
654 return sprintf('%04u%04u', 1900 + $year, $rank);
655 }
656 }
657 }
659 /** Iterator over a set of Profiles
660 * @param an XDB::Iterator obtained from a Profile::fetchProfileData
661 */
662 class ProfileIterator implements PlIterator
663 {
664 private $dbiter;
666 public function __construct($dbiter)
667 {
668 $this->dbiter = $dbiter;
669 }
671 public function next()
672 {
673 $data = $this->dbiter->next();
674 if ($data == null) {
675 return null;
676 } else {
677 return Profile::get($data);
678 }
679 }
681 public function total()
682 {
683 return $this->dbiter->total();
684 }
686 public function first()
687 {
688 return $this->dbiter->first();
689 }
691 public function last()
692 {
693 return $this->dbiter->last();
694 }
695 }
697 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
698 ?>