[banana.git] / banana / NetNNTP.inc.php
1 <?php
2 /********************************************************************************
3 * include/NetNNTP.inc.php : NNTP subroutines
4 * -------------------------
5 *
6 * This file is part of the banana distribution
7 * Copyright: See COPYING files that comes with this distribution
8 ********************************************************************************/
10 /** Class NNTP
11 * implements some basic functions for NNTP protocol
12 */
13 class nntp
14 {
15 /** socket filehandle */
16 var $ns;
17 /** posting allowed */
18 var $posting;
19 /** last NNTP error code */
20 var $lasterrorcode;
21 /** last NNTP error text */
22 var $lasterrortext;
24 /** constructor
25 * @param $_host STRING NNTP host
26 * @param $_timeout INTEGER socket timeout
27 * @param $_reader BOOLEAN sends a "MODE READER" at connection if true
28 */
30 function nntp($_url, $_timeout=120, $_reader=true)
31 {
32 $url['port'] = 119;
33 $url = parse_url($_url);
34 $this->ns = fsockopen($url['host'], $url['port'], $errno, $errstr, $_timeout);
35 if (!$this->ns) {
36 $this = false;
37 return false;
38 }
40 $result = $this->gline();
41 $this->posting = (substr($result, 0, 3)=="200");
42 if ($_reader && ($result{0}=="2")) {
43 $this->pline("MODE READER\r\n");
44 $result = $this->gline();
45 $this->posting = ($result{0}=="200");
46 }
47 if ($result{0}=="2" && $url['user'] && $url['user']!='anonymous') {
48 return $this->authinfo($url['user'], $url['pass']);
49 }
50 return ($result{0}=="2");
51 }
53 # Socket functions
55 /** get a line from server
56 * @return STRING
57 */
59 function gline()
60 {
61 return rtrim(fgets($this->ns, 1200));
62 }
64 /** puts a line on server
65 * @param STRING $_line line to put
66 */
68 function pline($_line)
69 {
70 return fputs($this->ns, $_line, strlen($_line));
71 }
73 # strict NNTP Functions [RFC 977]
74 # see http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc977.html
76 /** authentification
77 * @param $_user STRING login
78 * @param $_pass INTEGER password
79 * @return BOOLEAN true if authentication was successful
80 */
82 function authinfo($_user, $_pass)
83 {
84 $user = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_user);
85 $pass = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_pass);
86 $this->pline("AUTHINFO USER $user\r\n");
87 $this->gline();
88 $this->pline("AUTHINFO PASS $pass\r\n");
89 $result=$this->gline();
90 if ($result{0}!="2") {
91 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
92 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
93 return false;
94 }
95 return true;
96 }
98 /** retrieves an article
99 * MSGID is a numeric ID a shown in article's headers. MSGNUM is a
100 * server-dependent ID (see X-Ref on many servers) and retriving
101 * an article by this way will change the current article pointer.
102 * If an error occur, false is returned.
103 * @param $_msgid STRING MSGID or MSGNUM of article
104 * @return ARRAY lines of the article
105 * @see body
106 * @see head
107 */
109 function article($_msgid="")
110 {
111 $msgid = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_msgid);
112 $this->pline("ARTICLE $msgid\r\n");
113 $result = $this->gline();
114 if ($result{0} != '2') {
115 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
116 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
117 return false;
118 }
119 $result = $this->gline();
120 while ($result != ".") {
121 $array[] = $result;
122 $result = $this->gline();
123 }
124 return $array;
125 }
127 /** post a message
128 * if an error occur, false is returned
129 * @param $_message STRING message to post
130 * @return STRING MSGID of article
131 */
133 function post($_message)
134 {
135 if (is_array($_message)) {
136 $message=join("\n", $_message);
137 } else {
138 $message=$_message;
139 }
140 $this->pline("POST \r\n");
141 $result=$this->gline();
142 if ($result{0} != '3') {
143 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
144 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
145 return false;
146 }
147 $this->pline($message."\r\n.\r\n");
148 $result = $this->gline();
149 if ($result{0} != '2') {
150 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
151 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
152 return false;
153 }
154 if ($result{0} == '2') {
155 if (preg_match("/(<[^@>]+@[^@>]+>)/", $result, $regs)) {
156 return $regs[0];
157 } else {
158 return true;
159 }
160 }
161 return false;
162 }
164 /** fetches the body of an article
165 * params are the same as article
166 * @param $_msgid STRING MSGID or MSGNUM of article
167 * @return ARRAY lines of the article
168 * @see article
169 * @see head
170 */
172 function body($_msgid="")
173 {
174 $msgid = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_msgid);
175 $this->pline("BODY $msgid\r\n");
176 $result = $this->gline();
177 if ($result{0} != '2') {
178 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
179 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
180 return false;
181 }
182 $array = Array();
183 while (($result = $this->gline()) != ".") {
184 $array[] = $result;
185 }
186 return $array;
187 }
189 /** fetches the headers of an article
190 * params are the same as article
191 * @param $_msgid STRING MSGID or MSGNUM of article
192 * @return ARRAY lines of the article
193 * @see article
194 * @see body
195 */
197 function head($_msgid="")
198 {
199 $msgid = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_msgid);
200 $this->pline("HEAD $msgid\r\n");
201 $result = $this->gline();
202 if ($result{0}!="2") {
203 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
204 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
205 return false;
206 }
207 $result = $this->gline();
208 while ($result != ".") {
209 $array[] = $result;
210 $result = $this->gline();
211 }
212 return $array;
213 }
215 /** set current group
216 * @param $_group STRING
217 * @return ARRAY array : nb of articles in group, MSGNUM of first article, MSGNUM of last article, and group name
218 */
220 function group($_group)
221 {
222 $group = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_group);
223 $this->pline("GROUP $group\r\n");
224 $line = $this->gline();
225 if ($line{0}!="2") {
226 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($line, 0, 3);
227 $this->lasterrortext = substr($line, 4);
228 return false;
229 }
230 if (preg_match("/^2\d{2} (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) ([^ ]+)/", $line, $regs)) {
231 return array($regs[1], $regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[4]);
232 }
233 return false;
234 }
236 /** set the article pointer to the previous article in current group
237 * @return STRING MSGID of article
238 * @see next
239 */
241 function last()
242 {
243 $this->pline("LAST \r\n");
244 $line = $this->gline();
245 if ($line{0}!="2") {
246 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
247 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
248 return false;
249 }
250 if (preg_match("/^2\d{2} \d+ <([^>]+)>/", $line, $regs)) {
251 return "<{$regs[1]}>";
252 }
253 return false;
254 }
256 /** set the article pointer to the next article in current group
257 * @return STRING MSGID of article
258 * @see last
259 */
261 function next()
262 {
263 $this->pline("NEXT \r\n");
264 $line = $this->gline();
265 if ($line{0}!="2") {
266 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
267 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
268 return false;
269 }
270 if (preg_match("/^2\d{2} \d+ <([^>]+)>/", $line, $regs)) {
271 return "<{$regs[1]}>";
272 }
273 return false;
274 }
276 /** set the current article pointer
277 * @param $_msgid STRING MSGID or MSGNUM of article
278 * @return BOOLEAN true if authentication was successful, error code otherwise
279 * @see article
280 * @see body
281 */
283 function nntpstat($_msgid)
284 {
285 $msgid = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_msgid);
286 $this->pline("STAT $msgid\r\n");
287 $line = $this->gline();
288 if ($line{0}!="2") {
289 $this->lasterrorcode = substr($result, 0, 3);
290 $this->lasterrortext = substr($result, 4);
291 return false;
292 }
293 if (preg_match("/^2\d{2} \d+ <([^>]+)>/", $line, $regs)) {
294 return "<{$regs[1]}>";
295 }
296 return false;
297 }
299 /** returns true if posting is allowed
300 * @return BOOLEAN true if posting is allowed lines
301 */
303 function postok()
304 {
305 return ($this->posting);
306 }
308 /** gets information about all active newsgroups
309 * @return ARRAY group name => (MSGNUM of first article, MSGNUM of last article, NNTP flags)
310 * @see newgroups
311 */
313 function liste()
314 {
315 $this->pline("LIST\r\n");
316 if (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)!="2") return false;
317 $result = $this->gline();
318 $array = Array();
319 while ($result != ".") {
320 preg_match("/([^ ]+) (\d+) (\d+) (.)/", $result, $regs);
321 $array[$regs[1]] = array(intval($regs[2]), intval($regs[3]), intval($regs[4]));
322 $result = $this->gline();
323 }
324 return $array;
325 }
327 /** get information about recent newsgroups
328 * same as list, but information are limited to newgroups created after $_since
329 * @param $_since INTEGER unix timestamp
330 * @param $_distributions STRING distributions
331 * @return ARRAY same format as liste
332 * @see liste
333 */
335 function newgroups($_since, $_distributions="")
336 {
337 #assume $_since is a unix timestamp
338 $distributions = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_distributions);
339 $this->pline("NEWGROUPS ".gmdate("ymd His", $_since)
340 ." GMT $distributions\r\n");
341 if (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)!="2") {
342 return false;
343 }
344 $result = $this->gline();
345 $array = array();
346 while ($result != ".") {
347 preg_match("/([^ ]+) (\d+) (\d+) (.)/", $result, $regs);
348 $array[$regs[1]] = array(intval($regs[2]), intval($regs[3]), intval($regs[4]));
349 $result = $this->gline();
350 }
351 return $array;
352 }
354 /** gets a list of new articles
355 * @param $_since INTEGER unix timestamp
356 * @parma $_groups STRING pattern of intersting groups
357 * @return ARRAY MSGID of new articles
358 */
360 function newnews($_since, $_groups="*", $_distributions="")
361 {
362 $distributions = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_distributions);
363 $groups = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_groups);
364 $array = array();
365 #assume $since is a unix timestamp
366 $this->pline("NEWNEWS $_groups ".gmdate("ymd His", $_since)." GMT $distributions\r\n");
367 if (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)!="2") {
368 return false;
369 }
370 while (($result = $this->gline()) != ".") {
371 $array[] = $result;
372 }
373 return $array;
374 }
376 /** Tell the remote server that I am not a user client, but probably another news server
377 * @return BOOLEAN true if sucessful
378 */
380 function slave()
381 {
382 $this->pline("SLAVE \r\n");
383 return (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)=="2");
384 }
386 /** implements IHAVE method
387 * @param $_msgid STRING MSGID of article
388 * @param $_message STRING article
389 * @return BOOLEAN
390 */
392 function ihave($_msgid, $_message=false)
393 {
394 $msgid = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_msgid);
395 if (is_array($message)) {
396 $message = join("\n", $_message);
397 } else {
398 $message = $_message;
399 }
400 $this->pline("IHAVE $msgid \r\n");
401 $result = $this->gline();
402 if ($message && ($result{0}=="3")) {
403 $this->pline("$message\r\n.\r\n");
404 $result = $this->gline();
405 }
406 return ($result{0}=="2");
407 }
409 /** closes connection to server
410 */
412 function quit()
413 {
414 $this->pline("QUIT\r\n");
415 $this->gline();
416 fclose($this->ns);
417 }
419 # NNTP Extensions [RFC 2980]
421 /** Returns the date on the remote server
422 * @return INTEGER timestamp
423 */
425 function date()
426 {
427 $this->pline("DATE \r\n");
428 $result = $this->gline();
429 if (preg_match("/^111 (\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/", $result, $r)) {
430 return gmmktime($r[4], $r[5], $r[6], $r[2], $r[3], $r[1]);
431 }
432 return false;
433 }
435 /** returns group descriptions
436 * @param $_pattern STRING pattern of intersting groups
437 * @return ARRAY group name => description
438 */
440 function xgtitle($_pattern="*")
441 {
442 $pattern = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", $_pattern);
443 $this->pline("XGTITLE $pattern \r\n");
444 if (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)!="2") return false;
445 $result = $this->gline();
446 while ($result != ".") {
447 preg_match("/([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.+)$/", $result, $regs);
448 $array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2];
449 $result = $this->gline();
450 }
451 return $array;
452 }
454 /** obtain the header field $hdr for all the messages specified
455 * @param $_hdr STRING name of the header (eg: 'From')
456 * @param $_range STRING range of articles
457 * @return ARRAY MSGNUM => header value
458 */
460 function xhdr($_hdr, $_range="")
461 {
462 $hdr = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_hdr);
463 $range = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_range);
464 $this->pline("XHDR $hdr $range \r\n");
465 if (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)!="2") {
466 return false;
467 }
469 $array = array();
470 while (($result = $this->gline()) != '.') {
471 preg_match("/([^ \t]+) (.*)$/", $result, $regs);
472 $array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2];
473 }
474 return $array;
475 }
477 /** obtain the header field $_hdr matching $_pat for all the messages specified
478 * @param $_hdr STRING name of the header (eg: 'From')
479 * @param $_range STRING range of articles
480 * @param $_pat STRING pattern
481 * @return ARRAY MSGNUM => header value
482 */
484 function xpat($_hdr, $_range, $_pat)
485 {
486 $hdr = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_hdr);
487 $range = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_range);
488 $pat = preg_replace("/(\r|\n)/", "", $_pat);
489 $this->pline("XPAT $hdr $range $pat\r\n");
490 if (substr($this->gline(), 0, 1)!="2") {
491 return false;
492 }
493 $result = $this->gline();
494 while ($result != ".") {
495 preg_match("/([^ \t]+) (.*)$/", $result, $regs);
496 $array[$regs[1]] = $regs[2];
497 $result = $this->gline();
498 }
499 return $array;
500 }
501 }
503 ?>