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[platal.git] / templates / xnet / skin.tpl
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2{* *}
3{* Copyright (C) 2003-2014 *}
4{* *}
5{* *}
6{* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *}
7{* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *}
8{* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *}
9{* (at your option) any later version. *}
10{* *}
11{* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *}
12{* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *}
14{* GNU General Public License for more details. *}
15{* *}
16{* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *}
17{* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *}
18{* Foundation, Inc., *}
19{* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *}
20{* *}
23{include file="skin/common.doctype.tpl"}
24 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
25 <meta name="description" content="Les associations polytechniciennes" />
26 <meta name="keywords" content="Ecole polytechnique, associations polytechniciennes, groupes X, binets" />
28 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
29 <link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.png" type="image/png" />
30 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="images/logo-xnet.png" type="image/png" />
32 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/xnet.css" media="screen" />
33 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/base.css" media="all" />
34 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bandeau.css" />
36 <link rel="bookmark" href="" title="| École polytechnique" />
37 <link rel="bookmark" href="" title="| Institutionnal site" />
38 <link rel="bookmark" href="" title="| FX" />
39 <link rel="bookmark" href="" title="| AX" />
40 <link rel="bookmark" href="" title="|" />
41 <link rel="bookmark" href="" title="| Site d'élèves" />
43 {include core=plpage.header.tpl}
44 </head>
45 <body>
46 {include core=plpage.devel.tpl}
47 {if !t($simple)}
48 {include file=skin/common.bandeau.tpl}
49 {/if}
51 <table id="layout" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
52 {if !t($simple)}
53 <tr>
54 <td colspan="2">
55 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="top">
56 <tr>
57 <td style="width: 150px">
58 <a href="{if $is_logged}login{/if}"><img src="images/asso-montants.png" alt="Logo Assos" /></a>
59 </td>
60 <td style="width: 106px">
61 {if t($xnet_type)}
62 <img src="images/logo_{$xnet_type}.png" alt="Logo {$xnet_type}" width="106" height="96" />
63 {else}
64 <img src="images/logo_institutions.png" alt="Logo institutions" width="106" height="96" />
65 {/if}
66 </td>
67 <td style="width: 44px">
68 <img src="images/fin_logo.jpg" alt="Fin logo" width="44" height="96" />
69 </td>
70 <td style="width: auto;">
71 <img src="images/bandeau.jpg" alt="bandeau" height="96" width="100%" />
72 </td>
73 {if t($xnet_type)}
74 <td style="width: 280px">
75 <a href="{if $xnet_type eq 'plan'}plan{else}groups/{$xnet_type}{/if}"><img src="images/texte_{$xnet_type}.jpg" alt="{$xnet_type}" width="280" height="96" /></a>
76 </td>
77 {if t($asso)}
78 <td class="logo">
79 {if t($asso->site)}
80 <a href="{$asso->site}"><img src='{$platal->ns}logo' alt="LOGO" height="80" /></a>
81 {else}
82 <img src='{$platal->ns}logo' alt="LOGO" height="80"/>
83 {/if}
84 </td>
85 {/if}
86 {else}
87 <td class="logo">
88 <img src="images/asso.png" alt="Le serveur des activés associative des X" />
89 <a href="">
90 <img src="images/logo-xorg.png" alt="" height="80" />
91 </a>
92 </td>
93 {/if}
94 </tr>
95 </table>
96 </td>
97 </tr>
98 {/if}{* fin simple *}
100 {if $menu && !t($simple)}
101 <tr>
102 <td id="menu">
103 {foreach from=$menu key=title item=submenu}
104 {if $title neq 'no_title'}<h1>{$title}</h1>{/if}
105 {foreach from=$submenu key=tit item=url}
106 {if is_array($url)}
107 <a{foreach from=$url key=var item=val} {$var}="{$val}"{/foreach}>{$tit}</a>
108 {else}
109 <a href="{$url}">{$tit}</a>
110 {/if}
111 {/foreach}
112 {/foreach}
113 {if t($asso)}{assign var=asso_id value=$asso->id}{/if}
114 {if t($smarty.session.suid)}{assign var=suid value=true}{else}{assign var=suid value=false}{/if}
115 {if t($asso) && $is_admin ||
116 ($suid && ($smarty.session.suid.perms->hasFlag('admin') ||
117 $smarty.session.suid.may_update[$asso_id]))}
118 <h1>Voir le site comme&hellip;</h1>
119 <form method="post" action="{$platal->ns}change_rights">
120 <div>
121 <select name="right" onchange="this.form.submit()" style="margin: 0; padding: 0">
122 {if hasPerm('admin') || ($suid && $smarty.session.suid.perms->hasFlag('admin'))}
123 <option value="admin" {if hasPerm('admin') && !($suid && $smarty.session.suid.perms->hasFlag('admin'))}selected="selected"{/if}>Administrateur</option>
124 {/if}
125 <option value="anim" {if $is_admin && !( hasPerm('admin') && !($suid && $smarty.session.suid.perms->hasFlag('admin')))}selected="selected"{/if}>Animateur</option>
126 <option value="member" {if !$is_admin && $is_member}selected="selected"{/if}>Membre</option>
127 <option value="logged" {if !$is_admin && !$is_member}selected="selected"{/if}>Non-membre</option>
128 </select>
129 </div>
130 </form>
131 {/if}
132 </td>
133 <td id="body">
134 {include core=plpage.content.tpl}
135 </td>
136 </tr>
137 {else}
138 <tr>
139 <td colspan="2">
140 {include core=plpage.content.tpl}
141 </td>
142 </tr>
143 {if !t($simple)}
144 <tr class="hideable"><td colspan="2"><img src="images/barre.png" alt="----------" width="100%" /></td></tr>
146 <tr class="hideable">
147 <td colspan="2">
148 <table class="links" summary="liens" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
149 <tr>
150 <td class="left"> <a href="groups/groupesx">Groupes X</a> </td>
151 <td class="left"> <a href="groups/binets">Binets</a> </td>
152 <td class="center"> <a href="groups/promotions">Promotions</a> </td>
153 <td class="center"> <a href="groups/institutions">Institutions</a> </td>
154 <td class="right"> <a href="plan">Tous</a> </td>
155 </tr>
156 </table>
157 </td>
158 </tr>
159 {/if}
160 {/if}
161 {if !t($simple)}
162 <tr class="hideable"><td colspan="2"><img src="images/barre.png" alt="----------" width="100%" /></td></tr>
164 <tr class="hideable">
165 <td colspan="2">
166 <table style="width: 100%">
167 <tr>
168 <td id="perso">
169 {list_all_my_groups}
170 {if !$smarty.session.auth}
171 <div>
172 <a href="login/{if $platal->pl_self() eq 'exit'}index{else}{$platal->pl_self()}{/if}">Connexion</a>
173 </div>
174 {/if}
175 </td>
176 <td class="right" style="vertical-align: middle">
177 {if hasPerm('admin')}
178 <a href="admin" title="Administration des groupes">
179 Gérer les groupes
180 {icon name=wrench title="Administration"}
181 </a><br />
182 {/if}
183 <a href="Xnet" title="Manuel d'aide en ligne">
184 Manuel de l'utilisateur
185 {icon name=lightbulb title="Documentation"}
186 </a>
187 </td>
188 </tr>
189 </table>
190 </td>
191 </tr>
193 <tr class="hideable"><td colspan="2"><img src="images/barre.png" alt="----------" width="100%" /></td></tr>
195 <tr class="hideable">
196 <td colspan="2" id="credits">
197 <a href="plan">plan du site</a> -
198 <a href="Xnet/Services">services proposés</a> -
199 <a href="Xnet/APropos">à propos de ce site</a> -
200 <a href="">nous contacter</a>
201 {if $smarty.session.auth}
202 - <a href="send_bug/{ $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI }" class="popup_840x600">signaler un bug</a>
203 {/if}
204 <br />
205 Plat/al {#globals.version#} - © Copyright 1999-2014 <a href="">Association</a>
206 <div class="pem">
207 <a href="{$globals->baseurl}/pem/{$platal->pl_self()|replace:'/':'_'}/200">Liste1</a>
208 <a href="{$globals->baseurl}/pem/{$platal->pl_self()|replace:'/':'_'}/400">Liste2</a>
209 <!--
210 {poison count=20}
211 -->
212 </div>
213 </td>
214 </tr>
215 {/if}
216 </table>
217 </body>
219{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2 fenc=utf-8: *}