Extends time limit to 120seconds for group mailer (Fru)
[platal.git] / templates / xnetgrp / annuaire.tpl
0337d704 1{**************************************************************************}
2{* *}
5ddeb07c 3{* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Polytechnique.org *}
0337d704 4{* http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *}
5{* *}
6{* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *}
7{* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *}
8{* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *}
9{* (at your option) any later version. *}
10{* *}
11{* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *}
12{* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *}
14{* GNU General Public License for more details. *}
15{* *}
16{* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *}
17{* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *}
18{* Foundation, Inc., *}
19{* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *}
20{* *}
e8439508 23<h1>{$asso.nom}&nbsp;: Annuaire du groupe </h1>
0337d704 24
25<p class="descr">
78cf6438 26Le groupe {$asso.nom} compte {$nb_tot} membres&nbsp;:
0337d704 27</p>
0337d704 29<ul class="descr">
d24c8a11 30 {if $is_admin}
5e193297 31 <li>
32 <a href="{$platal->ns}member/new">
33 {icon name=add title="Ajouter un membre"}
34 Ajouter un membre
35 </a>
36 </li>
37 <li>
38 <a href="{$platal->ns}admin/annuaire">
39 {icon name=wand title="Synchroniser"}
40 Synchroniser annuaire et Listes de diffusion
41 </a>
42 </li>
43 {/if}
dc2073c3 44 <li>
45 <a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire/vcard/photos/{$asso.diminutif}.vcf">
46 {icon name=vcard title="Carte de visite"}
a7de4ef7 47 Ajouter les membres à ton carnet d'adresse
dc2073c3 48 </a>
49 (<a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire/vcard/{$asso.diminutif}.vcf">sans les photos</a>)
50 </li>
0337d704 51</ul>
0337d704 52
a91fb584 53{if $plset_base}
54{include file="core/plset.tpl"}
0337d704 57<p class="center">
f2900e25 58[<a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire?order={$smarty.request.order}" {if !$only_admin}class="erreur"{/if}>tous les membres</a>]
fbacde57 59[<a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire?order={$smarty.request.order}&amp;admin=1" {if $only_admin}class="erreur"{/if}>administrateurs</a>]<br/>
0337d704 60{foreach from=$alphabet item=c}
d8d9fb55 61{if $c}
f2900e25 62[<a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire?{$group}={$c}&amp;order={$smarty.request.order}{if $only_admin}&amp;admin=1{/if}"{if $request_group eq $c} class="erreur"{/if}>{$c}</a>]
d8d9fb55 63{/if}
0337d704 64{/foreach}
4664b701 67<table summary="membres du groupe" class="tinybicol">
0337d704 68 <tr>
e02ecfce 69 <th>
f2900e25 70 <a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire?order=alpha{if $sort neq "alpha_inv"}_inv{/if}{if $request_group and $group eq 'initiale'}&amp;initiale={$request_group}{/if}{if $only_admin}&amp;admin=1{/if}">
e02ecfce 71 {if $sort eq 'alpha'}
c73a312d 72 <img src="{$platal->baseurl}images/dn.png" alt="" title="Tri croissant" />
e02ecfce 73 {elseif $sort eq 'alpha_inv'}
a7de4ef7 74 <img src="{$platal->baseurl}images/up.png" alt="" title="Tri décroissant" />
e02ecfce 75 {/if}
a7de4ef7 76 Prénom NOM
e02ecfce 77 </a>
78 </th>
79 <th>
80 <a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire?order=promo{if $sort eq "promo"}_inv{/if}{if $request_group and $group eq 'promo'}&amp;promo={$request_group}{/if}">
81 {if $sort eq 'promo_inv'}
c73a312d 82 <img src="{$platal->baseurl}images/dn.png" alt="" title="Tri croissant" />
e02ecfce 83 {elseif $sort eq 'promo'}
a7de4ef7 84 <img src="{$platal->baseurl}images/up.png" alt="" title="Tri décroissant" />
e02ecfce 85 {/if}
86 Promo
87 </a>
88 </th>
0337d704 89 <th>Infos</th>
d24c8a11 90 {if $is_admin}
a72a67b9 91 <th>Actions</th>
0337d704 92 {/if}
93 </tr>
94 {iterate from=$ann item=m}
4664b701 95 <tr>
fbacde57 96 <td>
97 {if $m.admin}<strong>{/if}
dc2073c3 98 {if $m.inscrit}
98a7e9dc 99 <a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/profile/{$m.email}" class="popup2">
dc2073c3 100 {elseif $m.x}
98a7e9dc 101 <a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/marketing/public/{$m.uid}">
dc2073c3 102 {/if}
add9e6eb 103 {if $m.femme}&bull;{/if}{if $m.prenom || $m.nom}{$m.prenom} {$m.nom|strtoupper}{else}{$m.email}{/if}
fbacde57 104 {if $m.x}</a>{/if}
e429fff0 105 {if $m.admin}</strong>{/if}
106 {if $m.inscrit && !$m.actif}
107 <a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/marketing/broken/{$m.email}">{icon name=error title="Recherche d'email"}</a>
108 {assign var=broken value=true}
109 {/if}</td>
fbacde57 110 <td>{if $m.admin}<strong>{/if}{$m.promo}{if $m.admin}</strong>{/if}</td>
111 <td class="center">
dc2073c3 112 {if $m.inscrit}
7ac1ef77 113 <a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/vcard/{$m.email}.vcf">{icon name=vcard title="[vcard]"}</a>
f7413044 114 <a href="mailto:{$m.email}@polytechnique.org">{icon name=email title="mail"}</a>
0337d704 115 {else}
f7413044 116 <a href="mailto:{$m.email}">{icon name=email title="mail"}</a>
0337d704 117 {/if}
118 </td>
d24c8a11 119 {if $is_admin}
4664b701 120 <td class="center">
25edb442 121 <a href="{$platal->ns}member/{if $m.x}{$m.email}{else}{$m.uid}{/if}">{icon name=user_edit title="Edition du profil"}</a>
a72a67b9 122 <a href="{$platal->ns}member/del/{if $m.x}{$m.email}{else}{$m.uid}{/if}">{icon name=delete title="Supprimer de l'annuaire"}</a>
123 </td>
0337d704 124 {/if}
125 </tr>
126 {/iterate}
4664b701 129<p class="descr" style="text-align: center">
0337d704 130{foreach from=$links item=ofs key=txt}
d3b88248 131<a href="{$platal->ns}annuaire?offset={$ofs}&amp;initiale={$smarty.request.initiale}&amp;order={$sort}"{if $smarty.request.offset eq $ofs} class="erreur"{/if}>{$txt}</a>
0337d704 132{/foreach}
e429fff0 135{if $broken}
136<p class="smaller">
e8439508 137 {icon name=error}&nbsp;: Un camarade signalé par ce symbole n'a plus d'adresse de redirection et ne peut donc
a7de4ef7 138 plus être contacté via son adresse polytechnique.org. Si tu connais sa nouvelle adresse, tu peux nous la communiquer en
e429fff0 139 cliquant sur le symbole.
a91fb584 143{/if}
a7de4ef7 145{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2 enc=utf-8: *}