[platal.git] / classes / csvimporter.php
1 <?php
3 define('CSV_INSERT', 'insert'); // INSERT IGNORE
4 define('CSV_REPLACE', 'replace'); // REPLACE
5 define('CSV_UPDATE', 'update'); // INSERT and UPDATE on error
7 class CSVImporter
8 {
9 private $table;
10 private $key;
11 private $do_sql;
13 private $index;
14 private $separator;
15 private $data = array();
17 private $user_functions = array();
19 public function CSVImporter($table, $key = 'id', $do_sql = true)
20 {
21 $this->table = $table;
22 $this->key = $key;
23 $this->do_sql = $do_sql;
24 }
26 private function processLine($line)
27 {
28 $array = split($this->separator, $line);
29 if (is_null($this->index)) {
30 $this->index = $array;
31 return true;
32 }
34 if (count($array) != count($this->index)) {
35 return false;
36 }
37 $assoc = array();
38 $i = 0;
39 foreach ($this->index as $key) {
40 $assoc[$key] = $array[$i];
41 $i++;
42 }
43 $this->data[] = $assoc;
44 return true;
45 }
47 private function makeAssoc($line, $relation)
48 {
49 $ops = array();
50 foreach ($relation as $key=>$ref) {
51 if (@array_key_exists($ref, $line)) {
52 $value = $line[$ref];
53 } elseif (is_callable($ref, false)) {
54 $value = call_user_func($ref, $line, $key);
55 } else {
56 $value = $ref;
57 }
58 if (is_null($value) || $value == 'NULL') {
59 $value = 'NULL';
60 }
61 $ops[$key] = $value;
62 }
63 return $ops;
64 }
66 private function makeRequestArgs($line, $relation)
67 {
68 $ops = array();
69 foreach ($relation as $key=>$ref) {
70 if (@array_key_exists($ref, $line)) {
71 $value = $line[$ref];
72 } elseif (is_callable($ref, false)) {
73 $value = call_user_func($ref, $line, $key);
74 } else {
75 $value = $ref;
76 }
77 if (is_null($value) || $value == 'NULL') {
78 $value = 'NULL';
79 } else {
80 $value = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'";
81 }
82 $ops[$key] = "$key = $value";
83 }
84 return $ops;
85 }
87 private function makeRelation()
88 {
89 $relation = array();
90 foreach ($this->index as $title) {
91 $relation[$title] = $title;
92 }
93 return $relation;
94 }
96 private function execute($query)
97 {
98 if (!$this->do_sql) {
99 echo "$query;\n";
100 return false;
101 }
102 return XDB::execute($query);
103 }
105 private function getFieldList()
106 {
107 $res = XDB::query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->table}");
108 if ($res->numRows()) {
109 return $res->fetchColumn();
110 }
111 return null;
112 }
114 public function setCSV($csv, $index = null, $separator = ';')
115 {
116 $this->index = null;
117 $this->separator = $separator;
118 $csv = preg_split("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", $csv);
120 foreach ($csv as $line) {
121 $this->processLine($line);
122 }
123 }
125 public function run($action = CSV_UPDATE, $insert_relation = null, $update_relation = null)
126 {
127 if (is_null($insert_relation)) {
128 $insert_relation = $this->makeRelation();
129 }
130 if (is_null($update_relation)) {
131 $update_relation = $insert_relation;
132 }
133 foreach ($this->data as $line) {
134 $set = join(', ', $this->makeRequestArgs($line, $insert_relation));
135 switch ($action) {
136 case CSV_INSERT:
137 $this->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$this->table} SET $set");
138 break;
139 case CSV_REPLACE:
140 $this->execute("REPLACE INTO {$this->table} SET $set");
141 break;
142 case CSV_UPDATE:
143 if (!$this->execute("INSERT INTO {$this->table} SET $set")) {
144 $ops = $this->makeRequestArgs($line, $update_relation);
145 $set = join(', ', $ops);
146 $this->execute("UPDATE {$this->table} SET $set WHERE {$ops[$this->key]}");
147 }
148 break;
149 }
150 }
151 }
153 static public function dynamicCond($line, $key)
154 {
155 static $fields, $conds, $values, $thens, $elses;
157 if (!isset($fields)) {
158 $fields = Env::v('csv_cond_field');
159 $conds = Env::v('csv_cond');
160 $values = Env::v('csv_cond_value');
161 $thens = Env::v('csv_cond_then');
162 $elses = Env::v('csv_cond_else');
163 }
164 $field = $line[$fields[$key]];
165 $cond = $conds[$key];
166 $value = $values[$key];
167 if (is_numeric($field) && is_numeric($value)) {
168 $field = floatval($field);
169 $value = floatval($value);
170 }
171 switch ($cond) {
172 case 'defined': $ok = (!empty($field)); break;
173 case 'equals': $ok = ($field == $value); break;
174 case 'contains': $ok = (strpos($field, $value) !== false); break;
175 case 'contained': $ok = (strpos($value, $field) !== false); break;
176 case 'greater': $ok = ($field > $value); break;
177 case 'greater_or_equal': $ok ($field >= $value); break;
178 case 'lower': $ok = ($field < $value); break;
179 case 'lower_or_equal': $ok = ($field <= $value); break;
180 default: $ok = false;
181 }
182 if ($ok) {
183 return $thens[$key];
184 } else {
185 return $elses[$key];
186 }
187 }
189 public function registerFunction($name, $desc, $callback)
190 {
191 if (is_callable($callback)) {
192 $this->user_functions['func_' . $name] = array('desc' => $desc, 'callback' => $callback);
193 return true;
194 }
195 return false;
196 }
198 /** Handle insertion form
199 * @param $page PlatalPage to process
200 * @param $url URI of the page
201 * @param $field Editable fields
202 */
203 public function apply(&$page, $url, $fields = null)
204 {
205 if (is_null($fields)) {
206 $fields = $this->getFieldList();
207 }
208 if (is_null($fields)) {
209 return false;
210 }
212 $current = Env::v('csv_page');
213 if (empty($current)) {
214 $current = 'source';
215 }
216 $next = Env::v('csv_next_page');
217 if (empty($next)) {
218 $next = $current;
219 }
220 $csv = Env::v('csv');
221 if ($current == 'source' && Env::has('csv_valid')) {
222 $csv = Env::v('csv_source');
223 $next = 'values';
224 }
225 if ($csv) {
226 $this->setCSV($csv);
227 }
228 if ($current == 'values' && Env::has('csv_valid')) {
229 $next = 'valid';
230 }
231 if (empty($csv)) {
232 $next = 'source';
233 }
234 if ($next == 'valid') {
235 $insert = Env::v('csv_value');
236 $values = Env::v('csv_user_value');
237 $update = Env::v('csv_update');
238 foreach ($insert as $key=>$value) {
239 if (empty($value)) {
240 $insert[$key] = null;
241 } elseif ($value == 'user_value') {
242 $insert[$key] = $values[$key];
243 } elseif ($value == 'cond_value') {
244 $insert[$key] = array($this, 'dynamicCond');
245 } elseif (array_key_exists($value, $this->user_functions)) {
246 $insert[$key] = $this->user_functions[$value]['callback'];
247 }
248 if (isset($update[$key])) {
249 $update[$key] = $insert[$key];
250 }
251 }
252 if ($current == 'valid' && Env::has('csv_valid')) {
253 $this->run(Env::v('csv_action'), $insert, $update);
254 $page->assign('csv_done', true);
255 } else {
256 $preview = array();
257 foreach ($this->data as $line) {
258 $preview[] = $this->makeAssoc($line, $insert);
259 }
260 $page->assign('csv_preview', $preview);
261 }
262 }
263 $page->assign('csv_index', $this->index);
264 $page->assign('csv_funtions', $this->user_functions);
265 $page->assign('csv_page', $next);
266 $page->assign('csv_path', $url);
267 $page->assign('csv_fields', $fields);
268 $page->assign('csv', $csv);
269 }
270 }
272 ?>