[banana.git] / banana / mbox.inc.php
1 <?php
2 /********************************************************************************
3 * banana/protocoleinterface.inc.php : interface for box access
4 * ------------------------
5 *
6 * This file is part of the banana distribution
7 * Copyright: See COPYING files that comes with this distribution
8 ********************************************************************************/
10 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/banana.inc.php';
11 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/protocoleinterface.inc.php';
12 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/message.inc.php';
14 class BananaMBox implements BananaProtocoleInterface
15 {
16 private $file = null;
17 private $filesize = null;
18 private $current_id = null;
19 private $at_beginning = false;
20 private $file_cache = null;
22 private $_lasterrno = 0;
23 private $_lasterror = null;
25 private $count = null;
26 private $new_messages = null;
27 private $messages = null;
29 /** Build a protocole handler plugged on the given box
30 */
31 public function __construct()
32 {
33 $filename = $this->getFileName(Banana::$group);
34 if (is_null($filename)) {
35 return;
36 }
37 $this->filesize = filesize($filename);
38 $this->file = @fopen($filename, 'r');
39 if (!$this->file) {
40 $this->_lasterrno = 1;
41 $this->_lasterror = _b_('Can\'t open file');
42 $this->file = null;
43 }
44 $this->current_id = 0;
45 $this->at_beginning = true;
46 }
48 /** Close the file
49 */
50 public function __destruct()
51 {
52 if ($this->file) {
53 fclose($this->file);
54 }
55 }
57 /** Indicate if the Protocole handler has been succesfully built
58 */
59 public function isValid()
60 {
61 return !Banana::$group || $this->file;
62 }
64 /** Indicate last error n°
65 */
66 public function lastErrNo()
67 {
68 return $this->_lasterrno;;
69 }
71 /** Indicate last error text
72 */
73 public function lastError()
74 {
75 return $this->_lasterror;
76 }
78 /** Return the description of the current box
79 */
80 public function getDescription()
81 {
82 return null;
83 }
85 /** Return the list of the boxes
86 * @param mode Kind of boxes to list
87 * @param since date of last check (for new boxes and new messages)
88 * @param withstats Indicated whether msgnum and unread must be set in the result
89 * @return Array(boxname => array(desc => boxdescripton, msgnum => number of message, unread =>number of unread messages)
90 */
91 public function getBoxList($mode = Banana::BOXES_ALL, $since = 0, $withstats = false)
92 {
93 return array(Banana::$group => array('desc' => '', 'msgnum' => 0, 'unread' => 0));
94 }
96 /** Return a message
97 * @param id Id of the emssage (can be either an Message-id or a message index)
98 * @return A BananaMessage or null if the given id can't be retreived
99 */
100 public function &getMessage($id)
101 {
102 $message = null;
103 if (!is_numeric($id)) {
104 if (!Banana::$spool) {
105 return $message;
106 }
107 $id = Banana::$spool->ids[$id];
108 }
109 $message = $this->readMessages(array($id));
110 if (empty($message)) {
111 $message = null;
112 return $message;
113 }
114 $message = new BananaMessage($message[$id]['message']);
115 return $message;
116 }
118 /** Return the sources of the given message
119 */
120 public function getMessageSource($id)
121 {
122 $message = null;
123 if (!is_numeric($id)) {
124 if (!Banana::$spool) {
125 return $message;
126 }
127 $id = Banana::$spool->ids[$id];
128 }
129 $message = $this->readMessages(array($id));
130 return implode("\n", $message[$id]['message']);
131 }
133 /** Compute the number of messages of the box
134 */
135 private function getCount()
136 {
137 $this->count = count(Banana::$spool->overview);
138 $max = @max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
139 if ($max && Banana::$spool->overview[$max]->storage['next'] == $this->filesize) {
140 $this->new_messages = 0;
141 } else {
142 $this->new_messages = $this->countMessages($this->count);
143 $this->count += $this->new_messages;
144 }
145 }
147 /** Return the indexes of the messages presents in the Box
148 * @return Array(number of messages, MSGNUM of the first message, MSGNUM of the last message)
149 */
150 public function getIndexes()
151 {
152 if (is_null($this->count)) {
153 $this->getCount();
154 }
155 return array($this->count, 0, $this->count - 1);
156 }
158 /** Return the message headers (in BananaMessage) for messages from firstid to lastid
159 * @return Array(id => array(headername => headervalue))
160 */
161 public function &getMessageHeaders($firstid, $lastid, array $msg_headers = array())
162 {
163 $msg_headers = array_map('strtolower', $msg_headers);
164 $messages =& $this->readMessages(range($firstid, $lastid), true);
165 $msg_headers = array_map('strtolower', $msg_headers);
166 $headers = array();
167 foreach ($msg_headers as $header) {
168 foreach ($messages as $id=>&$message) {
169 if (!isset($headers[$id])) {
170 $headers[$id] = array('beginning' => $message['beginning'], 'end' => $message['end']);
171 }
172 if ($header == 'date') {
173 $headers[$id][$header] = @strtotime($message['message'][$header]);
174 } else {
175 $headers[$id][$header] = @$message['message'][$header];
176 }
177 }
178 }
179 unset($this->messages);
180 unset($messages);
181 return $headers;
182 }
184 /** Add storage data in spool overview
185 */
186 public function updateSpool(array &$messages)
187 {
188 foreach ($messages as $id=>&$data) {
189 if (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$id])) {
190 Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['offset'] = $data['beginning'];
191 Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['next'] = $data['end'];
192 }
193 }
194 }
196 /** Return the indexes of the new messages since the give date
197 * @return Array(MSGNUM of new messages)
198 */
199 public function getNewIndexes($since)
200 {
201 if (is_null($this->new_messages)) {
202 $this->getCount();
203 }
204 return range($this->count - $this->new_messages, $this->count - 1);
205 }
207 /** Return wether or not the protocole can be used to add new messages
208 */
209 public function canSend()
210 {
211 return true;
212 }
214 /** Return false because we can't cancel a mail
215 */
216 public function canCancel()
217 {
218 return false;
219 }
221 /** Return the list of requested headers
222 * @return Array('header1', 'header2', ...) with the key 'dest' for the destination header
223 * and 'reply' for the reply header, eg:
224 * * for a mail: Array('From', 'Subject', 'dest' => 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'reply' => 'Reply-To')
225 * * for a post: Array('From', 'Subject', 'dest' => 'Newsgroups', 'reply' => 'Followup-To')
226 */
227 public function requestedHeaders()
228 {
229 return Array('From', 'Subject', 'dest' => 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'reply' => 'Reply-To');
230 }
232 /** Send a message
233 * @return true if it was successfull
234 */
235 public function send(BananaMessage &$message)
236 {
237 return true;
238 }
240 /** Cancel a message
241 * @return true if it was successfull
242 */
243 public function cancel(BananaMessage &$message)
244 {
245 return false;
246 }
248 /** Return the protocole name
249 */
250 public function name()
251 {
252 return 'MBOX';
253 }
255 /** Return the spool filename
256 */
257 public function filename()
258 {
259 @list($mail, $domain) = explode('@', Banana::$group);
260 $file = "";
261 if (isset($domain)) {
262 $file = $domain . '_';
263 }
264 return $file . $mail;
265 }
267 #######
268 # Filesystem functions
269 #######
271 protected function getFileName($box)
272 {
273 if (is_null($box)) {
274 return null;
275 }
276 @list($mail, $domain) = explode('@', $box);
277 return Banana::$mbox_path . '/' . $mail;
278 }
280 #######
281 # MBox parser
282 #######
284 /** Go to the given message
285 */
286 private function goTo($id)
287 {
288 if ($this->current_id == $id && $this->at_beginning) {
289 return true;
290 }
291 if ($id == 0) {
292 fseek($this->file, 0);
293 $this->current_id = 0;
294 $this->at_beginning = true;
295 return true;
296 } elseif (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$id]) || isset($this->messages[$id])) {
297 if (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$id])) {
298 $pos = Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['offset'];
299 } else {
300 $pos = $this->messages[$id]['beginning'];
301 }
302 if (fseek($this->file, $pos) == 0) {
303 $this->current_id = $id;
304 $this->at_beginning = true;
305 return true;
306 } else {
307 $this->current_id = null;
308 $this->_lasterrno = 2;
309 $this->_lasterror = _b_('Can\'t find message ') . $id;
310 return false;
311 }
312 } else {
313 $max = @max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
314 if (is_null($max)) {
315 $max = 0;
316 }
317 if ($id <= $max && $max != 0) {
318 $this->current_id = null;
319 $this->_lasterrno = 3;
320 $this->_lasterror = _b_('Invalid message index ') . $id;
321 return false;
322 }
323 if (!$this->goTo($max)) {
324 return false;
325 }
326 if (feof($this->file)) {
327 $this->current_id = null;
328 $this->_lasterrno = 4;
329 $this->_lasterror = _b_('Requested index does not exists or file has been truncated');
330 return false;
331 }
332 while ($this->readCurrentMessage(true) && $this->current_id < $id);
333 if ($this->current_id == $id) {
334 return true;
335 }
336 $this->current_id = null;
337 $this->_lasterrno = 5;
338 $this->_lasterror = _b_('Requested index does not exists or file has been truncated');
339 return false;
340 }
341 }
343 private function countMessages($from = 0)
344 {
345 $this->messages =& $this->readMessages(array($from), true, true);
346 return count($this->messages);
347 }
349 /** Read the current message (identified by current_id)
350 * @param needFrom_ BOOLEAN is true if the first line *must* be a From_ line
351 * @param alignNext BOOLEAN is true if the buffer must be aligned at the beginning of the next From_ line
352 * @return message sources (without storage data)
353 */
354 private function &readCurrentMessage($stripBody = false, $needFrom_ = true, $alignNext = true)
355 {
356 $file_cache =& $this->file_cache;
357 if ($file_cache && $file_cache != ftell($this->file)) {
358 $file_cache = null;
359 }
360 $msg = array();
361 $canFrom_ = false;
362 $inBody = false;
363 while(!feof($this->file)) {
364 // Process file cache
365 if ($file_cache) { // this is a From_ line
366 $needFrom_ = false;
367 $this->at_beginning = false;
368 $file_cache = null;
369 continue;
370 }
372 // Read a line
373 $line = rtrim(fgets($this->file), "\r\n");
375 // Process From_ line
376 if ($needFrom_ || !$msg || $canFrom_) {
377 if (substr($line, 0, 5) == 'From ') { // this is a From_ line
378 if ($needFrom_) {
379 $needFrom = false;
380 } elseif (!$msg) {
381 continue;
382 } else {
383 $this->current_id++; // we are finally in the next message
384 if ($alignNext) { // align the file pointer at the beginning of the new message
385 $this->at_beginning = true;
386 $file_cache = ftell($this->file);
387 }
388 break;
389 }
390 } elseif ($needFrom_) {
391 return $msg;
392 }
393 }
395 // Process non-From_ lines
396 if (substr($line, 0, 6) == '>From ') { // remove inline From_ quotation
397 $line = substr($line, 1);
398 }
399 if (!$stripBody || !$inBody) {
400 $msg[] = $line; // add the line to the message source
401 }
402 $canFrom_ = empty($line); // check if next line can be a From_ line
403 if ($canFrom_ && !$inBody && $stripBody) {
404 $inBody = true;
405 }
406 $this->at_beginning = false;
407 }
408 if (!feof($this->file) && !$canFrom_) {
409 $msg = array();
410 }
411 return $msg;
412 }
414 /** Read message with the given ids
415 * @param ids ARRAY of ids to look for
416 * @param strip BOOLEAN if true, only headers are retrieved
417 * @param from BOOLEAN if true, process all messages from max(ids) to the end of the mbox
418 * @return Array(Array('message' => message sources (or parsed message headers if $strip is true),
419 * 'beginning' => offset of message beginning,
420 * 'end' => offset of message end))
421 */
422 private function &readMessages(array $ids, $strip = false, $from = false)
423 {
424 if ($this->messages) {
425 return $this->messages;
426 }
427 sort($ids);
428 $messages = array();
429 while ((count($ids) || $from) && !feof($this->file)) {
430 if (count($ids)) {
431 $id = array_shift($ids);
432 } else {
433 $id++;
434 }
435 if ($id != $this->current_id || !$this->at_beginning) {
436 if (!$this->goTo($id)) {
437 continue;
438 }
439 }
440 $beginning = ftell($this->file);
441 $message =& $this->readCurrentMessage($strip, false);
442 if ($strip) {
443 $message =& BananaMimePart::parseHeaders($message);
444 }
445 $end = ftell($this->file);
446 $messages[$id] = array('message' => $message, 'beginning' => $beginning, 'end' => $end);
447 }
448 return $messages;
449 }
450 }
452 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8:
453 ?>