Release diogenes 0.9.21
[diogenes.git] / testing / README
... / ...
1Unit Testing for Diogenes
4Unit testing is the process of writing lots of little pieces of test code
5which each test some part of the functionality of a software system. By
6having a comprehensive set of test cases which are satisfied by the
7production code, we can have real confidence in our software, instead of
8just "hoping" it works.
10What is a unit test?
13The general structure of all unit tests is as follows:
15* Setup pre-conditions (the state of the system prior to the execution of the
16 code under test)
17* Run the code to be tested, giving it all applicable arguments
18* Validate that the code ran correctly by examining the state of the system
19 after the code under test has run, and ensuring that it has done
20 what it should have done.
22The pre-conditions are normally either set at the beginning of the test
23method, or in a general method called setUp() (see below for the structure
24of test code).
26Running the code itself is normally making a call to the function to
27be tested, constructing an object, or, for Web applications, running the
28top-level web script (using require()).
30Validating the post-run state of the system is done by examining the
31database, system files, and script output, and using various assert methods
32to communicate the success or failure of various tests to the user.
34Testing Web applications such as Diogenes is relatively easy, especially the
35user interface side of things.
37Unlike traditional GUI applications, every state change of a web application
38is defined by the database and filesystem, the user's session, and the
39values passed from the web browser through $_REQUEST and $_SERVER. Since
40all of these aspects are relatively easy to control, setting the pre-run
41state of the application is quite simple. There are also relatively few
42discrete states that your web application can be in, because all of the
43system control has to be made through the constrained interface above.
45Testing post-conditions, as well, is simple. If you want to ensure that a
46certain thing is part of the post-run display, you can just interrogate the
47HTML output from the test run, which is all text and can be tested with
48assertRegExp() and assertSubStr(). Again, the only state available is in
49the user's session, database, and filesystem, all of which are easy to
52Test cases and test methods
55(This is where things get a bit hairy -- hold on, and perhaps read it twice)
57A test case is a collection of tests which are related in some way. Each
58test case is represented in our testing framework by a class subclassed from
59PHPUnit_TestCase. Each test is a method on the test case whose name starts
60with 'test'. You should name the tests appropriately from there.
62Test cases can have a couple of special methods defined on them, called
63setUp() and tearDown(). The first method is called before each of the test
64methods is called, and the second is called after each test method has run.
66The setUp() and tearDown() methods are the primary reason for grouping test
67methods together. Methods should, as much as possible, grouped into test
68cases with common setUp() and tearDown() requirements.
70So how do I write a Unit Test?
73Put together a snippet of code which sets up the state of the application,
74then run the code to be tested, and check the result. This snippet of code
75should be placed in a test case in a method named test[Something](). Each
76test method takes no arguments and returns nothing.
78Have a look at the existing test code in the testing/ directory of the
79diogenes source distribution for examples of how to write test code.
81When you create a new test case, you need to tell the test code runner that
82it needs to run the new test code. There is an array in the alltests script
83which defines the files and test cases to be run. Each key in the array
84specifies a filename to be read (without the .php extension), while the
85value associated with the key is an array of class names in that file.
87What should I test?
90The naive answer would be "everything". However, that is impractical.
91There are just too many things that could be tested for a policy of "test
92everything" to allow any actual code to be written.
94It helps to think of tests as pulls of the handle on a poker machine. Each
95pull costs you something (some time to write it). You "win" when a test
96that you expected to pass fails, or when a test you expected to fail passes.
97You lose when a test gives you no additional useful feedback. You want to
98maximise your winnings.
100So, write tests that demonstrate something new and different about the
101operation of the system. Before you write any production code, write a test
102which defines how you want the system to act in order to pass the test. Run
103the test suite, verify that the test fails. Now, modify the production code
104just enough so the test passes. If you want the system to do something that
105can't be expressed in one test, write multiple tests, each one interspersed
106with some production development to satisfy *just* *that* new test. This
107is, in my experience, the best way to ensure that you have good test
108coverage, whilst minimising the production of tests which add no value to
109the system.
111How do I retro-fit unit testing onto an existing codebase?
114Diogenes already has a significant amount of code written, which would take
115hundreds of tests to cover completely. There is little point in going back
116and writing tests for all of this functionality. It appears to work well
117enough, so we should just leave it as-is.
119However, from now on, every time you want to make some modification (whether
120it be a refactoring, a bug fix, or a feature addition), write one or more
121test cases which demonstrate your desired result:
123Refactoring: Write tests surrounding the functionality you intend to
124 refactor. Show the test cases accurately represent the desired
125 functionality of the system by ensuring they all run properly. Then
126 perform the refactoring, ensuring you haven't broken anything by
127 making sure the tests all still run properly.
129Bug fix: Write one or more tests which shows the bug in action -- in other
130 words, it hits the bug, and produces erroneous results. Then modify
131 the system so that the test passes. You can be confident that
132 you've fixed the bug, because you have concrete feedback in the form
133 of your test suite that the bug no longer exists.
135Feature addition: Put together some tests which invoke the feature you want
136 to add, and test that the feature is working as it should.
137 Naturally, these tests will fail at first, because the feature
138 doesn't exist. But you then modify the production code to make the
139 feature work, and you stop when your tests all pass.
141Over time, as old code gets modified, the percentage of code covered by the
142tests will increase, and eventually we will have a comprehensively tested
143piece of software.
145During modifications, if you manage to break something accidentally, write a
146test to show the breakage and fix it from there. If you broke it once,
147there's a good chance it'll break again when someone else modifies it, and
148there should be a test to immediately warn the programmer that they've
149broken something.
151How do I run the unit tests?
154The primary script that executes all of the unit tests is the 'alltests'
155script in the testing/ directory of the distribution. However, the output
156of this script is one line for every test that passes or fails.
158To help highlight the test failures, there is a 'run' script, which filters
159out all of the passes, and only shows you the failures. Very useful.
161So, your regular test run will be done with ./run, but if you want to see a
162thousand passes, run ./alltests. Both of these should be run from the
163testing/ directory. Running it from elsewhere isn't likely to get good