Bug 335 suppression sans validation du statut orange. Rajout de quelques tests supplé...
[platal.git] / bin / smtp_bounce_proxy.py
1 #! /usr/bin/python
2 # set:encoding=iso-8859-1:
4 import asyncore
5 import email
6 import os, re, sys
8 from email import Message, MIMEText, MIMEMultipart
9 from email.Iterators import typed_subpart_iterator, _structure
10 from smtpd import PureProxy
12 import ConfigParser
13 import MySQLdb
15 IGNORE = 0
16 NOTICE = 1
17 ERROR = 2
19 FROM_PORT = 20024
20 TO_HOST = 'olympe.madism.org'
21 TO_PORT = 25
24 ################################################################################
25 #
26 # Functions
27 #
28 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
31 config.read(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../configs/platal.conf')
33 def get_config(sec,val,default=None):
34 try:
35 return config.get(sec, val)[1:-1]
36 except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
37 if default is None:
38 print e
39 sys.exit(1)
40 else:
41 return default
43 def connectDB():
44 db = MySQLdb.connect(
45 db = 'x4dat',
46 user = get_config('Core', 'dbuser'),
47 passwd = get_config('Core', 'dbpwd'),
48 unix_socket='/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock')
49 db.ping()
50 return db.cursor()
52 def msg_of_str(data): return email.message_from_string(data, _class=BounceMessage)
54 ################################################################################
55 #
56 # Classes
57 #
58 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 class BounceMessage(Message.Message):
61 def body(self):
62 """this method returns the part that is commonely designed as the 'body'
64 for the multipart mails, we go into the first part that have non multipart childs, and then :
65 we return its first text/plain part if it exsists
66 else we return the first text/* part if it exists
67 else we return None else
69 for non multipart mails, we just return the current payload
70 """
71 if self.is_multipart():
72 _body = self
73 while _body.get_payload(0).is_multipart():
74 _body = _body.get_payload(0)
76 buffer = None
77 for part in typed_subpart_iterator(_body):
78 if part.get_content_subtype() == 'plain':
79 return part.get_payload(decode=True)
80 if buffer is None:
81 buffer = part
82 return buffer.get_payload(decode=True)
83 return self.get_payload(decode=True)
85 def _qmail_attached_mail(self):
86 """qmail is a dumb MTA that put the mail that has bounced RAW into the bounce message,
87 instead of making a traditionnal message/rfc822 attachement like any other MTA
89 it seems to be designed like this :
91 =============================================
92 [...QMAIL crap...]
93 --- Below this line is a copy of the message.
95 Return-Path: <...>
96 [rest of the embeded mail]
97 =============================================
99 so we just cut the qmail crap, and build a new message from the rest.
101 may DJB burn into coder's hell
102 """
103 msg = self.get_payload(decode=True)
104 pos = msg.find("\n--- Below this line is a copy of the message.")
105 if pos is -1:
106 return None
107 pos = msg.find("Return-Path:", pos)
108 return msg_of_str(msg[pos:])
110 def attached_mail(self):
111 """returns the attached mail that bounced, if it exists.
112 we try this :
114 is the mail multipart ?
115 Yes :
116 (1) return the first message/rfc822 part.
117 (2) return the first text/rfc822-headers part (AOHell)
118 (3) return None (may be a vacation + some disclaimer in attachment)
119 No:
120 try to return the qmail-style embeded mail (but may be a vacation)
121 """
122 if self.is_multipart():
123 for part in typed_subpart_iterator(self, 'message', 'rfc822'):
124 return part
125 for part in typed_subpart_iterator(self, 'text', 'rfc822-headers'):
126 return part
127 return None
128 return self._qmail_attached_mail()
130 def error_level(self):
131 """determine the level of an error:
132 IGNORE == drop the mail
133 NOTICE == vacation, or any informative message we want to forward as is
134 ERROR == errors, that we want to handle
135 """
137 body = self.body()
138 if not body:
139 return (IGNORE, '')
141 mysql.execute ( "SELECT lvl,re,text FROM emails_bounces_re ORDER BY pos" )
142 nb = int(mysql.rowcount)
143 for x in range(0,nb):
144 row = mysql.fetchone()
145 if re.compile(str(row[1]), re.I | re.M).search(body):
146 return (int(row[0]), str(row[2]))
148 return (NOTICE, '')
150 def forge_error(self, alias, dest, txt):
151 """we have to do our little treatments for the broken mail,
152 and then we create an informative message for the original SENDER to :
153 - explain to him what happened (the detailed error)
154 - try to guess if the user may or may not have had the mail (by another leg)
155 - if no other leg, give an information to the SENDER on how he can give to us a real good leg
156 and attach any sensible information about the original mail (@see attached_mail)
157 """
159 mysql.execute("SELECT id FROM aliases WHERE alias='%s' AND type IN ('alias', 'a_vie') LIMIT 1" % (alias))
160 if int(mysql.rowcount) is not 1:
161 return None
162 uid = mysql.fetchone()[0]
163 mysql.execute("UPDATE emails SET panne = NOW() WHERE uid='%s' AND email='%s'" % (uid, dest))
164 mysql.execute("REPLACE INTO emails_broken (uid,email) VALUES(%s, '%s')" % (uid, dest))
165 mysql.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*),
166 IFNULL(SUM(panne=0 OR (last!=0 AND ( TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(last) )>7 AND panne<last)), 0),
167 IFNULL(SUM(panne!=0 AND last!=0 AND ( TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(last) )<7 AND panne<last) , 0),
168 IFNULL(SUM(panne!=0 AND (last=0 OR ( TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(last) )<1)) , 0)
169 FROM emails
170 WHERE FIND_IN_SET('active', flags) AND uid=%s AND email!='%s'""" % (uid, dest))
172 nb_act, nb_ok, nb_may, nb_bad = map(lambda x: int(x), mysql.fetchone())
174 txt = "Une des adresses de redirection de %s\n" % (alias) \
175 + "a généré une erreur (qui peut être temporaire) :\n" \
176 + "------------------------------------------------------------\n" \
177 + "%s\n" % (txt) \
178 + "------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
180 if nb_ok + nb_may is 0:
181 txt += "Toutes les adresses de redirection de ce correspondant\n" \
182 + "sont cassées à l'heure actuelle.\n\n" \
183 + "Prière de prévenir votre correspondant par d'autres moyens\n" \
184 + "pour lui signaler ce problème et qu'il puisse le corriger !!!"
185 elif nb_ok is 0:
186 txt += "Ce correspondant possède néanmoins %i autre(s) adresse(s) active(s)\n" % (nb_may) \
187 + "en erreur, mais ayant recu des mails dans les 7 derniers jours,\n" \
188 + "sans -- pour le moment -- avoir créé la moindre nouvelle erreur.\n\n" \
189 + "Ces adresses sont donc peut-être valides.\n"
190 else:
191 txt += "Ce correspondant a en ce moment %i autre(s) adresse(s) valide(s).\n" % (nb_ok) \
192 + "Rien ne prouve cependant qu'elles étaient actives \n" \
193 + "au moment de l'envoi qui a échoué."
195 msg = MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart()
196 msg['Subject'] = self['Subject']
198 attach = self.attached_mail()
199 if attach is not None:
200 txt += "\nCi-joint le mail dont la livraison a échoué\n"
201 msg.attach(MIMEText.MIMEText(txt))
202 msg.attach(attach)
203 else:
204 msg.attach(MIMEText.MIMEText(txt))
206 return msg
208 def to_bounce(self, alias, dest):
209 """this function returns a new Message, the one we really want to send.
211 alias holds one valide plat/al alias of the user
213 Case 0: the error is IGNORE : return None
214 Case 1: the error is NOTICE : we just return self
215 Case 2: we have a REAL error: use forge_error
216 """
217 lvl, txt = self.error_level()
219 if lvl is IGNORE: return None
220 elif lvl is NOTICE: return self
221 elif lvl is ERROR : return self.forge_error(alias, dest, txt)
222 else: raise
225 class BounceProxy(PureProxy):
226 def __init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr):
227 PureProxy.__init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr)
228 self._rcpt_re = re.compile(r'^([^_]*)__(.*)__([^_+=]*)\+(.*)=([^_+=]*)@bounces.m4x.org$')
231 def process_rcpt(self, rcpttos):
232 for to in rcpttos:
233 m = self._rcpt_re.match(to)
234 if m is None: continue
235 return ( m.group(1), m.group(2)+'@'+m.group(3), m.group(4)+'@'+m.group(5) )
236 return None
239 def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
240 try:
241 alias, sender, dest = self.process_rcpt(rcpttos)
242 bounce = msg_of_str(data).to_bounce(alias, dest)
243 if bounce is not None:
244 bounce['From'] = """"Serveur de courier Polytechnique.org" <MAILER-DAEMON@bounces.m4x.org>"""
245 bounce['To'] = sender
246 self._deliver("MAILER-DAEMON@bounces.m4x.org", [sender], bounce.as_string())
247 except:
248 pass
249 # SPAM or broken msg, we just drop it
250 return None
253 ################################################################################
254 #
255 # Main
256 #
257 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 mysql = connectDB()
260 Proxy = BounceProxy(('', FROM_PORT), (TO_HOST, TO_PORT))
261 asyncore.loop()